"1355..." in an instant, a unique sound was played out in the auditorium sound.

The sound is quite monotonous, monotonous, just like a person who has just learned an instrument and plays it in the most unskilled way, but this tune is the most familiar.

"What's the matter? What kind of accompaniment is this?" Moore was surprised. He looked at the podium and couldn't see the accompaniment orchestra.

And jobs, with his eyes wide open, looked ahead.

On the computer screen, a bright red flag of the Han Dynasty appeared, which was constantly waving, as if it were rising.

With the raising of the flag, the prelude to the national anthem is over.

At this time, without anyone issuing an order, all the Han people, students, teachers and technical experts present stood up, looked at the red flag on the screen, opened their mouths and sang loudly in the auditorium.

This song began in the war years, but in the current era of peace, the song still has great significance.

This is everyone's heartfelt singing. Many people, or their parents, have experienced the war, know the value of peace and how difficult the motherland was established. This song is the highest respect.

In the auditorium, the sound of the Han state was higher than one. At the same time, the foreigners present were deeply stimulated.

Such a country, such a nation, has never been conquered or defeated. Now, with the economic development, their country is beginning to be vigorous and upward again. Over time, it is bound to stand in the forest of nations in the world. The Han country is bound to become a first-class power in the world!

The song echoed over the auditorium and on the campus of a famous university. When people near the auditorium heard the national song, they all stopped and sang along. The song echoed throughout the campus.

The whole city, singing is also floating.

The effect was so good that Qin Guan didn't even think of it.

Since the computer can make a sound, it's necessary to make a start-up sound. Anyway, waiting is also waiting. Future computers, those master machines, slowly staring at the blue sky and white clouds on the computer are quite boring. Therefore, Qin Guan had an idea and simply played a sound at the same time.

Just like the mobile phone's start-up bell, Qin Guan did not intend to find those popular songs, but decided to use the national anthem as the start-up sound. Now, Qin Guan is very moved by this momentum.

This is the Han people. They all love their motherland from the bottom of their hearts. They are full of ambition and contribute their strength to the prosperity of the motherland!

And I, also want to contribute all my strength to the strength of the motherland!

Qin Guan didn't know that since then, with the popularity of Hanxin computers, all pre installed red flag systems use the national anthem as the starting sound. Whether at home or abroad, especially those computers sold abroad, they have built-in programs. The starting sound can't be changed and the volume can't be adjusted. As long as they start up, they have to listen to this song.

Jobs opened his mouth. Now, he has understood that this sound is actually made from the computer. Who would have thought that the computer of the Han people can make a sound. Even the simplest single note has a bad timbre. However, after all, it is made from the computer.

Who would have thought that the computer could make a sound? This is definitely a genius idea!

Jobs sat in the front row. At this time, he stared at the computer and watched the red flag picture disappear. With the end of a national anthem, he finally entered the system.

In the past, the computer screen was black, beating a cursor, entering commands at any time and entering the system, but now, the computer screen is bright.

Yes, like the TV screen, the screen is fully bright, with icons on it. The flashing cursor disappears and becomes an arrow, which can be operated by the mouse.

"This is our graphical operating system, which was compiled by our national program experts." Ni Gong continued to introduce: "Compared with the previous operating system, its biggest feature is simplicity, because we know that computers will enter thousands of households. Computers should not only be used in the field of scientific research, but also be widely manipulated among the people. If a person who has never touched the computer can master the basic operation in a few minutes, just like TV and tape recorder, it can be obtained The ultimate success, and now we have done it. "

Jobs murmured, "yes, that's what we want!"

His apple 2 computer can also make sound, but this sound is not made by the computer itself, but by integrating other sound making devices and making sound through conversion circuits. Now, Hanson computer is actually made by itself. His apple 2 computer can also display color graphics, but this display principle is similar to that of TV, and it can't be like now In this way, the perfect integration of color graphics into the system is a part of the operating system.

Jobs has a genius like vision. He can see at once that this Hanxin computer is an epoch-making and cross century work. It is simply a watershed in the personal computer. It is too powerful!

"We should also develop such a computer, otherwise we will have to be crushed," jobs murmured.

Almost at the same time, Ni Gong is still introducing. He clicks gently with the mouse. The first is the first icon above.

"This is my computer. Click it to operate all kinds of files, disk drives, etc. for it, we have specially equipped a hard disk."

"This is the start menu. We can also find the familiar command line here."

With that, he clicked a button, and the interface suddenly turned black, returning to the familiar command prompt line. On this interface, Ni Gong's hand beats, enters the windows command, presses enter, and the color screen interface returns, just like a trick.

"It is downward compatible and can be compatible with existing programs. At the same time, we are working on a word processing system. We will complete the input and editing of Chinese characters on this computer."

Now, the computer still can't display Chinese characters. It's unreliable to place this task on L. Hanxin technology company has been busy recently. Now, this operating system has been developed, and the next goal is to realize the input of Chinese characters.

Ni Gong didn't make his own Hanka as in history. He doesn't need it anymore. He can do it directly with software because his computer performance is too strong.

The scene was filled with sobs. Everyone looked and listened in surprise. At this time, Lisa hid in a corner backstage, quietly lifted the curtain backstage and looked forward.

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