Qin Guan felt fresh everywhere on the ship.

In later generations, after experiencing dormancy, the navy of the Han country finally began to storm troops. The domestic aegis warships, batches of groundwater and special air defense destroyers effectively protected the safety of the aircraft carrier formation, which is the pride of the Han country.

And now, the Han Navy is still the hardest time!

051 destroyer, called brigade class by foreign countries, is now emitting thick smoke from two huge chimneys in the middle of the ship.

This kind of smoke is often criticized by people. They think that black smoke from warships is a backward performance. In fact, black smoke from warships is a normal thing.

Warships still burn boilers. In essence, they are no different from the first ship, Fulton's fool, except that they used to burn coal and now burn heavy oil.

Heavy oil is the worst thing in oil refining. The cost is quite cheap. Therefore, the cost of burning it is also the lowest. Needless to say, destroyers, even aircraft carriers, burn heavy oil as long as they are not nuclear powered.

It is normal for this kind of heavy oil to emit black smoke due to insufficient combustion. Fortunately, the ship is only accelerating, so the smoke will fall behind the warship.

Seen from a distance, ships are sailing on the sea with a backward spreading black smoke on the top and splashes on the tail.

"President Qin, today's weather is pretty good and the wind and waves are small, but the meteorological department predicts that we will encounter bad weather the day after tomorrow." Captain Wei said: "I suggest you stay on our warship for two days and get on that ship."

Captain Wei pointed to the distant ship with two huge Paraboloid Antennas. It was yuanwang-1.

"Our warship is well maintained," Qin Guan said to captain Wei.

He walked back and forth here and touched it casually. Even the innermost part of a pipeline was clean without dust for a long time.

"Yes, our sailors love warships very much. Once the motherland needs them, they can set up ships to sea at any time to meet the enemy."

Captain Wei looked at the anti-ship missile launcher behind him with a surging mood.

Although the huge launcher is frightening, in fact, it is just an empty shell that is not loaded with missiles. However, when they go to sea this time, all six huge eagle strike-1 missiles are hoisted in. That is to say, once an emergency occurs this time, their own side may fire.

Where is the enemy on the vast ocean? Everyone is very serious.

"What a pity." Qin Guan said, "if the enemy comes, it may not be a warship, but a plane. At that time, we will have few means to deal with it."

Here are warships. We can confront each other. We can turn the missile launcher around, aim at the other party, give a warning and fire at any time.

But what if it's a plane?

The naval gun can only protect the airspace near the warship itself, and can't play the role of driving the enemy at all.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, our navy has always attached great importance to air defense. Unfortunately, our own scientific research ability is too weak." Wei Jian sighed.

The navy has no suitable anti-aircraft missiles at all.

The domestic hongqi-2 is a regional air defense missile, but it is used on land. It is still a liquid engine. The fuel is filled before launch. The fuel is still highly toxic. When operating at sea, the risk is not generally high. The fuel tank may leak due to corrosion. When filling, the hull may shake, and the poison is everywhere, It doesn't work at all.

At present, there are only red flag 61 under research in China. Up to now, this missile, which has been approved since the 1960s, still has continuous failure problems. It can't shoot targets on land with live ammunition, let alone ship loading at sea.

Historically, it was not until 1992 that it was officially equipped with the Navy.

"Yes," said Qin Guan, "our navy really needs new equipment."

The navy was so aggrieved that it stayed with anti-aircraft guns until the 1990s.

So, what should I do?

In later generations, the Han state introduced the sea rattlesnake of the chicken state, but this point air defense missile only solved the problem of whether there was a problem or not, and could not solve the problem of formation air defense urgently needed by the Navy.

I have begun to talk with Niu Guo about the production of sky flash missile. On the basis of this missile, how can I improve it and become the Navy's ship to air missile?

This is also possible. After all, its prototype sparrow missile has been improved by the eagle Navy and has become a sea sparrow missile, which is widely used on the warships of the eagle Navy.

On the basis of the original air-to-air missile, it is not difficult to transplant the fire control system and add boosters.

However, the range will also shrink greatly. After all, the airborne missile carrier provides the initial speed, but what the navy has is nothing, even with the booster, it is not as good as the fighter's 2 Maher awesome.

Moreover, the current introduction has not been negotiated, and the improvement will not know how long. If the Navy wants to temporarily need it, it should consider importing from abroad as a whole.

"At present, our navy is more interested in NiuGuo Navy's type 42 destroyer, and many people advocate introducing it." at this time, Captain Wei suddenly spoke again.

Hearing captain Wei's words, Qin Guan immediately remembered something. Yes!

In the 1980s, a key project of the navy was the introduction of NiuGuo 42 destroyers!

Thin dead camels are bigger than horses. Although the cow country has declined, many technologies are still in the forefront of the world.

In 1966, Niu Guo successfully developed the sea mark gun type shipborne air defense missile, which has a range of 70 kilometers and is absolutely the main force of regional air defense.

In order to carry this missile, the Niu people are going to build four 82 large missile destroyers to provide regional air defense capabilities for their two new aircraft carriers, cva-01 and cva-02.

Unfortunately, the Niu people were also poor. The aircraft carrier construction plan was cancelled. As the aircraft carrier escort force, the type 82 destroyer only built one, and stopped working with the aircraft carrier plan.

As an alternative plan, NiuGuo Navy officially proposed the requirements for designing a new generation of destroyers, which are mainly used for regional air defense of special task force formation. At the same time, it is required to have anti submarine and sea combat capabilities, which can not only be a member of the Navy special task force formation, but also operate independently. Thus, the type 42 Sheffield class missile destroyer with much smaller displacement came into being.

The type 42 destroyer has a full load displacement of 5350 tons. The propulsion system adopts two Olympus tm3b high-speed gas turbines. It is the ship's maximum speed of 30 knots. Its power and weapons are very advanced. It is definitely an enviable commodity in the 1980s.

Of course, this is the view before the war two years later.

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