Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 135

And Han Fei's group of authors from the beginning of more than a hundred people, increased to the current nearly three hundred people, blue whale Ya also gradually from the author completed the evolution of the manager, now fly bird studio income has been enough for him to devote himself to, he is no longer writing a book, or that money from writing a book has not been able to enter his eyes.

Han Fei still followed the usual practice of showing up once every month or two, and then giving out benefits to everyone, naturally the number of people increased, the number of red envelopes must have increased, this afternoon, Han Fei sent at least a hundred red envelopes, scattered thirty thousand, in exchange for a full screen of all kinds.

"Boss is mighty and powerful, long live the boss."

It seemed like a bit of a loss, but considering that this group of people could make millions for themselves in a month now, this amount of money was nothing.

In addition, due to Han Fei's mad rush for quality author resources, many websites had noticed the existence of such a group, but because Han Fei didn't open another new website, he didn't touch the interests of the head powers like

No one took him as a direct competitor, but on the contrary, it made Han Fei's fame, after all, such a blatant digging, but has always been able to stand, is not from the side to prove the strength of Han Fei?

After all this, Han Fei didn't forget to call Zhao Mengru to report his safety, and Zhao Mengru was very happy to hear that he was back and invited him to his villa tomorrow.

Han Fei agreed without thinking, staying home all day wasn't a good idea, and it was also a good time to give Zhao Mengru a taste of the souvenirs he had brought with him from Spring City.

Chapter 191 - Rage for the Redheads The Allied Coconut Chicken Plus 9/10

The next day, Han Fei drove to Zhao Mengru's villa and found Old Fan there as well.

"That's just right, I also said I'd ask Old Zhao to bring it to you then." Han Fei took the gift out of the trunk.

The group of three jokingly entered the villa, but Zhao Mengru was not at all rude and opened the box on the spot.

"Hey, not bad, or else this kid has a good eye, my bedroom happens to be lacking such a painting, this batik painting is not bad, I'll ask someone to frame it and hang it inside some day, not bad." Zhao Mengru said two nice things in a row, and looked like he really liked it.

Han Fei smiled, "That's why you don't dislike it, I really didn't know what the origin of this thing was at first, it just looked quite pleasing to the eye, it's good that you like it."

Old Fan waved his hand, "A thousand miles to send goose feathers is a light gift, you two just don't be sentimental, quickly see what the other box is, I can't wait."

After Zhao Mengru opened it, he found that it was a mushroom-like fungus, but this mushroom looked quite special with a circle of lattice net-like filaments around it.

Han Fei explained, "This ah is called Dictyostelium, also known as bamboo ginseng, it is said to be one of the [Grass Eight Treasures] since ancient times, has the effect of benefiting Qi and tonifying the brain, tranquilizing the mind and body, I also happened to see then let people get so many boxes in vacuum packaging, to give you guys a taste."

"That's not bad, count on you kid to be considerate." Zhao Mengru and Old Fan were both very happy.

During the chat, Old Fan naturally asked about the film, and although he had arranged for someone in the crew, he was still more than willing to trust Han Fei's judgment.

Han Fei didn't hide anything, "Director Li's ability is still undoubted, it's just too meticulous, if the post-shooting goes well, I'm afraid that if it doesn't, the current investment may not be enough."

"That's what I'm worried about, it's reasonable to say that a war film investment of seventy million is indeed not much, but you also know the current market environment, it's too difficult for a war film to recover its cost, I'm afraid that the investment will not be enough until the film is filmed later, and then it will have to be added, and where will we pull the investment then?" What Old Fan said was also the truth, and he was considered to be rather unjust, he obviously didn't like the film, but he could only invest in it because of his feelings, and his only hope now was that the film would be completed successfully, so that he would lose less.

But Han Fei shook his head, "Actually, I have a different idea."

"Oh? Tell me." Lao Fan's tone was a bit eager.

"I do think that the market is set by us filmmakers, not by the audience, the audience's tastes are becoming more and more tricky, which just shows that their tastes are also improving, they don't like to watch a certain type of film, but quality films, as long as the production is of high quality, the story structure is complete, the actors acting online, and have these three elements, I believe that no matter what kind of The films are getting good results." Han Fei's tone was certain.

Only Old Fan shook his head straight after hearing it, "But the risk is too great, if there's a mistake in it, it can be all ruined."

This situation was actually the same as writing, some classifications were very popular and were obviously badly written but could have a good amount of attention, while some cold classifications, even if you were not badly written, as long as you didn't reach the top, it was normal to be buried.

But in reality, the subject matter is changing just like the audience's taste, a subject matter is on fire, and then everyone will follow the trend to shoot the subject matter, the audience is tired of watching it, and naturally the subject matter will be ruined.

So Han Fei still insisted that as long as it was a quality work, even if it wasn't a particularly popular subject, it could still get good results.

"If Director Li wants to make additional investments later and someone wants to withdraw, I'll do it all." Han Fei cut off the nail.

Old Fan was so moved that he almost took Han Fei's hand and said, "I have a daughter, what if I marry you?

Eating shabu shabu in winter is a very pleasant thing, and Zhao Mengru, the host, naturally had to treat his guests to dinner, and the three of them each drove to a shabu shabu restaurant.

The three cars together the cheapest is Han Fei that president, a look is rich, attracting a lot of attention, of course, mainly acid, most of them are a pair of: yuck, rich amazing ah? The look.

A line of three into a small private room, then came a group of people, men and women, one of the girl not only looks beautiful, the body is also a great, walking in front of the man middle-aged hair plus Mediterranean, the eyes have been to this girl paper body scan, almost did not drool.

Mediterranean man looks like it should be a regular customer here, the waiter is very diligent to bring a line of people on the second floor box.

The girl is very disgusted with the sweeping glance of the Mediterranean man was just ready to do away with him, but the results of the entourage of people already grabbed the seat.

Unfortunately she could only reluctantly make it to the man's side.

"Waitress order!" The Mediterranean man also staged a gentleman's question about whether the sister paper has any taboos.

Zhang Yue is really a little appetite, but this is also a producer of the crew, she is not easy to offend, she can only say: "Nothing to avoid, as long as it is not too spicy."

The Mediterranean man, in order to show his wealth and generosity, ordered all the hard dishes, and pretended to be an assistant director: "Xiao Li ah, just forgot, you go to bring that box of Maotai in my trunk, while we are happy today, we do not drink."

The leader had set the tone, and the rest of the gang understood what it meant and started to make atmosphere, but of course the ultimate goal was naturally to persuade Zhang Yue to drink.

Zhang Yue was a little panicked, although she had heard of many of these messy things in the entertainment industry, but first-hand experience is the first time, the half year since graduation, she actually did not go well, although when she joined the company has been a little famous, but compared to this group of old people in the company is nothing at all.

The first time I was in a position to do so was when I was in the middle of a movie, I thought it would be a good opportunity, but I didn't think the producer was such a disgusting person.

It's just that Zhang Yue is really not willing to do the cold bench anymore, in the company everyone is looking at people, you are not red, others will naturally take you seriously, many times, a simple photo pictorial, newcomers and the gap between the popular stars are very obvious.

In the face of the more frequent persuasion of the crowd, Zhang Yue on their own drinking capacity still a bit of luck, but she did not know that the purpose of this group of people is not to let her drink, but to get her drunk.

But Zhang Yue's drinking capacity did surprise Mediterranean a bit, it was already drunk several times, and Zhang Yue was still not even down.

"No, I have to go to the bathroom." Zhang Yue felt a little dizzy.

The Mediterranean man gave the other woman a wink, and the woman followed suit with good sense.

Zhang Yue washed her face but didn't feel better, instead she became more and more dizzy and walked a little unsteadily.

On the other side, Han Fei and the three of them were drinking and chatting, also in the midst of a good time, when suddenly the door was pushed open and a woman staggered and fell in.

At first, the three of them didn't care, thinking that she was just drunk, until another woman helped her up, and Han Fei only recognized her.

"Zhang Yue?"

The woman looked bad and wanted to quickly rack Zhang Yue away, Han Fei sneered and stepped forward, grabbing the woman's wrist, "Put the man down."

"Who the fuck are you? Don't mind your own business, and be careful to make sure you don't leave this shop."

Han Fei shook off the woman and snatched Zhang Yue from her hand, scolding her, "I don't normally hit women, so get out before it's too late."

The woman still wanted to spill her guts, Han Fei threw a slap and heard a cracking sound, making the corridor reverberate.

The woman didn't think that Han Fei would really do it, and for a moment were stunned until her face was hot and painful, which is why she ran out crying, not putting down a harsh sentence before leaving: "You guys wait!"

Han Fei held Zhang Yue just wanted to explain to the two old men this is his classmate, the results of the two old not repair, are a face ambiguous, but also did not forget to cross the thumb at him: angry hair for the red face, people do not waste youth, you do not need to say, we all understand.

Got, the corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched, as if there was no need to explain.

Chapter 192 - God Acting. (Additional 10/10 for Ally Coconut Chicken)

Han Fei helped Zhang Yue to lean against the chair and patted her face to see if she was awake, but she knocked it off with her hand.

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