Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 110

As Zhao Yi said, in less than a month's time, Han Fei had already signed a whole bunch of licensing agreements, but the cooperation method had changed from the initial share to a monthly model, which meant that no matter how many shows a small theater performed in a month, they would only have to pay a certain fee.

This was also the experience that Zhao Yi had gained after a year of operation, because he was short of manpower and couldn't manage so many small theaters, some of the small theaters in first-tier cities were at most concealing their income, while many of the third and fourth-tier small theaters directly gave money once after getting the script, and then asked them for it, and they sent Zhao Yi off with a sentence that no one would see it and not perform it.

As such, simply, get monthly mode, anyway, no matter how many times you perform a month, are so much money, if you don't pay you can't get the script, Zhao Yi is not afraid of them stealing the script, because this damages the interests of the peers, peers a report, you can only stop the show, the audience will certainly not do, and in time the theater will not be able to open.

There is a benefit to doing so, that is, the establishment of a threshold, some no strength, the actors are not professional small theater weeding out, drama for the requirements of the actors is very professional, a lot of audiences if you see a bad performance, subconsciously will think that the play is not good, will be the overall pull down its IP value.

It's interesting to note that Han Fei's "Charlotte's Troubles" mixed bootleg, that is, those songs of his have been replaced with songs with local characteristics in different regions, for example, the Cantonese region has become many familiar Cantonese songs, the southern Fujian region is the southern Fujian language songs, ahem, for example, " World No. 1 etc.".

The only song that remains unchanged in almost every region is the song "Fireworks", which has proven to be almost irreplaceable in countless small theatrical productions, and there is no shortage of performers who have changed the language.

Many theatres even prepare three sets of actors for the show, because other plays are too heavy for many audiences to watch without Charlotte's Troubles. This field, with the child wiggle away.

The real "Charlotte's Trouble" into the public eye, or the Beijing TV program, this program is to visit the small theater culture, mainly broadcast some comic dialogues, but the small theater comic dialogues have a lot of content can not be on television, can only be edited. The show's ratings were low at first.

It wasn't until after the episode of "Charlotte's Trouble" was aired that many viewers called in for a rerun, and the rerun's ratings directly broke the show's local ratings record.

After media coverage, the network began to circulate on the play all kinds of news, a time to already nervous small theater tickets become more nervous, especially in first-tier cities, these small theaters and no online ticketing app, you can only go in advance to line up to buy tickets.

As time passes, it becomes a kind of landscape, coupled with the media industry is more and more developed, many UP masters to see rare natural to explore some, and then with the addition of media platforms, "Charlotte's Troubles" only began to go out of the small circle, the fire to the network.

The various forums began to analyze and rate the play, and without exception, the audience's evaluation was very high.

At this time the cluster effect began to play a role, we all say good, and can not buy things, it must be good, so one ticket is hard to find more obvious, coupled with some unscrupulous small theater, directly to the ticket to the scalper, and then split, the whole market and even appeared three hundred a small theater tickets, and demand exceeds supply.

Of course, this period of time did not last long, just during the New Year, but some topics are always discussed online by the netizens.

For example, whether the first love is really as good as it seems, this question can be said to be a thousand years old, especially the girls of the boyfriend's first girlfriend will generally be nagging, this topic was stimulated, suddenly made countless male compatriots deeply hurt.

Another example, if you were to travel back in time, what is the one thing you would most like to do? Many netizens have said that they would hug the "two horses", and many have said that they would spend more time with their families, with all sorts of answers, both laughs and tears.

In short, the fame of the play "Charlotte's Trouble" is so many netizens into the vision of the netizens, even if you have not seen, have not paid attention to, but more or less heard of.

The most interesting thing is that the fire of "Charlotte's Annoyance" has actually triggered a wave of net article creation, a type of entertainment text has become a very hot sub-category under the urban classification, and the fever has lasted for many years.

The popularity of "Charlotte's Troubles" was beyond the expectations of all art school teachers, who thought that the play was not as good as "Donkey Kong's Water" in terms of both content and narrative, and did not quite understand that it was also a comedy. "Charlotte's Trouble" will be far more explosive than the more in-depth "Donkey Kong".

"Am I really getting old?" Dean Wu muttered to herself and waved her hand for Tao Yuehua to leave.

In fact, Tao Yuehua's heart was full of discomfort, she had always been optimistic about Han Fei, but in this drama performance, she also felt that Han Fei's work was not as good as "Donkey's Water", but the audience liked it so much, should we blame the audience for not understanding art at this time? Apparently not.

In the circle of art school, Han Fei once again defended himself, "Han Fei production, must be the best" image, and his small team is rumored to be amazing and desirable.

In fact, it is true that after the broadcast, Xu Yinluo has been labeled as "Ma Dongmei" by netizens, and even the newcomer Wang Han has been dubbed "Teacher Wang" by netizens as everyone will have a teacher in their primary school.

After the play, the college on holiday, Han Fei to the "Bird Studio" of the crowd after the year-end awards also holiday, only Xu Qing Ya this girl did not go back, Han Fei can only give him the key to the small room to this girl, let her live here temporarily.

Han Fei didn't notice the contented look in Xu Qing Ya's eyes when she received the key.

After returning home, Han Fei unexpectedly saw a person in the neighborhood that he hadn't seen in a long time, and this person was particularly shameless, the first thing he said when he saw Han Fei was.

"Qiu Ya's prototype is actually me, right?"

Chapter 154 - Shura Field.

This question was so awkward that Han Fei was stupid, although saying so would definitely be taken as scum, but Han Fei said that he had almost removed the name Shen Weiwei from his memory.

I have to admit, after almost three years of not seeing her, Shen Weiwei was getting more and more attractive, her brown-red curly hair scattered on the white down jacket, the sub-zero temperature but wearing a flesh-colored underpants, her sexy long legs just showing up in the snow and ice, looking extremely seductive.

"Ahem, so what, it's weirdly cold outside, why don't you come up to the house and sit down?" Han Fei rubbed his hands straight in embarrassment.

Shen Weiwei hooked her two index fingers, seemingly hesitant, "Then, is there anyone at home in your house?"

"Not really, but usually at this time, they should all be at work." Han Fei swore that he was actually saying this because he wanted Shen Weiwei to know what to do.

Unexpectedly, Shen Weiwei actually agreed with a red face, "Let's go then."

Nani? Han Fei almost thought that he had heard wrong, words girl, is it really good that you did that?

Han Fei pulls out his key to open the door, but finds that the house is more crowded than he expected, not only Dong Jie and Han Xiao are home, but also Li Yanan's family is at their house, they seem to be watching some kind of comedy, and one second they are laughing uproariously until they see Shen Weiwei standing affectionately next to Han Fei.

So everyone freezes there, and Shen Weiwei tries a wink at Han Fei: Didn't you say there was no one at home? And what's up with that little bitch?

Han Fei is wrongly accused, and he obviously has nothing to do with Shen Weiwei, what's with that look? Like you got caught with a girl?

"Aigoo, if it isn't Wei Wei, I haven't seen her for years, how's your mom?" Dong Jie finally reacted, although the situation was awkward, but as the hostess, she still had to come up with the proper manners, the key point is, she used to just look at Li Yannan, fiercely saw Shen Weiwei found that this girl is actually quite good.

Shen Weiwei affectionately took Dong Jie's hand: "Auntie Dong, my mother is very good, she has been missing you, you are still so young after three years of not seeing you, it's all because Han Fei had to pull me up, making me not prepared at all, making me not bring the mask I bought for you last time."

Hmm? Han Fei was filled with shock, Hey, Sister, is it really okay for you to open your mouth like that?

"I'll get back to you later." Dong Jie bit her tongue and whispered as she passed by Han Fei.

Li Weiguo and Lu Pei Ling's couple turned a bit ugly, and could only force a smile to greet Shen Weiwei, "So it's Weiwei, I haven't seen her for years, she's grown into a big girl, I wouldn't have dared to recognize her if she was outside."

Shen Weiwei covered her mouth with a light smile, her mouth was so sweet: "Hello uncle and aunt, it's been a long time since I've seen you guys, I've often talked about you guys in WeChat with Yannan, right, Yannan?"

Li Yanan could only awkwardly squeeze out a smile: "Right."

In fact, Li Yanan was roaring inside at the moment: "Right what the hell, Li Yanan, can't you fight a little? This white lotus flower has personally said to give up in the first place, you're the rightful wife, why should you be afraid of her?"

"So what, it's about time, why don't we all stay for dinner? Taste my handiwork too." Dong Jie saw that the atmosphere was really irreconcilable and simply slipped into the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, Shen Weiwei jokester possessed actually went with her to help, and Li Yanan, under Lu Pei Ling's eyes, reluctantly followed her in.

Han Fei simply didn't look at the situation in the kitchen, but from the sound of Dong Jie chopping ribs, it could be heard that she was in an extremely unstable mood at the moment.

The eyes of the two parents naturally fell on Han Fei, especially those of Li Weiguo and Lu Pei Ling, who looked at him as if he were a scum, and a scum who had given up on his own daughter.

With great difficulty, everyone put down their chopsticks, Han Fei quickly pulled Shen Weiwei, "That what, Shen Weiwei said she still has things to do to leave first, I'll see her off."

"Hey~~" Shen Weiwei still wanted to say something, but Han Fei didn't give her a chance at all and just dragged her out the door.

In the elevator, Han Fei stared at Shen Weiwei with a depressed face, Shen Weiwei started with her hands behind her back and looked left and right, a carefree look, but then halfway up came two old men, and this girl paper acted on it.

"Oh my husband, people are joking with you, don't be angry, even if you are mad at me, the baby is innocent ........"

Then the result can be imagined, the two old men's eyes were like knives, causing Han Fei to flee when he reached the first floor.

"Haha~~~ Look at you just now, you're so funny." Shen Weiwei laughed out loud as she ran.

Han Fei grabbed her wrist, "You've made enough noise, now you're happy, right?"

"Are you mean to me? You never used to be mean to me." Unexpectedly, Shen Weiwei's eyes turned red and cried, and by the looks of it, she was still aggrieved.

Han Fei let go of her wrist, speechless for a while, he wasn't even aggrieved, but this girl paper was still aggrieved? Is it just another act? Han Fei was a little unsure about the acting skills Shen Weiwei had just shown.

"No, why are you crying? I won't know how to explain it to Mom when I get back later."

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