Chapter 122: If you can’t do it, you can only win!

Jiang Nan is on fire.

The Nanshen slogan on the Internet is that one wave is higher than one wave, and one wave is higher than one wave, and it has led to the third middle school.

Many people in Jiangcheng are spreading it.

Jiang Nan must be Jiangcheng’s No. 1 in the college entrance examination this year.

And the third middle school has also risen, not only to reproduce the glory of the year, but even to surpass the glory of the year.

To this.

Chu Ying and Lampuo, the rivals No. 1 and No. 2 middle school, became anxious in an instant.

Although they know.

The current overall level of the Third Middle School is that way.

Except Jiang Nan.

No second person can fight at all.

The four subjects of physics and chemistry competition.

Only Jiang Nan won the first place in the four competitions in the third, and there is no one left besides being able to advance to the semi-finals.

In Mathematical Olympiad.

Although Qin Feng was also promoted, it was just the tail of the crane, so he would also collect the number of people when he went there, so it didn’t make much sense.

The same is true for material competition, chemical competition and life competition.

But even so.

Whether it is the first middle school or the second middle school, Chu Ying and Rampu dare not to underestimate the third middle school.

after all……

Who knows if it will follow the rumors.

This is the beginning of the rise of the Three Middle Schools?

To know……

The Third Middle School was once very powerful.

As the oldest high school in Jiangcheng.

Although only three middle schools.

However, the ability is lower than the second middle school, far surpassing the four, five, six, seven or eight middle schools.

As for the rising stars such as Chu Ying and Rampu, it is even harder to beat them.

Even as the leader, the key high school, that is, the first high school, was almost overtaken by the third high school.

At that time…

The scenery of the three middle schools is no different at one time.

Now it is hard to see its decline.

One loses the strongest opponent.

In the second middle school, Chu Ying and Lan Pu didn’t have that heavy rock on their heads, and they could develop rapidly.


They don’t want to see the third middle school rise again.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope.

They will also pinch it out.

This doesn’t…

There is no roll-up of the case, and everything stays overnight.

That night.

Whether it was the first middle school or the second middle school, Chu Ying and Rampu held an urgent discussion meeting.

One in an office.

Gathered all the teachers in the third grade.

Responsible for presiding over the meeting.

It is Zhou Hua, the director of the teaching office.

Zhang Qing, the leader of the math group, Fang Qishi, the leader of the physics group, Chen Ze, the leader of the language group, and the leaders of the chemistry, foreign languages, and biology groups were all present.


There is also the one with the highest authority.

The principal of No. 1 Middle School, Gongsun Li, was also in the audience.


This lineup is not small.

“Talk about it all!”

“What should I do now?”

“In previous years, the four subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry competitions were all our No. 1 high school masters.”

“Every subject is the first, not to mention that all of them came from our first middle school, but at least two or three subjects were taken by me.”

“But this year…”

“It was actually snatched by Third Middle School?”

“And was robbed by the same person?”

“This is really a slap in the face! Chi Guoguo’s slap in the face.”

“Now everyone is saying that our No. 1 Middle School is in decline, and the No. 3 Middle School is rising…”


“You want me to say…”

“We don’t need to mobilize people like this. The three middle schools have been in decline for so many years. How can we get up on one person?”

“not to mention……”

“I’ve already inquired about it.”

“Last month, I found out that Jiang Nan really only got 600 points in the test, and he was ranked second in the third grade.”

“But if you put it in our first fifteen, you won’t even be able to make it into the first fifteenth. Without Liu Fan, you have more than 70 points.”

“This competition, he may just be lucky.”



“The first time is luck.”

“The first two times may also be luck.”

“But now it is the first four times. This is not explained by the word luck, but the real strength. He is really worthy of the top prize, and even far surpasses Liu Fan in our No. 1 middle school.”


“It’s true that he has the strength.”

“But if he can surpass Liu Fan, I don’t believe that he has the top prize. After all, he scored 600 points in the last month test, while Liu Fan scored 678 points, a difference of 78 points.”

“This college entrance examination champion is not only based on the four subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry, but also on the overall results.”




“So shit!”

The principal Gongsun Li couldn’t help but patted the table and stood up, a pair of tiger eyes swept across the square, “Many of you, it seems that you have been sitting in the office for a long time, it’s too easy and congested.”

“Just relying on hearsay, or deliberately released news, I believe it is true.”


“Last monthly exam.”

“In the same paper, Jiang Nan did only get 600 points, 78 points less than Liu Fan in our school.”

“But do you know that he has 600 points on the premise that he deliberately scored zero in the foreign language test?”





When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

One of them counted as one, and all of them couldn’t sit still.


“He deliberately scored zero in the foreign language test. He still has 600?”

“How can this be?”

“If you want to know a foreign language, it’s 150 points!”

“The total score is only 750. If the foreign language is excluded, wouldn’t he take all the remaining subjects… full marks?”


It’s incredible.

The foreign language score is zero, and the language, number, material, and biochemistry are all full marks.


What is the concept?

Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, Jiangcheng has never had such an amazing result!

Although this is only a monthly exam, not a college entrance exam.

But whoever did not understand.

The last month’s exam papers were jointly produced by the teachers of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School. The difficulty is far stronger than that of the college entrance examination.


Just to find out the bottom of the high schools in Jiangcheng.

Both suppressed other schools.

It also highlights their No. 1 and No. 2 middle schools.

It can be said like this.

Last monthly test result.

It can be compared to college entrance examination results.

Because of this.

They insisted that Liu Fan, trained by their school, would be the top student in the college entrance examination soon.

After all, he scored 678 points, four points more than Du Jiang in the second middle school, and nearly ten points more than Chu Ying and Rampu.

As for the third middle school.

They are not regarded as opponents at all.

But now…

Suddenly a Jiang Nan appeared?

A foreign language score is zero, but the total score is 600?

They don’t think…

A genius who can score full marks in the test, or even get the first place in the four competitions, will be a foreign language idiot.

Even if its foreign language is poor, it is far inferior to other subjects, but taking a passing score is not easy?

Pass 90 points.

Add another 600 points.

The total score is 690.

This can completely slap Liu Fan’s 678.

Above 630, there is a difference of one point, a level of difference, let alone a difference of more than ten points.


Needless to say.

Jiang Nan is undoubtedly the champion of the college entrance examination.


Even the provincial champion is not indisputable.


At this moment, Director Zhou Hua coughed slightly and said roundly, “Now everyone knows it!”

“Jiang Nan is really unusual. Not only did he get the first place in the four competitions, but he also got full marks in the language, number, and metaphysics exams last month.”

“Don’t talk about materialization, let’s talk about the number of words.”

“The math test last month was very difficult. Liu Fan in our school got the highest score, which was only 142.”

“But what about others?”

“That’s a perfect score.”

“As for language, not to mention.”

“The difficulty is still higher than that of mathematics. As for the classical Chinese, few people know how to write, and the composition is also very difficult to write. We, Liu Fan, only took 138, but they still got full marks.”

“Full score in Chinese, have you ever heard of it?”

“As far as I know, the entire Jiangcheng, and even the entire Binhai Province, has not been able to find a second person in the past ten years.”


“We must take him seriously.”

“Otherwise, even with him alone, it is possible to change the pattern of Jiangcheng.”


“All right!”

“I won’t say anything else.”

The principal Gongsunli spoke again: “Director Zhou and I have decided that we must grasp the learning atmosphere of No. 1 Middle School and give Liu Fan and other top students a surprise at the same time.”

“Also as far as possible to draw Jiang Nan over.”

“The Third Middle School has declined after all, and neither the teaching staff nor the teaching environment can compare to our No. 1 Middle School.”

“At the level of Jiang Nan.”

“The third middle school can give him little help.”

“But our one can be different.”

“As long as he is willing to come…”

“We can not only give them high scholarships, but also focus on training them to help them further their strength.”

“Moreover, our school still has a recommended quota. As long as he gets a province one in the competition, he can be directly recommended.”


“None of the three can provide.”


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