Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 284

The new version of "Wandering Earth" due to the revision of the plot, the addition of some characters deleted, first of all, is the fight between the spaceship faction and the Earth faction, Liu Peikiang is naturally the representative of the Earth faction, while the original his best friend, the foreign astronaut can only serve as a representative of the spaceship faction of the task.

In fact, Han Fei has always felt that this role is a little too thin, completely a tool people, from the beginning to send a bottle of alcohol props to Liu Peiqiang, and then outside the space station to have a conversation, so scribbled to receive a box lunch.

So in the new version of Han Fei, the rice man became Liu Peikong's deadly opponent, has been against him, until later the sealed glass ball in the ecological cycle system broke, let him understand that no matter how big the ship, can not be like the Earth to host such a complex ecosystem, and finally, with his help, Liu Peikong only pilot space station Jupiter ignited, save the Earth.

In this role, Han Fei decided on a more influential actor in North America to participate, however, in fact, the Hollywood actors willing to come to Huaxia to make movies, are in Hollywood can not afford to hang around, not to say that the popular movie stars all despise Chinese movies, but the remuneration is very difficult to make people satisfied.

After all, many popular Hollywood movie stars are paid more than 20 million US dollars plus dividends, and Chinese movies simply cannot afford such a huge amount.

After taking a look at the prices of the second and third tier actors, Han Fei finally gave up, expensive more than 10 million US dollars, cheap several million US dollars, not only expensive, but also not cost-effective, finally Han Fei decided to choose one of the actors who specialize in playing foreigners in the Chinese circle.

After all, second- and third-tier actors in Hollywood don't have much box office appeal, and it's hard for them to help the North American market in the future, but they will take up a lot of investment budget.

The role of Liu Peiqiang, Han Fei originally wanted Qin Ming to play it, but this guy recently had no schedule, so he had no choice but to carry it himself, and for this reason Jiang Qinghou, also told him not to shave during this time, so as to appear more manly.

"This Han Bei Bei, who are you going to let play it?" Jiang Qinghou frowned slightly.

In the original version of the play, she should be called Han Duo Duo, but Han Fei resolutely used his sister's name instead, well, there was no offense.

Han Fei remembered someone in his mind, "Contact Zifeng, this little girl's acting skills are still good."

"Forget it, I'll just call her." Han Fei hadn't contacted this little girl for a long time.

When the phone was connected, it was the voice of a strange woman, Han Fei was stunned and thought he had dialed the wrong number, thinking it should be an agent, so he reported himself.

Everyone knows that Han Fei is preparing an unprecedented science fiction film, with an investment of 800 million yuan, and even made a bold statement about not capping it.

At this time, Han Fei suddenly called Zifeng, could it be? How could this not excite Summer? In case Han Fei is really looking for Zifeng to make a movie, not to mention the outside world's questions, in her opinion, as long as there is attention, what's wrong with bearing some doubts? And don't look down on Han Fei now, what's the point of questioning him when his next movie hits the box office in the future?

As for this sci-fi film? Sheng Xia didn't even think Han Fei could succeed.

"Hello?" Han Fei was a little confused.

Sheng Xia quickly said, "Oh, hello, I'm Zi Feng's current agent, Mr. Han, Zi Feng is filming a commercial, I'll go call her."

Zi Feng received a phone call, once she heard that it was Han Fei calling, she was overjoyed, "Hello."

"How have you been? You should be graduating this year, right?" Han Fei asked with a smile.

Zifeng smiled brightly, "Yeah, will you come to my graduation ceremony?"

"I'm afraid you won't have time for graduation, I have a part in a play here that would be perfect for you, but it's going to be tough, do you want to come?" Han Fei was righteous.

Zifeng was flabbergasted, Sheng Xia quickly gave her a wink and made a mouth shape: ouch, my aunt, you'd better say yes quickly.

"Of course I want to." Zifeng just came back to her senses.

"That's fine, I'll have someone send you the script later ......" After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Han Fei hung up the phone.

Sheng Xia hugged Zi Feng and gave her a big kiss on her cheek, "My little ancestor, you're really my lucky star."

Being able to get a role in Han Fei's movie, whether it was for Zifeng or for herself, it meant even more than the movie itself.

On the other hand, Jiang Qinghou was thinking hard about Han Zion, the original Wu Mengda, who played the role of the grandfather.

Han Fei thought, "I do have a candidate, I just don't know if this old man is willing to come out of the woodwork." After saying that, he picked up his phone again.

"Who is it?" Jiang Qinghou looked at him with eyes wide open.

"Hey, why did you kid think to call me?" The voice of Zhao Mengru on the other end of the phone came out, and Jiang light marquis smacked his head: yeah, how did I forget about this old man.

Han Fei said the general situation, Zhao Menru didn't even bring consideration: "Then what's there to say, of course I have to support you ah."

"Old Master, I won't lie to you, this film is probably the toughest film I've ever made, and I'm just worried that you won't be able to take it." Han Fei was moved.

Zhao Mengru was not happy when he heard, "What do you mean? You think the old man is going to die? And don't say I look down on you youngsters, but in terms of body, you're not really stronger than me."

"Okay, then I'll send you the script, you can read it first." Han Fei was no longer overbearing, but in his heart, he thought that he would have to have professional medical paramedics on standby at the filming site when the time came.

Zhao Mengru received the script via fax, took a look at it and became fascinated, until nine o'clock at night, but it turned out that the back of the script came to an abrupt halt, and it turned out that Han Zion's character had died, and he took the character script, which was naturally lost here.

"Hey, you kid, send me a copy of the complete script, I really underestimated you guys, if this can be filmed, my old man's life will be worth it, if you guys have any difficulties, feel free to tell me." Zhao Mengru's voice was somewhat agitated.

In addition to being touched, he was still touched, Han Fei quickly said, "I'll send you the complete script, old man, don't worry about anything else, you still don't understand me? When have I ever fought a battle I wasn't sure of?"

"That's right, you've always been a chicken thief when it comes to what you do, I'm relieved."

In one fell swoop, the two important roles were decided, leaving the male number one.

Chapter 411 - Vengeance will be avenged.

Male No. 1 Liu Qi was considered a rebellious teenager, a bear type, reckless and resigned to death, but the only thing not lacking in this bear boy was blood.

Jiang Qinghou just laughed, "If you kid is going to be a father to someone, you'd better find someone with a tender face, or else you'll think you're brothers."

Han Fei glared at this gloating fellow, and put aside the role script if he didn't have a candidate for now, and just threw it into the circle.

As for some of the other supporting roles, Han Fei thought about it and contacted Tao Yuehua, it just so happened that the group of students she was bringing with her would soon be graduating, and casting a few of them in some supporting roles would not only save costs but also allow these first-time rookies to show their faces on the screen.

Thus, the Beijing Film Academy was scraping the bottom of the barrel again, and Tao Yuehua was once again called to the office by Dean Wu, who had a bit of a headache: "Why are you making such a big fuss again?"

This is a good thing to hide until the movie is released, and then to show off.

"Han Fei said but a few supporting roles, I just thought that these kids will soon graduate, so I recommended it Well, in the end there are still auditions, I said it doesn't count."

Dean Wu shook his head straight away upon hearing this, "Don't give me such a pretense, I still don't know that Han Fei that kid always respects you? Don't interrupt, just hear me out. Just tell the kid he needs a crowd actor in this movie, right? The college will be on vacation soon, so why don't you ask the student council to gather all those who are willing to go and sign up? We must unite the people, not specialize."

"It really is a cunning old man."

"What are you muttering about?"

"Ahem, it's nothing, it's either ginger or you have an idea."

"That's right."

So the news of "Wandering Earth" calling for mass actors began to spread in the Beijing Film Academy, and immediately, several recruitment tables of the student union were filled with boisterous voices, originally, many students are prepared to go to find a film crew during the summer vacation to intern, now it's good, no need to look for, in the academy can register, just wait for the academy holiday.

And most importantly, this was Han Fei's movie, for this senior brother, his name had been pouring into his ears since the new student report, in the Beijing Film, the name Han Fei represented a legend.

"Senior brother, I'd like to ask, do we have to prepare our own travel expenses for this trip as a mass actor? Where to? Far?" A girl was reserved and asked, of course she didn't want to miss out on this opportunity, but the art school was too expensive and her family wasn't rich, so she had been wondering whether to work or become a group act.

The girl next to her quickly pulled her, "Jia Jia, but you promised to go with me, worst case, I'll pay for the ticket for you."

The student council's older brother sounded amused, "Don't worry, the school leaders have discussed it with senior Han Fei, you're going to be a mass actor this time, not only will all the round trip expenses be borne by the troupe, but you'll also be given eighty dollars a day, but you'll have to be quick, there are only three hundred seats and they'll be full soon."

After all, the crew would have to hire some older group performers, otherwise all of them would be young people, it just didn't make sense.

"Really? That's great, Jia Jia, sign up."

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