Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 154

"Pfft." Han Fei couldn't hold it in any longer and nearly rolled on the floor laughing.

Dong Jie was furious and poked the little girl with her hand, "You little heartless one, where is it that you don't look good?"

The little girl hurriedly stumbled and ran behind Han Fei to take refuge, babbling for half a day, Han Fei froze did not understand, hey, the little girl although speaking earlier, but can say those words is already rare, any more Han Fei will wonder if this little girl is like himself to cross over.

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At this time, the actor, director, producer, and producer are all on the same rope, box office sales production side, production side to make money, the director's reputation, the actor overnight fame.

Han Fei came to the conference room and greeted everyone with a smile, but they all responded with a bitter smile, even a seasoned director like director Li will inevitably have his own problems.

In the conference room, they checked the procedure of today's premiere several times, and the publicity department was also closely monitoring the evening's wind direction.

That night, the Huayi Theater was illuminated, because it was not a traditional popular time, so the theater hall was not a lot of audience, of course, the premiere screening room was still able to fill up, generally speaking, the premiere tickets sold more expensive than the general session, most of them are some star fans will buy, after all, this is an opportunity to get up close and personal with their idols.

As for a part of the complimentary tickets mostly media, critics got, not only to give tickets, but also to give a red envelope afterwards, otherwise after watching the others turn their heads to write a bad review for you, there is no place to cry.

At 7:30, in the premiere hall, the lights were suddenly turned off, five lamp posts lit up on the stage, then the curtain opened and Han Fei and his party of five appeared in the center of the stage.

Suddenly, all kinds of cheers and screams began to appear in the premiere hall, with the male number one, Zhang Jun, being the loudest, followed by Qin Bailu, whose popularity had increased qualitatively after this period of publicity.

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The host took the stage and started the interaction with the audience, which pushed the atmosphere in the premiere hall to a climax.

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A hawk's cry cut through the sky, leaving a circular white scratch in the blue sky, and finally the hawk's silhouette landed in the middle of a circle of white circles on a blue background.

The ten seconds or so of animation alone cost Han Fei more than 200,000 yuan, who said that special effects do not make money?

At the beginning of the film, the name Han Fei appears on the subtitles again, producer, producer, star, perhaps the general audience will not notice these details, but some professional film critics and media will not miss any of the details that can be made.

The film officially begins, the scene in front of the eyes is a peaceful rural atmosphere, Zhang Jun as the first man is a farmer, the family has a field and a house, life is also pretty good.

But this life is only a short time, gradually they heard that the Japanese are coming, the city people panic, the countryside but did not take it seriously, after all, the current officials are not so good for them.

But with the arrival of the Japanese, they came to understand what is called hell on earth, male number one so forbidden to grow food was robbed, the house was burned, the family died while fleeing, his only motivation to survive is revenge.

The second man was originally a yakuza, the Japanese came, he did not hesitate to surrender as a traitor, but gradually he discovered that these devils are devils from hell, in Qin Bailu as the second woman died for him, finally came to his senses, and finally died under fire, completed self-redeemed.

The entire film is divided into three sections to tell the choices of people with different identities in that era of national disaster.

"Brother, brother." The little girl cried out in shock as she watched Han Fei's figure suddenly appear on the big screen.

Dong Jie quickly covered her little mouth and whispered, "This is a public place you can't scream yo, be good and see brother."

Han Fei as Shen Guangyao is different from the other two mud-legged born protagonists, he has a bright future, at a young age to enter a prestigious university, in order to be able to put his mother at ease, he did not correspondingly call to join the army, but chose to go to build the southern front of the motherland.

On the big screen Han Fei played Shen Guangyao with his classmates in order to avoid the bombing, hiding in the pit of the trench, the students also do not forget to read to encourage themselves, only Shen Guangyao did not follow the reading, because he has come to realize that reading can only strengthen the courage, can only appease the heart, the bomb fell, they will just as well die, at the moment his eyes look to the distant sky.

"This Shen Guangyao is simply acting alive."

"Perhaps this is aristocratic temperament, in him, it's as if he sees the shadow of the old society's aristocratic son, of course this aristocracy is not a pejorative term, in fact in that war, when the country was in danger, many young people from famous families gave their lives in order to serve the country."

This scene was also recorded in the notebooks of many media and film critics.

Chapter 217 - The humble position has not dared to forget to worry about the country, and the matter is still waiting for the coffin.

For all the creators of "Fire 1941", this day is destined to be a sleepless night, everyone is waiting for the premiere of the box office figures.

According to the general rule of the box office, the box office from the premiere to midnight can almost tell the box office of the first three days, and the box office of the first three days can tell the box office of the week, basically it is clear whether a movie is losing or gaining.

In the meeting room, Han Fei frowned slightly not because of the lack of patience, but the meeting room is almost covered by second-hand smoke, but there is no way, do this line of pressure, smoking to relieve a little is understandable.

Finally the door of the conference room was pushed open, the staff held a document in their hands, Li Dao directly grabbed it, reaching out a lot more agile than usual.

A crowd of people all got together, and Han Fei's movements were not slow, and with the heads gathered, he finally aimed at the data.

"Fire 1941" was 136 minutes long, with a round after the premiere and a unified cinema screening.

It's the off-season, there are twelve cinema lines, except for three large cinema lines, all of them are small and medium-sized cinema lines.

Zero's total box office was: 12.52 million, with 10,563 screenings and an attendance of 63%.

This figure does not look too bright, but it is within the range of acceptance, so Hua Yi Culture is quite satisfied.

According to this data, the final box office will be around 300 million, a film with an investment of 70 million, 300 million box office final share can get more than 120 million, has been considered a small profit, although the profit is not much, but it is already much better than the expected loss of money.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services, and to make sure that the products and services are well received by the public.

"The next step is still to work hard for all of you to carry out more roadshows and stabilize the box office." Hua Yi Culture naturally wanted the box office to be as high as possible, and continued roadshows were definitely inevitable.

This time, Han Fei did not excuse himself, and followed the crew to begin roadshows to various cinemas to build momentum.

The online evaluation of "Fire 1941" also showed a positive trend, especially Han Fei's role as Shen Guangyao, the glory of the role was originally enough to make people fascinating.

Peafowl initially gave it a high score of 9.3, and as screenings began on the second day, this score slipped, but only to a 9.0 to stop the downward trend.

On the third day, as the word of mouth fermented, the number of viewers also increased, of course, for some couples, this film is certainly not the first choice, which also makes "Fire 1941" missed a lot of box office, after all, the limitations of the film genre is there.

But even so, "fire 1941" three days of box office also exceeded 50 million, box office trend is gradually clear.

The real twist is still in the seventh day after the release, only one day "Fire 1941" one-day box office rose rather than fell, soared all the way to 21.67 million, only later heard, is a troop for a private screening.

The real thing that made "Fire 1941" take off at the box office was a CCTV news article that was less than 30 seconds long, in which it was reported that the army organized officers and soldiers to watch the movie, and many soldiers' feelings after seeing it.

Although it was only 30 seconds of footage, the impact of CCTV was not in how many people watched the news, but in the impact it had afterwards.

As soon as many troops saw that CCTV had reported it, they naturally had no worries, and still had a massive charter, and even some professional colleges had organized a collective viewing, the most active of which was the Aviation Academy, where Shen Guangyao, the archetype of the character, had a place in the history of Chinese aviation, and naturally wanted to take this opportunity to do a good job of educating the students' minds.

So a shocking scene appeared, "fire 1941" a week after the release of the box office for four days instead of declining to rise, just 11 days to harvest 200 million in total box office, if you only count the share, has been capital preservation.

The most interesting thing is, with the CCTV report, other mainstream media also began to pay attention to this work, including Han Fei's role as Shen Guangyao, has become the most important publicity, after all, his life is legendary enough, but also positive enough, naturally, Han Fei is also inevitably mentioned, as a ruthless brush of the sense of existence.

Naturally participating in road shows and various promotional activities, Han Fei inevitably became a front-runner, and when asked about his opinion of Shen Guangyao, Han Fei only said one sentence.

"A humble position does not dare to forget to worry about the country, and things are still to be decided by the coffin."

Because of this sentence, Han Fei even squeezed onto the hot search list, and although Hua Yi Culture was behind it, it was possible to see the audience's approval of Han Fei.

Two weeks after its release, the box office exceeded 240 million at the same time the online reviews for the film began to become varied, which is actually a good thing for the film, because everyone has a different opinion.

Just like a book, everyone is saying good things, not necessarily because you write well, but more likely your work of concern to fewer people, after all, the public is difficult to adjust, literary works can not make everyone satisfied.

Most of them felt that the first half of the film was too realistic, while in the second half it suddenly seemed like a change of style, a little uncomfortable.

Of course, even the viewers who criticized the movie to death said they were moved by the last scene of the movie.

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