Superman's Saiyan brother

Chapter 6 The economic crisis caused by the big eater (new book sets sail for various requests)

In the evening, at the Kent home, when they learned that Robert had regained consciousness, the Kents were very happy. The burden in their hearts finally dissipated, and they no longer needed to worry about what Robert would do when he grew up.

At Clark's suggestion, the family decided to cook a big meal to celebrate. When Robert repeatedly complained that he was hungry, the meal continued to increase in size. In the end, the meal was enough for ten people. .

But the Kents and Clark still didn't expect that Robert could really eat so much.

Ang! Aang! Aang! That is to say, the Kent family do not understand idioms, otherwise they would now describe Robert's eating state as wolfing down.

The Kent family:




While the Kent family was still in a daze, except for the food on their respective plates, all the food on the table had been wiped out by Robert.

At this time, Robert finally understood why Sun Wukong and the others were so edible.

It's not like Robert has never experienced hunger after a war in the Dragon Ball world, but no matter how hungry he is, it's just enough for a few people.

But now, after eating enough food for seven people, Robert still didn't feel what it felt like to be full.

Even Robert, who had exhausted his strength in the battle, realized that his body had never been full in fifteen years...

After all, Robert's consciousness had not awakened before, and he only had basic consciousness to maintain his actions. At the same time, he also needed to behave no differently from ordinary people, so his daily food intake was no different from ordinary people.

And this may be one of the reasons why Robert is still 1.61 meters tall even though he is fifteen years old!

Well, that’s right! That's why! Robert thought firmly in his heart.

Robert, are you really not able to hold on after eating so much? Martha looked at Robert with some worry and said, No matter how hungry you are, you can't eat so much in one go. What should you do if you're full? ah?

Mom, you don't have to worry. All the food he has eaten has been digested, and it looks like he hasn't eaten enough... Clark on the side twitched slightly after observing Robert carefully, and his voice sounded a little... He said helplessly.

Huh? Martha and Jonathan looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. In other words, they didn't expect that their second alien son was different from ordinary people in his appetite.

Well, shall I go get some more food? Martha came back to her senses after a while, and suddenly laughed when she saw Robert touching his belly in embarrassment. She felt that at this time, her son Like a truly living life, the sluggish appearance before could only be regarded as a robot.

In comparison, Martha still prefers this emotional and lively Robert, although Robert's appetite does give her some headaches and helplessness.

If Robert's appetite was normal at this time, she would probably spend a lot more time, energy and money preparing food...

No need! I'll just go out and find something to eat! Robert quickly stopped Martha. He knew that it wouldn't be the same if he continued to eat like this at home. For things like eating, he still had to be self-reliant.

After all, the appetite of a Saiyan is too great a burden for a family.

Didn’t you see that Qiqi was still a wealthy young woman before she married Sun Wukong? However, after marrying Sun Wukong, she learned to be diligent and thrifty in running the house. She even had no choice but to let Sun Wufan, who was trained as a scholar by her, to participate in the No. 1 Competition in the World because of her family’s financial problems. Earn bonuses at martial arts tournaments...

Robert knew that the Kent family was not poor. They had at least one farm and lived a relatively prosperous life, especially since Clark was young and strong and could help, and Jonathan had no injuries.

It can be said that with the financial strength of the Kent family, it is not a problem to raise their two children, or even let them stay on the farm to get married and have children.

However, that refers to normal children. Judging from the appetite of a Saiyan like Robert, if they eat openly, even if they eat the cheapest food, the Kent family will be declared bankrupt in a few years!

So Robert decisively ran out of the house with the condiments and disappeared into the night.

Robert! Where are you going? Seeing Robert rushing out, Jonathan and Martha were a little panicked. It was not necessarily safe to run out at night.

It's okay. I'll follow him. It'll be okay. You guys should eat and take a rest early! Clark probably understood Robert's purpose. He looked at the Kents and comforted them before walking out the door.

Be careful! Even though they knew Clark's abilities, the Kents still cautioned carefully, then sighed and sat at the dining table, eating the food indifferently.

Robert is such a good boy. He has just recovered and is so sensible... After a while, Martha sighed softly.

It's so delicious that I don't even have to wash the plate. I'm worried that he'll eat the plate... Jonathan smiled helplessly. This is no longer a matter of a young man and a poor man. This is going to ruin him. Rhythm.

Tell me, Robert is so short. Is it because their race is particularly good at eating, but they have never had enough to eat before? Martha suddenly thought of something, and asked with some hesitation and guilt.

This... Jonathan was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He was also a little hesitant, and felt that it was not impossible.

Adolescent children instinctively eat better because of their development. If Robert had not eaten enough before, he might have stunted his growth.

Thinking of this, Jonathan felt a little guilty, and then gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: If that doesn't work, we will use the loan to buy another farm. After all, with Clark's help, I won't have to work much...

This... Martha hesitated after hearing this. After all, Jonathan is not too young and his health has begun to decline. When Clark comes back, let's discuss it with him!

By the way, I remember there was some kind of burger eating competition in Missouri? Can Robert give it a try? With his appetite, I don't think anyone can beat him! Jonathan's mind was spinning rapidly. He looked at Martha with sudden excitement and said.

Even if he can't win the championship, at least he can have a good meal, right? After all, it's a competition for big eaters. No matter how big an appetite Robert shows, he won't be considered a problem!

Well, let's wait until the children come back! Martha was a little moved when she heard this, but she quickly shook her head and looked outside with some worry and said, I don't know where they went to find food, and they brought them with them. With condiments...

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