"We improve the turbine front temperature of the engine, which will bring changes in other aspects. Therefore, we must consider comprehensively. A small parameter change means that we must re study." an expert from Luoluo company said: "we need to conduct detailed research and bench test. These are best carried out in Luoluo company."

"If it is carried out here, the cost of these test runs will be borne by ourselves. However, if we go to Luoluo company for test run, I'm afraid our superiors will not grant funds." facing the proposal of Luoluo company's experts, Mr. Wu said with a smile.

After the last negotiation, Mr. Wu also had confidence. When it was time to be tough with foreigners, they had to be tough. It was impossible for them to avoid their own research.

Through the modification of the engine, they quickly accumulate R & D experience, which is what they need most. Now, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"But there is not enough equipment here."

"We can buy it."

"I think we can experiment here." another expert from Luoluo company spoke. It was Robert, an engineer from Luoluo company, who was very friendly to the Chinese side.

Now, hearing his words, Han Guo's face showed a smile.

"In the modification of Spey, the improvement of compressor was proposed by the Chinese side. After calculation, we can fully meet the requirements of increasing air flow and meet their processing foundation. Now, there is no problem to test here. After all, the prototype of Spey has completed the bench test here."

The engineer of RORO company who just objected has stopped talking.

For the sake of Spey's modification, the engineers of Luoluo company wanted to give some guidance from the top. As a result, the Han people actually came up with a detailed scheme for the improvement of the compressor. After a calculation, it was completely correct.

By improving the compressor, increasing the air flow, improving the turbine blades and increasing the turbine front temperature, more fuel can be injected and greater power can be produced.

In theory, the modification of this engine has been studied and is waiting for the final installation experiment.

After all, no matter how well the theoretical research is, there will be many problems in the experiment. Now, they want to stay in the experiment and take it back to NiuGuo for bench test.

Of course, the Han state will not agree.

"It seems that our progress is good." at this time, Qin Guan came in with a smile: "our new Jian may be able to wait for a new engine when we test fly."

Spey now has more than nine tons of thrust, which is not satisfactory for the new j-j. if the modification is increased to 11.5 tons or even 12 tons, it is roughly enough. Relying on the agility of the canard wing, it will make the Raptor's flight more smooth.

If the new Jian test flight, it is best to use a new engine, but the reliability must be achieved. Otherwise, the old model should be used first to ensure that there is no failure.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we also look forward to catching up with the new engine. However, our old engine will not be wasted. Now, the old engine has been used in our H-7."

Hearing what Wu said, Qin Guan was stunned. Yes, he actually forgot such a project.

H-7, the name may not be familiar to ordinary people, but to say Flying Leopard, it is definitely famous. The first long-range aircraft in the Han Dynasty is Flying Leopard.

Feibao is H - 7. The current project code is H - 7, also known as project 70

Qin Guan was immediately excited. This project started when Qin Guan did not participate in military construction.

At the beginning of 1973, the Aeronautical Research Institute of the national defense science and Technology Commission instructed 6603 Research Institute to carry out the pre research of supersonic tactical bomber. The preparatory meeting for aviation development planning held in the capital in April 1973 pointed out that a common successor aircraft of H-5 or H-5 and qiang-5 should be established to strengthen air attack forces.

The speed of H-5 and H-6 is too slow to meet the requirements of modern high-intensity operations, and the supersonic strong-5 range is too short, only 1500 km, and the bomb carrying capacity is only 2000 kg. Therefore, the demand for this new type of aircraft with both fighter and bomber performance is urgent.

Therefore, in 1974, 6603 Institute established a demonstration team for the H-7 scheme, and successively went to the relevant air and naval forces for investigation and research.

At this time, there was a battle between the Han Navy and monkeys in the southern sea.

Relying on the fearless spirit of the brave, the Chinese Navy sank one monkey Navy escort gunship and injured three destroyers, but it also exposed the problem of lack of aviation air support.

Therefore, the need for the navy is even more urgent.

Therefore, in this case, according to the requirements of the Navy and air force, the Commission of science, technology and industry for national defense determined the tactical and technical requirements for the new fighter bomber, and then asked the three aircraft departments to use one model to equip the same kind of weapons and airborne equipment to meet the needs of the Navy and air force respectively. In the plan, in addition to the different weapons and equipment used in combat, the technical performance of the new Jian Hong of the Navy and air force is basically the same.

The research and development of H-7 has been carried out vigorously.

On October 10, 1977, the third Machinery Department officially named hong-7, code H-7, in reply to the model name and code of hong-5 successor (No. (77) Sanji 1008).

Then, the 6603 Institute proposed the preliminary design of the H-7 after the improved scheme: a fighter bomber with front-line supersonic low altitude penetration capability, determined the way to combine the traditional design with the line flight control technology, and tried to make the design reach a more advanced level. Moreover, this aircraft uses the Spey engine.

On the whole, the H-7 has simple structure, simple aerodynamic design, large bomb load and long operational radius. After many years of ups and downs, it finally entered the Navy and the air force, becoming an excellent fighter bomber in the Han country.

After Qin Guan came to this world, he focused on the fighter. After all, the biggest threat of the Han state is the bomber of the Xiong state. Qin Guan has never paid attention to this Flying Leopard.

4430 factory is to imitate Spey, and at the same time, this factory also belongs to the subordinate unit of 6603 Institute. Now, when old Wu said this, Qin Guan was also interested: "it seems that I want to go to 6603 Institute."

In fact, due to his limited time and energy, Qin Guan can't pay attention to all his projects alone, which is beyond his authority. Although Qin Guan wants to participate in similar projects such as Yunshi and helicopter, he is still powerless.

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