Directly pull out a batch of fighters from the cemetery to the air force and solve the urgent needs of the air force? This seems to be the fastest, most effective and most risky.

Unless a large-scale war breaks out, Qin Guan must immediately help the country improve its equipment level. Otherwise, it will bring many side effects. Therefore, Qin Guan has not used his own weapon exchange system recently.

Still rely on normal means.

The meeting was attended mainly by experts from the Ministry of aviation industry and higher-level leaders, such as general Zhang in charge of all military research and development, and other senior leaders.

On the one hand, the personnel of various aircraft design institutes, in addition to 6601 and 6611, and several other research institutes, also attended.

The third party is the air force. The three-way meeting is to systematically decide on the equipment of the air force. Now, it has reached a critical moment.

What's Qin Guan doing here?

Generally speaking, the northern industrial company is an export company, and Qin Guan mainly earns foreign exchange. Therefore, if Qin Guan comes here, according to the post of general manager of the northern industrial company, he is a soy sauce maker.

However, some people present know Qin Guan's super ability. The military industry system of the whole Han country has made great progress in this year, and has successively conquered digital telex, advanced radar and so on. That is Qin Guan's contribution.

Therefore, when Qin Guan comes here, once he speaks, it is very important.

When Qin Guan walked into the conference hall, he began to find his own table. Where should he sit? There is a sign with everyone's name on the table.

Qin Guan just planned to come to watch, so he began to look for it at the end, but he couldn't find it.

"Mr. Qin, where is your seat?" a staff member came up and said.

Where? Rostrum?

Qin Guan glanced, and all the leaders sitting there were big leaders. Now the big leaders have no style.

In general, the subordinates sit down first. When the subordinates sit down, the leaders step up. In this way, they have face. When they leave, the leaders exit first.

But now it's not. There are people coming one after another. On the podium, several leaders have already sat there and are looking at the information.

There was a tall and thin General Zhang. Qin Guan had seen him several times before and had sat together in meetings. Beside General Zhang, there was a slightly burly old man in military uniform. When Qin Guan saw the sign, he was stunned.

General Liu.

This is an old man who came from the revolutionary war. He has played his contribution in various posts. Now, he has been transferred from the post of navy to scientific research.

At the end of 1977, General Liu was appointed deputy director of the national defense science and Technology Commission. In February 1979, he served as assistant chief of general staff of the army. In that parallel world, a few months later, in January 1980, he became deputy chief of the general staff of the people's Liberation Army, in charge of equipment, military affairs and mobilization.

Now, just like General Zhang, he is mainly engaged in scientific research. He directly participated in and organized the formulation of the outline of the development plan of national defense science and technology, and creatively organized the formulation of documents such as the system of conventional weapons and equipment of the whole army, which has played an important role in clarifying the development direction of military weapons and equipment and national defense science and technology industry, and ensured the development, production, procurement Guarantee and other work should be scientific, standardized and systematic.

Now, General Liu also attended the meeting, which is related to the future of the air force.

Qin Guan's position is next to General Liu.

Where can I sit myself? How is this possible? Isn't that good?

Qin Guan admired several people on the stage. He never thought that he could be on an equal footing with them when he was young. He couldn't afford it.

Just then, general Zhang raised his head, saw Qin Guan, and immediately waved, "general Qin, come and sit here."

Just like last time, Qin Guan could only walk over and say, "General Zhang, this position is not suitable for me."

General Liu also raised his head: "young man, we are all for the revolution and the construction of the motherland. We should do our best to have as much capacity as we can. This position is not only an honor, but also a responsibility, don't you think?"

"Yes, General Liu is right." of course, Qin Guan has great admiration for General Liu. Now, what the other party said is more about Qin Guan's heart. Those bureaucratic styles are not tenable here. What we need is hard work.

Qin Guan sat down and looked at a pile of documents placed in front of his desk. Each document has top secret words. These documents are very important.

Qin Guan picked up the first report on the j-8-2 project.

After looking at it, Qin Guan turned to the second part, the modification plan of turbofan VI.

Finally, I found the progress of the Raptor project.

Looking at this order, Qin Guan's mind is also heavy. This is a meeting of the Ministry of aviation industry. In their eyes, is the Raptor project at the bottom?

This meeting was organized by the Ministry of aviation industry. In their eyes, is the j-8-2 more important than the Raptors?

Qin Guan has gradually understood what major Yang once warned himself that there will be a lot of resistance ahead.

What about yourself? Don't you just keep going?

Of course not! Since you are sitting here, it is a responsibility to provide the aircraft most suitable for the air force to the air force. No matter how much resistance there is in front, since you have the ability, you should do your best!

"Well, when everyone is here, let's have a meeting. This time, we mainly discuss the equipment of Air Force fighters. We know that our biggest threat now is the threat of the bear country. Especially in the past year, with our continuous victory in the border war, the bear country has been constantly intimidating us. We should be prepared and the equipment of the air force will be updated even more Hurry up, we can't wait. "

Minister Mo is giving you a briefing: "At this time, good news has come frequently from our scientific research. Our 114 institutes have overcome the difficulties in the development of advanced radars, and we can have advanced radars to use. Therefore, taking the J-8 as the carrier and improving the nose to accommodate large caliber radars to achieve long-range interception capability is our most important project at present. Let's look at the first project Plan, J-8 2. "

President Gu's face is smiling, and those small problems are put aside. In short, our j-8-2 is what the air force needs most at present. Don't look at President Qin sitting on the stage, what can you say? Can you object directly?

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