Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 137

"Let you scare people, tomorrow I'll scare you too." Han Fei covered Zhang Yue with a blanket then turned around and walked to the sofa in the suite to make up for the night.

As he fell asleep, he heard a strange sound and turned on the light to see that it was Zhang Yue lying on the edge of the bed vomiting.

"Huh, looks like there's no way to sleep soundly tonight." Han Fei simply carried Zhang Yue up to the bathroom and then called room service.

The cleaning aunt came to change the sheets and covers cleanly, and Zhang Yue's side was almost done vomiting, but Han Fei didn't put her back on the bed.

Generally speaking, the cause of vomiting caused by drinking too much is headache, alcohol decomposition to form acetaldehyde, will stimulate the autonomic nerve, make blood vessels dilate or muscle atrophy, like this symptom is not vomiting once can relieve.

Han Fei could only help Zhang Yue to the couch to let her lean against herself, back and forth three times, the day is almost dawn, Han Fei only put her on the bed, and he was so tired that he slept on the carpet beside the bed.

Zhang Yue woke up leisurely, a stabbing pain made her unable to hold back an ah, she immediately thought of yesterday's events, instantly a sadness spread in her chest, can't help but cry like rain.

But crying she felt that something was wrong, the clothes on her body had been crumpled, but it was still well worn, and there didn't seem to be any pain except for her head, and after checking, she found that, she seemed to be fine.

Zhang Yue patted her head, "Is that Mediterranean still a bodhisattva?"

But soon Zhang Yue dismissed the idea, this product is a repeat offender, how could he let go of the duck to his mouth?

Getting out of bed, Zhang Yue found that his carry-on bag was missing and was looking for it, but suddenly he saw a man lying on the carpet beside the bed and screamed in fright.

Han Fei was so confused that he thought thunder had struck and was so frightened that he stood up.

"Han Fei?" Zhang Yue looked at him incredulously.

Han Fei was still a little confused, "What, what's wrong?"

However, he was soon smashed down on the bed by a pillow, followed by a gusty attack, although the pillow hit didn't hurt, but it couldn't be given for nothing ah.

When Han Fei had a chance to grab the pillow and bring it with him, he pulled Zhang Yue down on the bed as well, Zhang Yue screamed, and Han Fei flipped over onto his back.

"You're crazy, aren't you? What's the point of hitting me for no reason?" Han Fei was furious.

Zhang Yue snorted, "Why are you still asking me, you beast, what did you do to me last night?"

"Me? Do what to you? Come on, do I need it? Don't you forget, you offered to let me sleep that day, you were so drunk last night, what could I do to you?" Han Fei was speechless for a while.

Zhang Yue, however, was righteous, "That's why I said you're a beast, I didn't know you actually had such a perverted hobby."

"Eh?" Han Fei's whole thing was stupid, what the hell? Girlfriend, don't you have a little too much imagination?

Han Fei was simply wronged, but only after hearing Zhang Yue's sudden "poof" laugh did he realize that he had been tricked.

"You ......." Han Fei was furious.

The smile on Zhang Yue's face was even more smug, "Hmph, what can you do to me?" Afterwards, he proudly made a seductive lip licking motion at Han Fei.

Well, you win, Han Fei could only roll over and collapse on the bed, venting his frustrations on the sheets.

The two of you lay on the bed for a while before Zhang Yue said in a ghostly voice, "Actually, this beating you've taken is not unfair at all, I've wanted to beat you since I was in school, but I just never found the opportunity."

Han Fei was completely baffled, "No, why? Just because I didn't sleep with you?"

Zhang Yue left two lines of tears in the corners of her eyes and gently nodded her head: "Yes, just because of this."

After saying that her tone was even a little choked up, only after a long while did she say, "Do you know what the first time means to a girl?"

"Purity, loyalty, love ....... All the best of everything is pinned on her, but in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, is an actress with no background or connections clean?"

"I just want to give my first time to someone I like, even if he doesn't like me, I'll admit it."

Han Fei was completely dumbfounded, thinking that the reason why Zhang Yue was interested in him was just a utilitarian feeling that he was a top-performing stock and wanted to hold onto him before he went public.

Only after hearing Zhang Yue's confession did Han Fei realize how desperate Zhang Yue's heart was at that time, with her outward condition, she had been harassed quite a bit in the academy, not to mention a big dye vat like the entertainment industry.

I'm sure the harassment she'd been subjected to in the past half year had definitely intensified, yet she had repeatedly been careful to protect herself, and sometimes Han Fei was even a little glad that he had rejected her.

Otherwise, Han Fei couldn't imagine what the self-loathing Zhang Yue would be like if he met her again yesterday.

"Alright, done venting, right? Go wash your face." Han Fei spoke softly to Zhang Yue.

But Zhang Yue snorted, "Want to give you another chance? To make amends?"

Han Fei was about to open his mouth when he heard Zhang Yue again, "No saying no."

"Good." Han Fei had no choice but to nod his head.

But then I saw Zhang Yue suddenly twist and leap past him, leaving only a light laugh, "Rolling, think of it, stinky rascal, you were given a chance before you don't cherish it, now you want ah, sister hasn't given it yet."

Han Fei couldn't help but raise a long sigh, O woman, your name is fickle.

Chapter 194 - Small Company.

"Always want to have it again only after losing it, if time can be turned back again ......"

Han Fei drove the car and was speechless for a while to Zhang Yue who was sitting on the passenger side with a bad smile on her face, "I say, can we change the song? I've heard this all five times."

Zhang Yue's pretty face lying on the car window suddenly turned around and smiled at Han Fei, "What's wrong? Isn't this your song? Shouldn't it be nice to have someone who appreciates your music?"

Han Fei was sullen, this girl felt like a completely different person than before, as if she could make him change his mind just how she came, was this the so-called vindictive personality?

When Han Fei stopped talking, Zhang Yue muttered, "No fun." Just turned off the music and started to look at the car, "This car isn't cheap, right?"

"It's not that expensive, all down around 1.8 million." Han Fei casually returned a sentence.

Zhang Yue's eyebrows were slightly raised, "Worthy of my liking, this tone is just like me going to the market to buy a leek."

Han Fei's hands trembled and almost drove onto the road's teeth: "Aunt, can you stop being so gloomy in your speech? If you didn't know, you'd think I'd done something to you."

"Hmph." Zhang Yue didn't retort this time and asked again, "Where are we going?"

Han Fei helplessly said, "You can't drink last night's wine for nothing ah, we have to find the scene."

As a matter of fact, Zhao Mengru and Old Fan were also discussing this matter, last night was beaten to the door, although they were scared off by the two of them's divine acting skills, but after all, it hurt their face, if they couldn't get this back how would they still hang around in the circle afterwards?

This is not, since the morning, to Zhao Mengru villa has more than a dozen cars, the villa can not stop, can only park in the public parking lot.

"No, old Zhao, old Fan, you guys are too few clues, this man to middle-aged bald head is really too much, which one in the circle is not under pressure, day and night, too many people, not easy to find ah." Fatty Fan's voice could be heard through the wall.

Zhao Mengru glared at him, "You dead fatty, are you dating a young girl again? I'll tell you this, if you don't help us find that grandson today, you're a friend we've never made."

Fatty Fan became anxious when he heard: "No, you don't worry, I didn't say I wouldn't help, you wait, I'll have someone find you pictures of the producers the company has worked with that fit this profile."

Someone said in a roundabout way, "That's right, let's use this method, we are all brothers, to fall on your face is not to give us face, I'd like to see which bastard is impatient to live!"

So from the morning Zhao Mengru and Lao Fan began to recognize photos, but these photos are either ID photos, or P photos, plus the difference between looking at the real person and looking at the photo would have been very big, get two hours also have nothing to gain.

The only thing I know is that the boss personally ordered HR to look in the database, and even to find the recent balding tendency.

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