"Self reliance does not conflict with the introduction of technology." General Liu stood up, patted the table with his hand and looked at the people below.

Mr. Gu's meaning is that we can't introduce it. If it is introduced, the domestic research and development will be blind. This conclusion is incorrect.

General Liu's eyes were full of embarrassment: "We should speed up and continue to develop our own aircraft. But the male cat fighter is a good thing. We can't do it in the short term. Instead of spending nine cattle and two tigers to develop something that is backward in development, we might as well spend some money and buy some technology to shorten time and save money. Now we happen to have an appropriate plan, so we should seize this historical opportunity to buy it to fill our air power The quantity is empty! "

General Liu clearly expressed his attitude: "if we do not introduce or equip, once a military struggle occurs, there is no way, that is a historical responsibility and there is no way to explain!"

This is a historical responsibility! The hat that General Liu buttoned is definitely not low, but it is also in line with the current situation.

Xiong Guo, relying on the large increase in the price of oil in the world, exports oil to Europe and makes a lot of money. Their pockets are bulging and their ambitions are big. Xiong Guoren may come to carry out armed intervention at any time.

If 6601 institute can imitate the blue shark and fly for the first time at the end of the year, like 6611 Institute, there will be no current episode. The problem is that they make it clear that they can't imitate it at all with the current level.

In that case, there is a channel to buy. Why not buy it? Now, if you buy it for a few months, you can form combat effectiveness. It's ready-made!

The air force has been looking forward to it for a long time. The air force can no longer wait. The sky of the Han country needs advanced heavy air control fighters. Once the male cat comes and has the undead bird missile, it can guard the sky very firmly.

This is a historical responsibility!

When he heard this, Qin Guan's heart was shocked.

Qin Guan remembered these words, which were the original words of General Liu when he introduced Su-27 in later generations.

At that time, whether to introduce Su-27 was also noisy in China. 6601 Institute firmly opposed it. In their eyes, it was OK to have J-8 2. Why do they need Su-27? Even if Su-27 was introduced and produced in plant 1112, it would not work. If they wanted J-8 2, they would sell it to the Navy and air force to equip J-8 2 in large quantities. This is their child.

As a result, General Liu made the decision, and the Su-27 project was successfully introduced.

General Liu is a layman because he has been associated with the Navy for most of his life. However, in the equipment of the air force, General Liu has made great achievements.

Not only the Su-27, but also the J-10, the turbofan 10 in the J-10 plan. It was too late to complete the research and development. After the introduction of the Su-27, General Liu patted the table, so he put the third aunt on the Su-27 on the J-10.

The 6611 Institute at that time was unwilling. You are obviously a layman leading an expert. If you change your third aunt, the whole rear fuselage will have to be changed and the air inlet will have to be re matched.

6611 resisted. As a result, General Liu patted the table and gave it down.

As a result, the J-10 successfully served in large quantities and survived by his third aunt, while the turbofan 10, even before Qin Guan's crossing, was not installed on the J-10. It has been experimenting and experimenting all the time.

General Liu is far sighted. Now general Liu is even more aware of the future air combat. It is impossible to rely on the j-8-2. Since there is a chance, why not introduce advanced third-generation aircraft?

Here, General Liu patted the table. At the same time, when he went to his superiors, General Liu also had to do a lot of work.

However, no matter how much resistance we encounter, we should complete it, because it is a historical responsibility.

This is the result of General Liu's serious consideration of the overall situation of the country and the current situation.

The introduction of male cats can immediately fill the gap in the Han air force, protect the sky of the motherland, and lay the foundation for future aircraft carriers, because male cats are originally the identity of ship-based aircraft.

General Liu had thought of this in advance.

With General Liu's approval, President Gu finally dared not object. It would be unwise for him to contradict again at this time.

However, of course, 6601 Institute will not admit defeat because of this. How can the big brother of domestic military aircraft development lose?

Today's meeting has been delayed for more than two hours. Everyone's stomach is growling with hunger. However, many people's faces are filled with smiles.

"President Qin, I'm counting on you this time." at the dinner table of the Ministry of aviation industry, a group of air force generals surrounded Qin Guan.

Even if General Liu makes the decision, even if the state agrees to pay, there is still a premise, that is, Qin Guan wants to deceive.

If Qin Guan can't buy those male cat fighters at a low price according to his idea, everything will be in vain.

General Liu can agree that price is a big factor.

At 600 million yuan, less than 20 Eagles can be bought from Grumman. At the same time, it is still bare metal. If weapons and ammunition, training costs and later backup engines are added, the price will double. In other words, at 600 million yuan, 10 Eagles can be bought back at most.

Ten. What's enough? Not even a flight brigade is enough. It's useless at all.

Now, at the same price, Qin Guan promised to buy 79 aircraft, which is enough to be stationed in several airports in the north. Relying on its large voyage, the whole airspace in the north can be firmly guarded.

The male cat fighter also has a combat radius of more than 700 kilometers depending on the internal fuel. A flight regiment, about 20 aircraft, with four flight regiments, can control a long defense line of two or three thousand kilometers.

The air force can't wait.

"General Zhang, does our air force have its own small treasury?" Qin Guan asked quietly.

Hearing Qin Guan's words, general Zhang, commander of the air force, immediately lowered his voice: "we will provide funds for bribing the Sabbath. As long as the contract can be completed, our air force is willing to provide the funds."

Each service must have its own small Treasury. Qin Guan asked, as expected.

However, Qin Guan doesn't want any bribe money. It's more cost-effective to take the account of northern industry.

"If you have a lot of money, I can try every means to buy other good things from the Sabbath country." Qin Guan said: "transport aircraft, air tankers, helicopters, the current Sabbath country are extremely hostile to the West. These equipment are also evil in their eyes. It's just that we can copy the bottom."

The air force generals present were all shining in their eyes.

"I want to take out my salary!"

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