"Now, our scientific and technological personnel are the hardest," Qin Guan said. "With the country's reform and opening up, a large number of people will get rich. Soon, it will become popular in society. It's better to sell tea eggs than to make raw bullets."

Qin Guan said so, that's a real thing. Domestic scientific research institutions are Qingshui Yamen and scientific and technological workers. They are simply tightening their belts.

The temptation of the outside world is too great. Therefore, before long, there will be a new trend in China, that is, going to the sea. Those who have various stable jobs have resigned their jobs and joined the red sea of Commerce.

Qin Guan will not judge their right or wrong. After all, people want to live a good life and their pursuit of a better life is endless.

Now, Qin Guan just hopes that scientific researchers can work steadily in their posts and do their favorite career. At the same time, there are some new prospects.

"We can't let our scientific and technological workers live a hard life, especially the young people who have made contributions. We should let them correspond to some material rewards when they get some honors, so that they can be more motivated."

Qin Guan said so with deep experience. Some honors sound very tall, but they are useless except that they can mount the honor certificate and hang it on the wall at home. Their children still can't afford automatic pencils and can only eat meat once a month.

In addition to honor, there must be material rewards.

Many people present have bright eyes.

Qin Guan continued: "therefore, we think we should set up a special award to encourage our people and teams who have made outstanding contributions in the field of science and technology. For example, it is called the national science and technology progress award. How about it?"

Qin Guan continued to paint cakes for the people: "all the one million Eagle yuan will be used as the bonus of this award. Then, the state should not be stingy, but also take out part to collect a huge special bonus, which will be selected once a year to give bonuses to individuals and groups who have made outstanding contributions, so as to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm with real materials."

Now, Chinese currency is very valuable. One eagle yuan can only be exchanged for 1.4962 Chinese currency. Even so, one million Eagle yuan is a huge sum of money.

Of course, it's not enough to be used as a bonus. The state also needs to give another part to be selected once a year and give awards to those who have made outstanding contributions to science and technology every year.

Besides, this year, for example, the Raptor has made its first flight. The Raptor's R & D team should definitely win a group award for scientific and technological progress. Individuals, such as song Lao and others, should also receive a personal bonus.

They may not care, but they must not treat these scientific researchers unfairly!

Qin Guan did not participate in the bonus payment or selection. He just contributed the money and hoped to form a special evaluation organization.

In this way, the funds donated to the state are saved and taken away by some people applying for funds.

"Well, Qin Guan, your proposal is very good. I'll make this request to the Party Central Committee when I go back this time." General Zhang's eyes are also shining.

Yes, he is in charge of scientific research. He also knows under what circumstances scientific researchers work seriously. If they can make achievements under such conditions, they should be rewarded materially!

Qin Guan's proposal is really great. No wonder Qin Guan is deeply valued by the No. 1 leader. He never stands on the height of his own self-interest and always how to promote the overall development and progress of the country.

Qin Guan was well deserved and received the grateful eyes of everyone.

In history, there is an important story.

Zhu Yuanzhang needed to repair the city wall because he was always facing the attack of the enemy. However, Zhu Yuanzhang had no money on hand, so he divided the city wall and asked Shen Wansan, a rich man in the south of the Yangtze River at that time, to be responsible for building a section of the city wall, streets, water gates and other projects.

Shen Wansan, a well-known tycoon in China, felt that after receiving this task, he was a good opportunity to flatter the emperor. He supervised the work in person and worked hard, so he completed the construction of the city wall very quickly.

He thought he was helping Zhu Yuanzhang. Who knows, he is a real dwarf in business and politics.

He didn't know that he had already buried a great disaster by comparing Zhu Yuanzhang to the past.

At the same time, what's more stupid is that watching everyone work so hard, Shen Wansan decided to give millions of liang of gold to craftsmen and soldiers. Now, he was completely blacklisted by Zhu Yuanzhang.

My country, my people, can only be rewarded by myself. When will it be your turn to be a businessman?

What Zhu Yuanzhang hated most was officials and rich businessmen. After that, the Shen family completely declined. Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed it, confiscated all his family property and distributed it to the border areas.

Therefore, the act of rewarding the public with his own property is quite stupid. Qin Guan can't set up a Qin Guan scientific and technological progress award in his own name.

He is dedicated to the country in the name of the country and set up a special award. The country can't deduct the claim, but also take part of it. In this way, all the problems can be solved perfectly.

Stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of scientific and technological workers!

Qin Guan said that the people present were quite excited.

"The meteorological department reported that the meteorological conditions would improve in two hours." just then, a good news came.

Two hours left? Old song looked at everyone present: "why don't you go to dinner first. After dinner, we can prepare for the take-off."

Unconsciously, it was almost noon.

The silver fighter stands quietly on the runway. Time is slowly passing, and the thick fog in the sky is slowly dispersing. Finally, the sun sprinkles a light from the gap of the thick fog and sprinkles the warm sunshine on the earth.

A group of engineers and ground crew have gathered around the Raptor. The first flight is finally about to begin!

On the side of the runway, a temporary stand was set up. After lunch, all the staff and distinguished guests sat here waiting for the important ceremony of the first flight.

This is destined to be a moment of history!

In the attention of the public, Chen Rui, wearing a full set of flight equipment, slowly walked towards his plane.

For him, it was an ordinary flight.

Today, there seems to be something wrong with Chen Rui's face. Why is he so red?

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