In the war of that year, the kingdom of David was dragged back by the chicken country. Originally, the chicken country was completely independent export and was not at the mercy of the eagle country. As a result, it bowed its head in the oil country.

After all, if the chicken country doesn't stop arms export, they will lose the source of oil import. In front of the cruel reality, David realized that relying on foreign countries is always better than relying on themselves. Therefore, they stole the data of phantom 5 and finally made the lion cub fighter perfectly.

After having tasted the sweetness, the kingdom of David was out of control. While the cub fighter was still in production, it began the research and development of new fighters.

After repeated development, it was finally determined in 1974. The basic design principle is to adopt the verified aerodynamic layout of "lion cub" and determine to select Eagle F100 engine. However, when the final plan was submitted to the air force for approval, the air force rejected it because it believed that its performance was lower than that of the F-16, and said it would purchase the F-16 directly.

Although the air force also hopes that domestic military aircraft R & D can drive into the fast lane, the air force should consider for themselves after all. First of all, it should meet their needs, and the price should be cheaper than imported ones.

After that, in order to improve the performance, the designers consider changing the original single engine scheme to double engine, and preliminarily select rb-199 of Luoluo company or ge-404 of GE company. The other is to completely change the aircraft shape and aerodynamic layout and completely get rid of the "young lion".

After several years of experiments and comprehensive evaluation, the designers are convinced that the performance of this dual release bureau can exceed that of the F-16. But the size of the plane must be increased. However, this will lead to soaring costs. Therefore, just this autumn, this opinion was rejected for budgetary reasons.

The technicians at that time almost wanted to cry without tears. You said that my performance was not enough, so I improved my performance. Now that the performance is improved, you actually spray me again. The cost is high!

Historically, designers dried their tears and started development again. Finally, they came up with a lo-33 scheme, which adopts a small-size single engine layout. The basic configuration is a triangular wing with short-range coupled full moving front wing and abdominal air intake. The f404 first-class engine of GM is selected as the power, combined with advanced flight control, avionics and structural technology to make up for the shortcomings of small size.

Later, the plan was finally adopted and became a famous Lavi fighter.

However, in the end, under the pressure of Eagle country, the project was strangled.

Now, at the end of 79, when their project had just been shot, they were devastated. Suddenly, lafar found something.

"Let's see how the Han people solved these contradictions." lafar looked to the East and saw the super-7 fighters that the Han country had completed its export plan.

This aircraft uses f404 engine. The cost of the whole aircraft is controlled within the poor range of 5 million Eagle yuan, but the performance is still good.

If the performance is too poor, the holy air force will not be in love. After all, the holy air force is also made in actual combat.

In this way, they found Qin Guan who was visiting the Sabbath and put forward these procurement plans.

Has this procurement plan been approved by the Ministry of defense? Of course not. David is the best at doing business. They can negotiate here first and find various ideas. They can go back and improve their fighters or introduce them. Anyway, negotiations are often impossible.

Unfortunately, Qin Guan saw the key to the problem at once. At this time, glassA can only guarantee by patting her chest.

GlassA is not completely talking nonsense. He has seen that if he wants to reduce the cost, he can only make up his mind to introduce the production line!

Why is the cost of self-developed fighters very high? Because many parts are ordered from abroad, think about it. Even for a wing, they have to place orders from Eagle country. How can the price be low?

Look at other people's j-14. Except for the engine, all the equipment is self-produced. In this case, of course, the cost has been well controlled!

If the j-14 is not introduced, it is impossible to introduce the production line. Even if we first introduce a scale of 10 or 20 aircraft, and then produce them ourselves, we can greatly control the cost. Then, we can obtain valuable experience from the self-developed fighter project.

In particular, it would be better if we could get the technical data of the j-9.

Thinking of this, he put forward again: "President Qin, we are very sincere about this cooperation. We also hope that you can provide us with the information of j-9. You can put forward conditions. As long as we can promise, we will promise."

Don't open your mouth to the lion. If you kill us as sheep, we won't be fooled.

Qin Guan's face was distressed: "well, it's hard to do. After all, it's our national defense secret. However, if we exchange secrets for secrets at an equal value, we can consider it."

What is needed in China is not capital, but technology. What Qin Guan needs is to package the technology.

After talking for a long time, I finally mentioned the point. This is not what I want to say. You begged me all the time!

"Mr. Qin, how do you want to exchange at equal value?" glassA asked.

"In fact, it's also very simple. Let me think about it." Qin Guan pretended to think deeply. At this time, good things had sprung up in his mind.

What military fans of later generations are most familiar with is also a shame in military purchase. Of course, it is the Falcon early warning aircraft project.

Although this project was started in the 1990s, the radar research on this project has already started. At this time, it should be called full-mode pulse Doppler radar.

At the same time, there are also habi anti radiation UAV, the sharp weapon for air battle victory in Bekaa Valley, adm-160 MALD air launched decoy bomb, Perry tank (self-propelled anti tank missile, which is disguised as a self-propelled anti tank fire platform with 12 or 24 rounds with mecava tank chassis, which is somewhat similar to bear's TOS fire spitting tank), long nail anti tank missile, etc.

These technical materials, if obtained, will have a great impact on the domestic military industry. At the same time, if you find some upgraded products from the weapons cemetery, you will not be restricted.

Among these projects, the first thing to get is the technology of phased array radar. If this thing can be made in advance by our own side, it will definitely be against the sky.

We have just overcome the difficulties of flat panel slot radar, and now we will continue to move towards phased array radar!

Thinking of this, Qin Guan smiled: "it seems that you are developing a full-mode pulse Doppler radar. We use technology to exchange technology, j-9 technical data, and exchange this technical data. How about it?"

Qin Guan's words had just been translated by scholars, and the other party's face changed greatly.

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