Superstar Athletes’ Black Tech Systems

Chapter 676: I can't do anything

The Pacers won the first two games unsurprisingly, leading the Celtics in the series with a big score of 2:0.

Although the Celtics have made full preparations, Stevens has racked his brains, but there is indeed a big gap in the strength of the lineup.

And the Pacers are equally well prepared, from tactics to spirit, this is a team that strives for the championship.

So the Celtics have little chance.

They returned to the home court and tried not to lose too ugly.

Of course, it is already ugly enough, because of Li Liang's remarks.

Li Liang really threw a gun battle into the dung pit and ran away.

His remarks after the first game triggered a discussion not only in the Boston sports world but also in the National Forum.

Boston is discussing what kind of construction path the Celtics should take.

And the content of the discussion in other parts of the country is mainly to laugh at the Celtics.

After all, the Celtics team has a lot of enemies in the league and has won so many championships. Once the Celtics gang was rampant in the league, can it be hated.

Since Li Liang started this, don't blame everyone for falling into the rock.

Discussions on TV, forums, and newspapers are in full swing, anyway, these days.

When the Celtics are eliminated from the team to go fishing, no one pays attention, and everyone will care about the next topic.

Li Liang glanced at public opinion in general, and felt very happy. This time, it should be beautiful to go to Boston.

On April 24, Li Liang and his teammates took a plane to Boston.

Boston has blossomed in April, and the fans' passion for basketball is growing like a young shoot.

The Celtics and Pacers tickets were sold out on April 25th. TD North Shore Garden is still a little smaller. If it is made into a large stadium of 30,000 people, it will definitely be full.

Li Liang is still looking forward to the trip to Boston. He thought, first of all, he should greet a wave of angry welcome at the airport.

It's best to have a few **** Boston fans coming over to make trouble, set off the atmosphere, and charge a few hundred points of anger by the way.

Then take the bus to the hotel, and put some vicious slogans on the billboard, such as "roll back to the other side of the Pacific Ocean"!

Or "Indigenous Indians" and other personal attacks of a discriminatory nature.

After arriving at the hotel, the people of Boston should carry forward the traditional Celtic spirit and plunge the Pacers into the vast ocean of the people's war. At night, put fireworks near the hotel, honk the horn, or report a fire or something.

It would be better if the players could be harassed by room service.

Although this kind of anger value can not be received, it can play a role in raising the atmosphere. After the report is out, it can mobilize everyone's emotions.

On the day of the game, when entering the field, the audience boos, it is best to boo for two or three minutes, in this case, you should receive a tens of thousands of anger points.

Waiting for the game, as soon as Li Liang took the ball, the fans began to boo him.

At this time, Li Liang can let go of his hands and feet, and use various props to double his anger.

When the emotion reached a certain point, he got up and found a chance to run to the sidelines and scold the Celtics fans!

This time it was OK, the audience scolded each other, neither delaying Li Liang's efficient play, nor delaying him from receiving anger.

After a game, it is not impossible for anger to break 100,000.

An angry value of 100,000 points, Li Liang is happy when he thinks about it.

Mike Brown, who was sitting next to him, felt very strange. Why was Li Liang so inexplicably so happy?

He used to frown when he went to play in Boston. What's going on today?

Moreover, Brown did not know why Li Liang went to Boston to frown.

You know, Boston fans really love Li Liang. When Brown was in the Cavaliers, even how abhorrent the Celtics were and how excessive they were towards James.

But Li Liang is good, very popular, why is he still unhappy?

Arriving at the airport, Li Liang took his luggage and got off the plane. When he came out of the passenger passage, he found that except for a few reporters, there were no imagined opposition fans.

"Huh? What's the matter? Not as expected..."

But Li Liang didn't care too much. He wanted to go to the airport to protest because it was a small probability event.

Besides, this is the first round, but not the finals. The Celtics fans really do not want to go to the hotel. Let's talk on the game day.

On the way to the hotel, Li Liang stared at the billboard next to the road with wide eyes to see if he had anything to do with him.

Saw it! On the way, Li Liang finally saw the slogan related to himself!

A look at Li Liang: "You are always welcome, Bruce Lee!"


Li Liang said hello, how did it become a weld!

Is this Boston?

Please give the driver a trouble to see, is it driving to Stockholm?

Li Liangxin thought this would not be a joke for Boston fans?

He pushed Brown next to him and said, "Mike, why do Boston fans want to welcome me."

Brown said: "Because they like you."

"I scolded their team after the first game, why should I like me?"

"You also scolded each of us, we still don't like you very much."


Li Liang suddenly didn't know what to say. In the past year, he discovered that Brown's logic is becoming more and more stringent, and he can no longer break through his logic control. This is a dangerous signal.

For example, when he played the center, Brown was given to Fool. It seems that Brown's rank is also constantly improving.

But Li Liang still has a little hope, he thinks the billboard can't explain the problem.

After all, in Boston, there are moderate Celtics fans and extreme Celtics fans.

If necessary, these gentle Celtic fans might become extreme Celtic fans and scream at themselves.

In fact, Li Liang was wrong, and it was the experienced, hard-core extreme Celtics fans who welcomed Li Liang.

Because they really want Li Liang to come to Boston to save this green empire that has long lost its glory.

After staying in the hotel, it is still safe and peaceful, and it is the same as usual.

Before going to bed, Li Liang and Zhu Shu made a phone call for an hour, while phoning to see if there was any movement outside the window.

As a result, it is quiet.

In fact, regarding Li Liang’s sleep quality, he doesn’t necessarily wake up when you do a nuclear test outside.

He is too full to think about it, and how can someone else spare you in the first round of the playoffs, not the finals.

Li Liang was so disappointed that he spent the night. When he joined the team training the next day, he was a little unhappy.

I feel that the night is destined to be a game without gain.

Before entering the TD North Shore Garden, Li Liang still had a glimmer of hope.

After entering the TD North Shore Garden and warming up, many fans entered the field, and his hopes were completely shattered.

Many small fans came to him to sign!

Although playing in other places, there will be small fans like Li Liang.

But it is definitely not as numerous as the Boston area.

Li Liang felt that he could consider setting up a youth basketball training camp here in the summer. There is absolutely no need to worry about recruiting students. If he succeeds, he will monopolize the basketball training market in New England and become an advanced element in youth sports education in the region.

This is the case before the warm-up, not to mention the introduction before the game.

When Li Liang appeared on the scene, there was still a small cheer.

Li Liang heard cheers and waved unconsciously towards the stands.

After waving, I want to chop my hands off, here TM is away!

The scene was returned to Li Liang, who was really embarrassed.

Many fans at the scene also slogan, "Come to Boston, Bruce."

These are the poor fans who were poisoned by Bill Simmons' article.

But it's normal to think about it, because there really isn't a superstar like Li Liang wandering around in NBA history.

Everyone wandering is forced to wander, or the decline in strength is too strong to start wandering, such as Moses Malone.

You have two consecutive championships, MVP, FMVP, AMVP three MVP winners, such a good place in Los Angeles do not stay ~ ~ run to the eastern countryside.

Since I can go to Indiana, why don't you come to Boston and take a championship?

If Li Liang switched jobs again this summer, he would basically break the rules of the NBA player market by himself.

And it is very likely to damage the interests of many free agents.

The other team will definitely say that the first player in the league, such as Li Liang, is free to sign the contract, but before that point, you need so much?

I might as well reserve space and wait for Li Liang to jump out of the contract in the summer.

This may really happen in the foreseeable future, and NBA officials may formulate relevant rules and restrictions.

However, at present, it seems that there is no sufficient reason.

Li Liang can't control that much for the time being. Let's beat the Celtics down in the North Shore Garden.

Although you like me very much, I'm sorry, I still want to win the game.

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