"Comrades, today is a day worthy of celebration." General Zhao's voice sounded on the horn of Yuanwang 1: "we are about to cross the equator! In order to celebrate the memorable moment of our formation passing through the equator, the formation will uniformly organize the ceremony of crossing the equator."

With General Zhao's order, all the ships took action.

In the main control hall, Qin Guan could see a line of sea and sky in the distance. He didn't know where he was. Finding his position on the vast sea was a challenge.

However, the precise positioning equipment on the ship shows that our side is about to cross the equator.

If the earth is regarded as a ball, it rotates around its axis. The plane perpendicular to the axis is a circle, and the largest circle is the equator.

The equator divides the earth into the north and south hemispheres. For many years, the navy of Han has been active in the northern hemisphere. Now, it is the first time to officially cross the equator and reach the southern hemisphere!

When crossing the equator, many navies will hold various ceremonies. For example, the eagle Navy is proud to tease new sailors. Sailors who come to the equator for the first time will be severely teased, such as forcing them to drink sea water.

Of course, the Chinese navy will not do that. This is a very serious moment.

The whole formation became a one-dimensional queue. At the front of the queue was destroyer 107. Captain Wei stood on the bridge and watched the sailors on the side of the ship. They put on the latest sailor's clothes and clean white sailor's clothes, which set them off very spectacular.

"Fill the empty bag," Captain Wei shouted.

The front double mounted 130mm naval gun began to automatically load shells. At this time, destroyer 107 was getting closer and closer to the equator.

"Play the national anthem!"

When General Zhao gave the order, all the ships sounded the majestic national anthem. At this time, all the soldiers were singing.

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

In the measurement and control hall, everyone also sang along. The majestic national anthem echoed in the whole hall and over the peaceful ocean.

The bow of ship 107 broke the waves. Just when it reached the equator, Wei shouted loudly: "fire!"

"Boom, boom!" the 130 naval gun could have fired repeatedly, but now it is a single shot. Each shell leaves a big fireball at the muzzle. When the big fireball disappears, black smoke rises.

17 gun salutes echoed over the Pacific Ocean.

Everyone's mind is rippling. The vast ocean is no longer an insurmountable natural graben. We crossed the sea level, crossed the equatorial line and reached the southern hemisphere of the earth. History will remember that the Han navy has left a dark blue track in the Pacific Ocean.

Near the fleet, five nautical miles away, Lieutenant Colonel Turner, captain of the destroyer "Spruance" of the eagle Navy, couldn't help sneering at the big action here.

"Hum, they just crossed the equator for the first time, so excited."

The eagle navy has long been a global Navy. It has been deployed all over the world. Where did the Han people reach the equator for the first time? He was so excited that he couldn't help looking down on it.

"Lieutenant Colonel, there seems to be something wrong with their route." behind him, the chief mate said to him, "there is a gap between their current route and the actual splash point reported by them. The course deviates by at least one degree."

China has informed the world that the splash point of their launch vehicle is certain, but now the formation has deviated from its course.

"The Chinese navy is so bad that they lost their way." the vice captain couldn't help laughing.

They never paid attention to the Han Navy.

"No, although they went to sea for the first time, there are still some basic navigation skills. The error of more than one degree is definitely not their navigation problem, but intentional."

Although the Navy came out for the first time, there are still cargo ships in Han country. Those cargo ships are sailing around the world. How can they make mistakes?

In this era, there is no global positioning system, but the starlight navigation technology used in ancient navigation is still used. As long as you find more than two stars in the sky and combine the star map, you can navigate correctly without such a big error.

What does this mean?

"The position they reported in the news was wrong," Lieutenant Colonel Turner said. "They deliberately provided us with wrong data. If we went to that position and waited, it would be empty."

Anyway, at that time, they can say that they are missiles. Oh, no, the carrier rocket deviates in flight. In fact, they don't intend to splash in that sea area at all.

In short, it is impossible for the huge fleet in front of us to fake. How can the Han Navy make low-level mistakes? In other words, their current course is correct!

"We'll just follow them," Lieutenant Colonel Turner said. "These Han Chinese are really smart. Fortunately, we have rich experience."

Eagle state and bear state have long-term confrontation, and there are constant contradictions at sea. How can we make mistakes when tracking a ballistic missile launch? Your side is well-trained and must be faster than the other side. As long as you follow the other side, you can find the splash point and salvage the equipment cabin in advance!

Lieutenant Colonel Turner made his own decision and followed each other!

The ships of the eagle navy are tracking. Of course, I can see it here.

General Zhao stood on the bridge and looked at the warship with a large telescope.

"The eagle's Spruance class destroyer uses a gas turbine. How fast it speeds up!" General Zhao said, looking at the eagle warship in the distance.

The other side's warship adopts the new generation lm2500 gas turbine power of Yingguo. This power system has high power and fast speed, which is far from comparable to its own boiler.

Perhaps the maximum speed is about the same, but the boiler of our side has to wait for several hours after making a fire, and the pressure is enough to go, while the gas turbine can run at full power almost after starting.

"General, there will be bread and everything," Qin Guan said. "As long as our Spey engine is modified, it can be further improved into a marine gas turbine."

Almost all gas turbines have been transformed from aeroengines. For example, the famous lm2500 is based on the tf39 engine used by C5 transport aircraft. The "Olympus" marine gas turbine, the main force of Niu Guoren, was originally developed as the turbojet engine of the "Vulcan" strategic bomber, and then improved and finally became brilliant.

They can, and so can Han. Qin Guan has his own system and can exchange those data to speed up the speed of research and development.

The Navy also needs its full support.

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