Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 325

Some Hollywood bigwigs stormed out and even threatened to give Han Fei a piece of their mind, and many Hollywood film professionals also expressed their outrage.

They did not examine whether they were as arrogant as Han Fei said, in their view, arrogance was their right, but if you put it out in the open, you are wrong.

Rice's traditional thinking is that, when they can't solve the problem, they tend to solve the one who raised the problem, and in the name of world peace.

This is actually something that is deep in the bone marrow of many European countries, I remember there was once a paragraph that actually said it very thoroughly, when Europeans and Americans and Chinese eat steak, the posture of holding the fork determines their character, Europeans and Americans eat steak when the fork is always downward, while Chinese eat steak, the fork is always upward in between chewing.

After Han Fei finished speaking, he didn't care what kind of stir he caused, he quickly walked towards his team, handed them the little golden man and celebrated with them, this moment was too precious to them, he didn't want to miss a second.

Doomed to be a sleepless night for the entire history of world cinema, it was the first night that Chinese films won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and at the same time Han Fei exposed the ugly face of Hollywood's so-called cosmopolitanism, allowing more filmmakers around the world to see their true colors.

In fact, Hollywood's position today is due to the "Rice Dream" and the promotion of rice as a country of immigrants, treating everyone equally, which attracts the best film professionals from all over the world to Hollywood.

Once, that dimension is uncovered, here's the brutal status quo of Hollywood in its frenzy to suck the blood out of the world's movies.

For a while, Hollywood was caught off guard, and for that, they couldn't argue, because it was the truth.

After getting the Oscar, Han Fei went straight back to the capital with his crew, and he didn't have any lingering memories of Mickey.

However, what he didn't expect was that just as they walked out of the airport passageway, the outside was densely packed with fans who had come to pick up the plane, some holding up nameplates of his name, while others were waving red flags.

Security was already on the move, however what these security personnel didn't expect was that the crowd excitement didn't happen, and when Han Fei and the others came out, the crowd had automatically given way.

When Han Fei and the others passed through, there was only applause and cheers, as well as the word "Niu Pai" appearing from time to time.

"Thank you!" Han Fei keeps waving at these fans and thanking them, that's why he's committed to making movies, is there any other country in the world that is as cute as the Chinese film fans?

Even in the environment of numerous bad films, they still do not blame, still waiting with high expectations, as long as there is a work in the standard line, they will spontaneously go to help you do publicity.

The irony is, perhaps because of the Chinese audience's tolerance, time and time again for the "feelings" to pay for, so many film companies, big-name directors, actors and actresses began to make bad money, anyway, as long as they can make money lying down, why so tired?

Until Han Feifei's transgression, a wonderful commercial film has been a huge success, in the mainland film market, commercial film field, Han Feifei and his team almost no rival.

It is reasonable to say that he should be able to lay down on the credits and make bad money, however, he did not, almost every year his films can be seen with a different character, he is also constantly changing the film genre.

In fact, the eyes of the fans are sharp, there are still many bad movies in these years, but the real box office high box office of those movies than in the past, whether it is the plot or special effects have been greatly improved, apparently this is the catfish effect brought by Han Fei.

It may be ridiculous to say that the catfish is only a small fish in the eyes of its peers, and many film companies are more than ten times bigger than it in terms of volume.

Now, Han Fei had gotten the Oscar that was so dear to the hearts of Chinese filmmakers again, and in the eyes of the fans, such a courtesy was not excessive at all.

Soon, all sorts of videos and articles of Han Fei and his entourage being warmly welcomed at the airport began to appear on the internet, and this time the peers in the film and television industry had a hard time saying it, it was they who had taken the trouble to bring Han Fei to this position.

It was originally thought that this kid would have no chance to win an award like the other seniors, but he didn't expect that he would actually kill his way out of it and get an Oscar.

Of course, they are not without a back up, and soon a piece of titled "Is the Oscar fighting for strength or money?" The report began to spread on the Internet.

The article is very heartbreaking, not mentioning how "Hero" stood out from the 20 other films, but starting to list the total amount of money spent by "Hero" to win the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar.

I have to admit, these people have a good grasp of the netizens' concerns, a total of 310 million yuan of PR costs, which is indeed amazing, which is equal to the cost of making a movie, to put it bluntly, this Oscar is bought by Han Fei.

The subtext is that it's not that "Hero" won the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, it's that Han Fei was willing to spend money to put on a facade, and we didn't get it because we didn't want to do something that would cost us money.

And in the article, very elaborate, directly converted more than 20 million U.S. dollars into 310 million yuan, so it sounds much more shocking.

At first glance, it seems to say that it is really so, however, this time, they have the wrong plan, many senior fans have online science, Oscar PR process.

Their plan to instigate the netizens through the information gap completely failed, and there was even a medium-sized film and television company that was picked up from behind the scenes by the netizens, and at first the owner of the company was still dead set against it, threatening to send a legal letter, resulting in a navy surrendering on the same day, instantly hitting the face.

However, ever since their appearance at the airport, Han Fei and his group had completely disappeared from public view.

After returning, Han Fei announced a two-month long paid vacation, which was also a reward for everyone getting an Oscar.

When Han Fei and Zhang Yue returned to the villa, the little girl had already been taken back by Han Xiao, so the two of them naturally wanted to have some fun, but what made Han Fei depressed was that Zhang Yue was even busier since the "hero" got the Oscar.

Bored of being alone, Han Fei simply moved back home, causing the little girl to despise him: how good is it to be alone and free?

Han Fei just smiled and rubbed her little head, when will this little girl's rebellious period pass?

"How long will you be back for this stay?" At the dinner table, Dong Jie was a bit disgusted.

Han Fei secretly laughed bitterly, no wonder the little girl is so rebellious, it looks like Dong Jie is going through menopause? Well, Han Fei can't help but mourn for Han Xiao, how will she live with menopause and puberty?

"Half a month." Han Fei quickly swallowed that two-letter word, can't afford to mess with ah, better go out and hide while you can.

After dinner, Han Fei sent the listless little girl to catch up on her lessons, and incidentally took Doudou to the pet hospital.The little pup, who was only two paws at first, has now entered the later stages of life, shedding more and more hair on his body, and losing several teeth, and has little spirit, unlike before when he opened the door and ran out happily.

The vet checked it out and it was fine, just said it was getting older, so Han Fei should be ready at any time.

A few days later, Doudou was gone, and the little girl got up in the morning to take him out for a walk, only to find that he was no longer breathing.

The little girl held Han Fei and cried until her voice was mute, and Dong Jie comforted her: "Don't be sad, can't we just raise another one?

After that, the family never had a dog again, and it was after that that the little girl's adolescence was considered over.

"Brother, when did you discover that you liked making movies?" One day the little girl made sure to talk to Han Fei in a serious way.

Han Fei smiled and rubbed her head, "Not so much, right? How old are you when you start thinking about the value of life?"

Humbert slapped his hand away, "When else do you think?"

"Well, the turning point in my life should have been a few months before the entrance exam." Han Fei saw her face full of seriousness, so he didn't gag anymore.

Han Bei Bei was obviously not very satisfied with this answer and lamented on the table, "Do I also have to wait until high school is almost over before I can find my way in life?"

Han Fei couldn't help but smile, in fact, most people don't have much direction in their lives, just like in his previous life, wasn't he just a muddle until he was in his mid-thirties?

"Maybe you could try to take your hobby and turn it into a life goal." Han Fei guided.

Han Bei Bei began to lower her head in contemplation, and Han Fei was curious as to what this little girl's interests were.

As a result, a short while later, the little girl looked up and asked, "Does it count if I like singing?"

"Pfft" Han Fei almost choked to death, singing? If you point at this to eat, you'll starve to death.

Although Han Fei isn't a professional singer, he still has the ability to do this, and the little girl isn't so incomplete, but it's true that she doesn't have any special characteristics.

However, the little girl wasn't interested in painting or acting, so Han Fei finally agreed to find her a professional teacher to learn vocal music.

Of course, in Han Fei's opinion, the probability was that there was no chance, and as expected, the teacher also told him privately that it was difficult for the little girl to sing.

"Teacher, just teach, it doesn't matter if you succeed or not, it's good that she's happy."

"Okay, so be it."

The teacher sent the Han Fei siblings away and also sighed, "Alas, it would be great if she could sing this, with Han Fei's resources, tsk, wouldn't I be rich? Too bad. ......."

Chapter 465 - I am not a medicine god.

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