Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 160

Yang Li sized up the young man in his thirties in front of her, "Excuse me, can I conveniently ask, what do you want from us, Han? He's busy right now and not always available, so why don't I make an appointment for you first?"

"There's no need to make an appointment, tell him that the Penguin Pictures people are coming." Chen Wu actually called Han Fei as soon as he got off the plane, but unfortunately he turned off his phone, and now it seemed like he should be in a meeting, the more anxious he became, what if his competitor got a head start?

"Okay, you can sit down here for a moment first." Yang Li saw that Chen Wu spoke remarkable, and claimed to be from Penguin Pictures, and didn't dare to slack off, her heart was increasingly optimistic about the studio's prospects, but she didn't know that the man in front of her was the CEO of Penguin Pictures, or else what kind of shock would it be?

The arrival of Jiang Qinghou also allowed the crew to complete the last piece of the puzzle, and these days everyone was bored in the conference room for script discussions, making changes to some of the unreasonable parts of the script, as well as brainstorming if there were any new ideas that would make the script more fleshed out and the plot better.

Yang Li knocks on the door and enters, "Sorry for the interruption, Mr. Han, there's a middle-aged man looking for you outside, saying he's from Penguin Pictures."

As soon as he heard it was Penguin Pictures' popularity, Jiang Qinghou was out of breath, where he had been a cold bench for almost three years, naturally he had no good impression of this company: "Dog thing, this is a door for us to slaughter, old Han, this time it depends on whether your knife is sharp enough or not."

"Haha~~~" he said, and everyone laughed, while gaining confidence in the film.

Han Fei nodded, "Okay, bring him to my office, I'll be right over."

Chen Wu still does not know, over there is sharpening the knife to the pig and sheep it, all the way to start measuring the studio, almost brand new equipment, you can see Han Fei's ambition, the heart is also more and more sure that this is not a guy who is willing to live under the long term.

In fact, Han Fei was stunned when he saw Chen Wu personally come, but quickly reacted with a smile on his face, "Oh my, I don't know what's wrong with Chen's presence, but I hope you'll forgive me."

Chen Wu heart cursed this little fox, but on the surface, he pretended to be careless: "General Manager Han is very important, this time the capital branch came to inspect, I heard that you opened the auspicious, so naturally I have to come to congratulate some."

Han Fei sneered, seeing how long you can pretend, so he began to tug at Chen Wu, just never mentioning the matter of [Tomb Raider], and Chen Wu tried to draw the topic away several times.

"It's good if you give me a call before you come, Chen, you see it's really a sin that I'm not even prepared with a cup of coffee."

Chen Wu's face changed slightly, "I actually called you when I got off the plane, but, your phone was off."

Han Fei slapped his head and pretended to be remorseful, "You see I have this memory." He said pulling his phone out and turning it on.

As soon as it turned on, the phone rang and Han Fei made an apologetic face at Chen Wu, "Hello, how are you, I'm, oh, cooperating ah? You are ....... Oh, okay, I have time tomorrow afternoon, downstairs in our studio, right?"

The call went on for less than two minutes, but caused Chen Wu's alertness, and he also took a special look at the number on the phone, the end number is 4836, Chen Wu was shocked, this number he is too familiar, Kiwi video CEO Zhang Liang is this end number, if it is just a coincidence, to death he does not believe ah.

"Excuse me, Mr. Chen, look, it's almost dinner time, why don't we have a casual lunch together? I do my part as a landlord?" Han Fei's smile was palpable.

How could Chen Wu have the heart to eat right now, what he was most afraid of right now was Kiwi Video hooking up with Han Fei.

"Mr. Han, let's talk about dinner later, or let's talk about the Tomb Raider Season 2 project first, shall we?"

Han Fei was surprised, "Mr. Chen, my side is also just about to start the project, how did you know?"

Chen Wu sneered inwardly, just started? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

"Mr. Han, let's not put the sky window open to say bright words, just spoke to you should be the Kiwi video CEO Zhang Liang, right? Isn't it a bit too unethical of you to do so, [Tomb Raider] has the influence it has today, even if we don't have the credit, we still have the hard work, right?"

Chen Wu said this as if it was sincere, but in fact, it's just a fart. Once someone plays the emotion card with you at the negotiation table, it's obvious that he's going to play a rogue.

I remember that we are partners in the project of [Tomb Raiding Notes], and I didn't spend any money on your production team.

Chen Wu was momentarily speechless, indeed, at first, although the Tomb Raiding Notes was a 50/50 investment, Penguin Pictures, in fact, offset a lot of expenses with the production team and equipment, and definitely took advantage of Han Fei at this point, as for the share afterwards, they naturally could not give it up, and it would be good to let Han Fei get half.

The company's CEO, Zhang Liang, has just called to give Han Fei a good bargaining chip, and now that he's the one with the girl, it's Penguin Video who should be anxious.

As for Penguin Video? In terms of production, Han Fei wanted people and equipment, so why give them silver for nothing?

It was only a short half minute of silence, Han Fei had made a decision, yes, he was going to kick Penguin Pictures out, it seemed like a crazy plan, but Han Fei still wanted to take a gamble and risk breaking with Penguin Group, if he won the gamble, he could save 40% of [Tomb Raider] Season 2's earnings.

Han Fei believed that with the buildup of the first season, [Tomb Raider's Notes] Season 2's earnings would be even more terrifying, and he was really unhappy to give away such a large sum of money to someone else blindly.

"Mr. Chen, now that I've said that, I might as well make it clear to you that I won't be working with Penguin Pictures for the second season, as to whether or not I want to continue broadcasting on Penguin's platform depends on your sincerity, and just now Mr. Zhang from Kiwi Video has made an appointment with me for afternoon tea tomorrow, so if you're also interested, why not join us? "

Han Fei lightly patted Chen Wu's shoulder.

Chapter 226 Damaging your opponent is benefiting yourself.

After sending off Chen Wu, Han Fei sat in his office not really calm inside, after all, as an outsider, he didn't know if there was a collateral effect between Penguin Video and Penguin Pictures, after all, they were both Penguin Department, whether they would sanction Han Fei for Penguin Pictures' outing.

If that was the case, Han Fei would have to follow Kiwi Video to death in the future, which was not a good thing for the studio's development.

Of course, Han Fei is not without a backbone, now the studio is still in the budding stage, so the production are these "small and beautiful" network drama, the future team really developed, he can cooperate with some TV, so that can be exempted from the influence of the Penguin video.

"It's up to Penguin Video to choose."

Turning to the day, Han Fei received an unfamiliar phone call early in the morning, and after hanging up, he couldn't help but wave his fist viciously.

That's right, the call was from Penguin Video CEO Liu Bin, and the purpose was naturally to stop Han Fei's meeting with Kiwi CEO Zhang Liang.

The cafe downstairs was owned by a young couple who were also fans of Han Fei, and although the shop was small, it was decorated in a decent style.

Liu Bin has long hair, giving the impression that he is more of a young man of letters than a professional manager, but Han Fei doesn't dare to take the CEO of Penguin Video lightly, as he has been the shadow of Penguin from its inception to its development.

Liu Bin was also sizing up Han Fei with interest, the first impression this young man gave him was that he was calm and steady, yesterday he received a call from Chen Wu, he also took a special look at Han Fei's information, and found that every step he took seemed risky, but in reality he had left himself a way out, such a person, it's not easy to deal with.

"I didn't expect that this small cafe would actually be able to make Mr Liu's presence really humble, wouldn't Mr Liu like a cup of American? This shopkeeper's handiwork isn't bad." Han Fei smiled.

"Really? Then let's have a cup to taste and hope that Han's recommendation is worth it." Liu Bin also smiled.

Soon the coffee came up Liu Bin took a sip and nodded, "Well, the bitterness, astringency and sourness are all enough, but unfortunately there is still a little bit of sweetness."

After a pause, he said, "I hope to get good news from Mr. Han so as to make up for this deficiency."

Han Fei shrugged his shoulders, "That depends on whether or not General Manager Liu has the bosom."

"Chest." Liu Bin tasted, "This is a good use of the word, worthy of being in the arts, in that case, I won't beat around the bush with you, in fact there are so many explosive web series every year, for the size of Penguin Video, don't you think it's too light for you to use this as a bargaining chip with me?"

Han Fei nodded, "You're right, but I'd like to remind you that there are a total of eight volumes of Tomb Raider's Notes, as well as spin-offs like the prequel [Old Nine Gates] and the postquel [Sand Sea], if one a year, I can even do it twenty years later, do you think that such a super IP is qualified enough to be a bargaining chip?"

Liu Bin was stunned at the news, if it really is according to what Han Fei said, [Tomb Raider] can indeed be called a super IP, such a super IP is enough for a company to stock more than ten years.

Just like Comic Book's superhero series, one a year is enough to hang up a whirlwind in the world to harvest the global box office, adding that Han Fei really chose to kowtow to Penguin Video, can completely produce two a year, specifically to block Penguin Video's A-grade production, long term, the loss is immeasurable.

Liu Bin has no doubt that [Tomb Raider] has such potential, as long as the production is good enough the power of this IP will grow, just like the mummy series back then, the search for death and the search for treasure are the two truest desires of the human heart.

"Well, I'm sure, you can do it, but why can't we work together and develop this super IP together, you should know that with the power of Penguin Group, we can probably cut this cycle in half?"

Han Fei's heart was moved, Liu Bin saying so was an acknowledgement of his equal bargaining position.

"That's right, but I don't intend to give away the money I've got for nothing, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Liu Bin nodded and smiled, "Yes, you're right, I wouldn't either if it were me, so for a change, you should understand why we would throw resources at a project that has no additional revenue and is out of our control?"

I have to admit, Liu Bin was indeed insightful, putting the conflict between the two sides on the table right away.

But from here, Han Fei also found out Liu Bin's real concern, the so-called extra revenue, after all, it is only Penguin Pictures, and has nothing to do with him, the crux of the problem is that Liu Bin is worried that the IP value of [Tomb Raiding Notes] is growing, and the platform's dependence on [Tomb Raiding Notes] will also grow.

There is an irreconcilable conflict here, with Han Fei wanting absolute autonomy, while Liu Bin will definitely not allow an uncontrollable IP to expand for the benefit of Penguin Video, even if it will bring him huge benefits.

Han Fei was silent for a long while before he spoke, "Perhaps we can sign a first-purchase agreement?"

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