Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 112

Uncle didn't get the upper hand and glared at Han Fei, "It's all because of your stupid phone noises, are you going to answer it? Hang up if you don't answer, don't think that you can be a big star if you go to some film and television university, there are a lot of people who are miserable running a drag queen."

Han Fei was not happy to hear this, got on the phone, and as soon as he heard the person on the other end report himself, he directly put the phone down on the table and turned the speakerphone to maximum.

"Hello, Mr. Han, are you still there?"

Han Fei swept a glance at the bewildered uncle and aunt, "Well, there it is, what did you just say? I didn't quite catch it."

The other end of the phone thought it was a bad signal: "Oh, it's like this, Mr. Han, we're from Capital TV, the People's Section ........"

At this point Han Fei turned off the speakerphone and picked up the phone and walked outside to answer it.

This slutty operation, but let the people in the house are suffocated, especially the uncle, this heart ah, just like a cat scratching, what capital city TV? Why would Capital TV call that kid?

Han Xiao and Dong Jie were proud of themselves and told you to look down on my son. Silly, right?

Grandma and Grandpa's heart is even more like an earthquake, the capital city TV that is what? It's a TV station they've watched all their lives, so why would they call their grandson?

But the aunt is full of doubt, she has been doing business for so long, what kind of social trick has she never encountered?

When Han Fei returned from his call, a large group of people were staring at him, and before he could sit down, Grandpa asked anxiously, "Little Fei, what is this Capital TV calling you for? Is there something you're not telling us?"

The first thing you need to know is that there's something you've been hiding from us, and it's more than one thing, so I'm afraid I'm going to scare you to death if you say it.

By the way, all these years, uncle was a civil servant in the north and aunt was doing business in the south, everyone hadn't spent the New Year together for several years, and Han Fei's changes were just in the past few years, so it was normal not to know, after all, Han Fei wasn't famous enough to be known by everyone.

"It's nothing, it's just that I got a drama on fire recently, and Capital TV asked me to do an interview." Han Fei said lightly.

Uncle's face changed, just now he was a strong belittling Han Fei nothing important, the phone has been ringing all day long, the interview with the Capital Satellite TV is not important, then what is? This is no doubt a slap on his face.

At this time, the aunt relieved him, "I'm afraid it's not a scam call, right? I'll often receive similar calls, what Mango TV some column lottery ah, Zhelan TV what lucky audience ah."

Uncle a pat on the thigh: "It must be so, Xiaofei ah, thanks to your aunt reminded, I also just remembered before your cousin in high school, there are various publishers said to give your cousin a book, second, you also need to be vigilant ah, children do not have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, you writer head should be more education."

The second oldest also had a look of relief, apparently this grandson who had always behaved not too well, suddenly excelled, but instead made them feel unreal.

"Oh, they said they'll come over later." Han Fei said with a raised eyebrow.

The room was silent, the smile on Uncle's face was instantly frozen and Auntie's face was a little unnatural, only Dong Jie and his wife knew that their son definitely wasn't lying, they had seen the changes in him over the past few years.

"You, seriously?" Cousin asked a numb question.

Han Fei nodded and looked at the wall clock, "Well, it says it's about three o'clock."

Three o'clock? For a time, the air in the whole room seemed to freeze, uncle and aunt's eyes almost nailed on the wall clock.

The wait time is always long, finally "dong dong" wall clock clock clock pointed to three o'clock, however, outside the door no movement.

"I told you it was a scammer well, do you believe it or not, later they will definitely call to say what reason to delay, let you meet outside, and then take you to a remote corner ......." The uncle took a breath.

As if to corroborate the uncle's words, Han Fei's phone did indeed ring, and after answering the call, Han Fei only said two words, "Well, good."

The uncle quickly stopped Han Fei, "Is it the same as I said? Silly boy, but don't go."

"They're downstairs now, the door intercom function is broken, I'll go open the door for them, uncle can come with me if you're worried." Han Fei shrugged.

Uncle's entire body was petrified, and Auntie and the two oldest all had their hands full.

"What are you guys waiting for? Not yet clean up everything, the eldest daughter-in-law, look at your clothes throwing around, the third, you've got these cosmetics piled everywhere ........"

In the eyes of the common people, the interview on the TV station is a very sacred thing, and on TV, who wants to show their own dirty mess in front of the TV audience.

Chapter 157 A disciplined response.

The home was a mess, Han Fei also brought the interview crew to the home, said the crew, but in fact it was just a reporter, a cameraman plus a choreographer, not even an anti-reflector, to be honest slightly shabby.

But for the two oldest, already very shocking, even the uncle and aunt are dumbfounded, cousin and cousin are even more dumbfounded.

Han Xiao and Dong Jie rarely raised their eyebrows, not to mention how proud they were.

"Yo, hello old man, we're from the people's section of the Capital TV ......." The interviewer greeted the reporter with a polite arch.

Grandfather Han Bin a look at the reporter's microphone heart is a tremor, the words are not sharp, the reporter just reacted, awkwardly put the microphone away.

Han Fei a look, gotta also don't add burden to the two old man: "outside the child is too chaotic, how about we go to the back room?"

The interviewing reporter looked at it and quickly nodded, the second oldest pulled Han Fei's hand and instructed, "Little Fei ah, you can answer whatever they ask later, don't give them any trouble."

Han Fei secretly bleary-eyed, he was being interviewed, not being interrogated, how to hear it all sounded very twisted.

In the back room, the old man's study, the film crew got busy, backlighting and looking for the best background for the interview, making it almost half an hour.

It was a lot more crowded outside than inside, with the whole crew huddled around the door, leaning over the edge of the door to listen in.

The interview was shorter than everyone expected, and the door was opened in less than a quarter of an hour, and the two old men seemed to have some regrets: "Oops, leaving already? Why don't you stay a while?"

Han Fei shook his head straight, "It's just an interview, it's not an interview, it's good if the TV station can broadcast it for half a minute in the end, what's the point of recording it for so long?"

Instantly the house cleared, uncle just reacted: "Hey, look at you two old man this toss, just half a minute ......."

This time the two oldest did not follow the count of uncle: "bastard, net nonsense, half a minute what? That's Capital TV too, that's on TV too, you've lived half your life, have you ever been on even a county TV station?"

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest products that are available on the market.

"Oh Dash, so did they say when you're going to be on TV?" One of the two elders asked as he grabbed Han Fei's hand.

Han Fei was uncomfortable for a while, not the least of which was that he had never enjoyed this treatment before, and was really a bit overwhelmed by the sudden care from the two elders.

"It says it's this Friday around four o'clock in the afternoon." Han Fei didn't move a muscle and pulled his hand out.

The second oldest paid extra attention and instructed, "That, boss, three girls, you all help to remember, we'll be sitting together as a family to watch it."

The first time I heard this, I was anxious: "No, parents, I have to work this Saturday."

Auntie also said: "Mom and Dad, this really does not work, I will resume work this Friday company ........"

The results of the grandfather Han Bin a beat the table, no one also dare not to agree, the old man had been increasingly poor health, in case there is a bad ........ So much so that for a few days afterwards, the uncle's family and the aunt's family looked at Han Fei in the wrong way.

In fact, Han Fei heart this bitter ah, he also did not want to make it like this, the family sitting at home, and then there is a television set, he, everyone look at the television, and look at him, very awkward well.

The good thing is, after this, Han Fei finally has a little status in the family, uncle and aunt don't dare to say another word about him, the old man has been calling people everywhere about his grandson's TV time, and even invited the neighbors to come to the house to watch, where they dare to offend Han Fei, now Han Fei is just missing a special effect halo, and then put "glorious ancestors" on it. "Four big words.

Friday afternoon at three o'clock, the old neighbors around the neighborhood came over to hold a party, Han Fei that called an embarrassment ah, see who all have to shout: grandfather, grandmother, simply want to cry without tears, partial look cousin, cousin they also look like a very envious look, is really helpless.

A group of old ladies kicking melon seeds to drink tea, chatting in the heat of the day, uncle and his family with the aunt family is like sitting on pins and needles, face that is an ugly.

The first thing you need to know is that you can't be too sure of what you're doing, and you can't be too sure of what you're doing.

It is the first time in the history of the company that the company has been involved in the development of the company's products and services.

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