Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 164

In order to facilitate the filming, this location is naturally as close to the capital as possible, but considering the cost and the fact that it can't be too close, in the end, it was Xu Qingya's borrowing of a car to go back that inspired Han Fei.

As a capital city, in fact, most people do not know that there are many poor counties around the capital, yes, poor counties, it is reasonable to say that near the capital such as the international metropolis, the economy should be very developed right, just like the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta.

However, the reality is that there are a total of 25 national-level poor counties around the capital, and Fengning County is one of them.

From Fengning County to the capital is only 188 kilometers, and if you take the highway, you can reach it in just over an hour, so Xu Qingya, a local, naturally became the guide.

The first time Han Fei looked for the propaganda department of Fengning County, the other party at first heard that Han Fei is here to make a film and television drama, and almost lost his front teeth, but then said that it was a web drama, and instantly his attitude made a 180 degree turn.

It was good that there was a freshly graduated intern in the publicity department who knew his stuff, and knew that [Tomb Raider] was an internet drama that was a hit, and that's when the leaders changed their attitude.

Originally, Han Fei just wanted to find a cheap place to put up the "underwater tomb", but the county's leaders heard that a film crew was coming to shoot the movie and became excited, saying that they could grant the land to them for free, as long as the film crew could leave the "underwater tomb" to them after the shooting.

Han Fei suddenly moved in his heart and didn't move, "Is your county trying to build a [Tomb Raider] theme park here?"

The county leader is a face of confusion: "Which of us has that money yo, is thinking that your crew is also considered famous, to the time if the fire, this [underwater tomb] is still there, can always attract some tourists to travel, boost the economy is not?"

Well, together half a day, people just want to take advantage of his autumn breeze to hit the fallen leaves.

Han Fei thought straight and shook his head, "This won't work, not only will you guys not make much money, you'll also easily ruin [Tomb Raider]'s reputation."

As soon as they heard Han Fei disagree, the leaders got a little upset: "Then in that case, you'll have to pay le to rent the land."

Han Fei pondered, "How about this? You'd better grant me the land, I'll invest twenty million upfront to build this theme park first, and when the funds are abundant later, we'll have several phases of projects behind us with an expected minimum investment of no less than two hundred million, how about that?"

To be honest, the theme park thing, really gave Han Fei a good idea, just by doing film and television to make money is really too hard, and the risk is also very high, Han Fei has also been thinking about how to include the film and television industry around this piece into practice, but unfortunately there has been no good entry point.

Leaders shake their heads straight away: "20 million is enough to do what yo, at least two hundred million investment, otherwise this land can not be granted."

Han Fei laughed bitterly at the news, he now has a full hand of sixty million, where to get two hundred million? Did he let him sell the rights to [Tomb Raider]? Don't make a scene, well, just as Han Fei thought the negotiations broke down only to take the option of renting the land.

But listen to the leaders, "If you don't have enough funds on hand, our bank can lend you well, but your formal proof must be complete, and the name of that studio of yours is not nice, quickly go and change into a company, [Flying Bird Film and Television Company] This sounds different."

Han Fei was dumbfounded, there was actually such a sloppy operation operation, but on second thought, it wasn't impossible, anyway, 200 million loan, he could also afford to pay back, and [Tomb Raider] plus other sound rights, worth 200 million is more than enough, the bank is not illegal operation.

"Fine, dry up." Han Fei gritted his teeth and nodded his head.

The leaders smiled and looked a little funny, as if it wasn't them lending out the money, but Han Fei lending it to them.

Han Fei also quickly upgraded the studio into a company in the capital, and split it into two departments, the audio-visual department and the film and television department, which were managed independently and did not interfere with each other.

After Han Fei's side got all kinds of asset evaluation certificates and related formalities done, Fengning County also readily began to go through the procedures, and in a month's time, not only was the 200 million loan approved, even the transfer of land procedures were also done.

Of course, the money is earmarked, the bank will also send someone to supervise, a child do not want to misappropriate.

It can be seen, Fengning County is also poor, since the industry can not get up, began to take the route of tourism development, I have to say, Fengning County's tourism resources are still good, belongs to the Manchu Autonomous County, near Inner Mongolia, both mountains and forests and grasslands.

It's just that it's been suffering from a lack of outstanding selling points, so the reputation is not obvious, the leaders this time is also considered to have made a great deal of effort, want to use this theme park to play Fengning County's reputation out.

Of course, Han Fei made this decision after careful consideration, before and after four visits to Fengning County, and also invited a professional theme park designer to research.

Xu Qingya was confused throughout, she never dreamed that she had brought such a large investment to her hometown, although most of this money was still lent to Han Fei by Fengning County.

Anyway, the events before and after happened so suddenly that she wasn't prepared at all, and it was hard for the past high and mighty leaders to even meet her, not to mention toasting her.

Xu Qing Ya's parents were also confused, and even more restless when the leader arrived at their home.

Even though the leader repeatedly expressed his gratitude to their daughter for bringing a turnaround to the county, this honest couple still didn't believe that their daughter alone could still benefit a county?

Two months later, when the crew moved into the [Tomb Raider] theme park, the crowd was like a dream, and Lan's eyes straightened, cursing in her heart: "This dead girl, and said that Han Fei that kid has no background, no background can make such a big theme park at such a young age?"

Han Fei was actually scratching his head a bit, the steps seemed to have been taken carelessly again, so hopefully he wouldn't rip his balls off.

Chapter 232 - Well, I was trying to promote culture.

There is a saying that has been circulating among many company bosses, that if you want the executives to stay "hungry" and keep working overtime for you, then let them live in luxurious houses and drive luxurious cars, and let them get used to the consumption of the upper class, only when they are in debt and have the power to pay off their debts, will their potential explode.

Poor Han Fei did not live in a mansion, drive a car is not luxury, nor the spending habits of the upper class elite, but a debt is true, which is a direct result of, Han Fei had to [angry sea diving sand] more stringent requirements, because only the film fire, his theme park can be fire.

The filming of [Tomb Raider] isn't really a big scene, and the second season even has very few group performances, so the pressure on several of the lead actors will be particularly high, and the slightest lack of acting will be infinitely magnified, which is one of the reasons why it's so hard to film Tomb Raider.

After the crew was stationed, began to set up the venue, Han Fei a look at a direct construction of a studio here, the sea, including the ship's drama, in fact, all in the green screen shooting, originally intended to rent a studio for filming, now a look, directly built a can, anyway, the construction of the engineering team is readily available, the land is also readily available.

Simply make use of it, and in the future, if the [Tomb Raider] series is all finished, we'll turn the studio into a museum and put some of the props from the [Tomb Raider] shoot in there for exhibition, hmmm, perfect.

The launch press conference for Diving Sands is scheduled to take place in the theme park, and the media will be able to create a wave of publicity, which is the best use of the time.

The media were beginning to wonder why they didn't just hold it in the capital, and why they had to pay to have them all over a hundred kilometers away, only to find out when they got there that there was something else going on.

The Penguin video interviewer was so attentive to filming the surroundings that I'm told he's going to go back and start a column, and the trailer will be in that column.

As for the "underwater tomb" situation is naturally the most concerned, but HAN Fei also had anticipated, for the media and reporters strictly guarded, not a single photo flowed out.

Of course, Han Fei also released a few stills of the main actors on the same day, the reporters are not for nothing, before leaving also did not stuff a little gift, these days, do not want to live less and less, shameless more and more, it is not easy to be a reporter ah.

Naturally, being a Penguin Video reporter comes with certain privileges, and a slew of the main cast members were briefly interviewed.

Naturally, Xie Buchen and the others asked about something related to the role.

When we got to Hanfei, the reporter glibly asked about the theme park.

Han Fei answered a few questions anyway, half-heartedly, but of course, when asked why he built the theme park, he was less likely to be impassioned.

"The idea actually came up in the first season, like Disney, needless to say, and I saw that there are other theme parks abroad about zombies that are actually derived from movies and TV shows, and I was thinking, why can other people do it, but we Chinese can't."

The first time I saw it, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at it, but I didn't think it would be a good idea.

Han Fei almost blushed with an old face causing him to break, but it was good that his skin was still thick enough: "Ahem, as the originator of the dark themed style of Huaxia, I feel that [Tomb Raider] has the potential and the ability to bring many of our ancestors' cultures through another special way, so that more ordinary people can become interested to understand and learn. "

It's pure nonsense, but there's no way around it, what Han Fei is afraid of now is not that the [Tomb Raider] series isn't hot, but that other people are jealous, after all, the content of the [Tomb Raider] itself is not quite attached to the current standard of film and television auditing, and if someone gets stuck in auditing, it's enough for him to drink a pot.

So Han Fei can only do the opposite, first throw out a concept, I'm not promoting tomb raiding, but to give people do science, let people understand the ancient burial structure and related knowledge, lie a hundred times is the truth.

The Penguin video reporters were stunned by Han Fei's words, although it was clear that the product was bragging, but could not find the knowledge to refute, after all, in the original [Tomb Raider] really some expertise about the tomb with antiques.

After the start, the crew began to clear the scene to officially enter the "underwater tomb" for filming, in fact, the second season of the "angry sea dive" on two scenes, one is a studio, the other is the "underwater tomb", the studio has not yet been built, naturally, only the first to shoot the "underwater tomb" in the scene.

"Angry Sea Diving Sand, first group, first mirror, action," as Jiang Qinghou gave the order.

Han Fei and Jin Bo Yuan carefully stepped onto the graveyard and were having a bitter time, but they saw that Zhang Yue had stepped on a raised stone.

Only a crossbow bolt flew past her ear, and Han Fei looked terrified as a second crossbow bolt had almost reached her chest, but she turned like lightning and threw her hands around, holding that arrow in the air.

In fact, this part is divided into two shots, the crossbow bolt from where to shoot, how to dodge, is already designed, and grasp the crossbow bolt with bare hands is bullshit, it is done in two shots, one side of the crossbow bolt shot out, the other side of the shooting Zhang Yue hand holding a crossbow bolt, posing is just, there is a crossbow bolt in the air in the middle of the shot, later will be through computer effects to complete.

It's the next part that was difficult to film, the original sequence has Ning using Wu Evil as a shield, breaking free with a backwards tumble, then lending his strength to the wall and leaving the tunnel.

But that's not how it's written in the script, which would completely ruin Ah Ning's character, who has had a hard time getting some female likeness.

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