Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star From Film Academy Chapter 354.

"Mind if you do."

"Don't make me hug you if you can help it."

"What are you muttering about?"

Well, that's life.

Turning to the day, Han Fei was pulled up by Li Yanan in a daze, seeing that it was already nine o'clock in the morning, and hurried to wash up and drive to the company.

"Next, the core of our promotional strategy is - Super Value!"

That's right, the length of "Avatar" determines its schedule is not too high, the same schedule, other movies can be scheduled for three shows, but "Avatar" can only shoot two shows, and the cinema in order not to lose money, "Avatar" a ticket price is a few dollars more expensive than other movies, this is the disadvantage can not be changed.

It's true that Avatar is more expensive than other movies, but it's also true that it's more expensive than other movies.

It's a bit like an ad for instant noodles, "add volume not price", although "Avatar" is an increase in volume and price, but, again, "great value".

Don't tell me that this may seem a bit cheesy, but it works, and it works well with a price-sensitive audience.

Of course, audiences in 3D theaters and giant screen theaters don't care about the extra hours, they are more demanding of the movie experience, which is exactly Avatar's strong point.

From the ticketing situation of the entire Bird Cinemas line, "Avatar" box office growth is still very strong, especially from 2 pm onwards, many 3D theaters even the most corner of the tickets have been sold out.

After 12 hours of word-of-mouth fermentation, "Avatar" scored a stable 8.7 points on, which made some of the fans who were still on the fence determined to buy tickets. The general screening room also has only a few more corner seats.

Not being able to buy tickets naturally created a sense of panic, like the anxiety that arises when people can't buy tickets during the Spring Festival.

"There's still not enough film queues, in other words, there's no other film that looks good during the same period, right? Why don't you increase the number of sessions?"

"That is to say, I saw that the attendance of other films in the same time frame is less than 45%, so it might as well be empty, I've been squatting since 2pm, and I can't believe that none of the 3D fields have grabbed a single ticket, and there's not even a refund, so I'm speechless."

In fact, the hospital line is also a difficult ah, "Avatar" has reached 46% of the total number of films, in fact, not all sessions are full, just 3D field is relatively small, so it seems hard to get a ticket.

Many people with high expectations for the movie will still not be satisfied even with the addition of 2D sessions.

Anyway, the first day of "Avatar" is considered an unprecedented success, the audience's enthusiasm for the film was mobilized, some had a hard time getting to the cinema, but found that there were no tickets, so they had to watch the 2D venue, or other films to relieve their hunger, for the same period of the film, can be considered a surprise.

Li Yanan has been in the lobby of the Bird Theatre, every time she hears people coming out of the theater, talking about how cool the special effects of the "Avatar" movie, how much care was put into the production, she will always smile.

In fact, at first Li Yanan was not very optimistic about the work of Han Fei, after all, the bully's mind are more practical, however, after working for a period of time in bird film, she finally realized that the original film can bring the audience so much happiness.

Of course, they weren't as essential to the population as the physical industry, but, built on the basic environment of Huaxia today, movies were indispensable again.

It is as if Grandpa Mao once announced to the world in Tiananmen Square: "The people of China have risen.

Standing up is not only about standing up materially, but also about standing up culturally, and with the increasing length of Chinese movies, movies have become the most important part of it.

At three in the morning, Han Fei finally waited for the first day's box office figures.

420 million, for this result, even if everyone was prepared, they were still shocked, it was clear that they had once again set a first day box office record for mainland movies and set the record at the 400 million mark.

Undoubtedly, no one would be able to break this record for a long time to come.

Soon, the major media also got the first day box office figures, and the whole public was in an uproar, and soon, a report appeared on the pages of the major media, no doubt, the front page headlines, and many night owl audiences only had one term in their hearts after seeing the report - bull!

Indeed, it seems to be out of the bull can not find any other adjective, how to say, for many movie fans, the heart will be a little proud, because this record among their contribution of a movie ticket.

With the hot box office on the first day, coupled with word of mouth fermentation, it can be predicted that the second day's box office will not be lower than the first day, and may even break the record again.

It is true, October 2, many people even from 10 a.m., just after the cinema line opened, many people began to go to catch the highest one of the movie.

Having just had lunch after watching it, well, perfect, and of course for most holiday-goers who like to sleep in, they wouldn't choose to get up that early.

But when they open the app ticketing program, they find that, damn it, not to mention the 3D screening room, there are no 2D tickets left.

And this situation is more first-tier cities, the more obvious, for most of the "social animal", travel is too much trouble, 11 period at home during a good sleep and then watch a movie is the most comfortable way to relax.

However, no tickets? You just don't have the tickets?

Relatively speaking, some of the smaller cities are not so tight, and of course 3D tickets are still hard to come by, after all, there are few 3D theaters in the smaller cities!

The impact of the audience's enthusiasm for the movie is directly reflected in the box office, after the first day of box office broke records, the second day box office of 450 million, once again breaking the single-day box office records in the mainland film market.

And with some cinemas increasing the number of screenings for "Avatar", many media predicted that this was not the end, but the beginning!

As expected, the box office of "Avatar" grew every day for the next week, and on October 7th, at the end of Golden Week, the highest daily box office of "Avatar" finally broke the 500 million mark.

In other words, in just one week, the box office of "Avatar" exceeded 3.3 billion!

All the media started to report on it, even some official media started to pay attention.

"Avatar" with its almost epoch-making special effects conquered all the audience, and the Han Fei crew and the "Skyworks" special effects company also attracted the audience again.

In an interview with an official media outlet, Han Fei also revealed some of the difficulties in the filming process.

"What do you think was the most difficult part of filming [Avatar]?" The host asked.

Han Fei thought, "Actually, I don't think it's too difficult to shoot, what's really difficult is the pre-preparation time, with the post-production of special effects."

The support person asked again curiously, "Oh? I see [Avatar] did take quite a long time to prepare too, almost eight months, and I've seen other productions filmed, and it tends to be a tougher shoot?"

"That's because, they're a different crew." Han Fei was confident, but of course, it was a bit crazy, and it was cut straight out later.

"The reason why the pre-prep was so long, to be frank, we were creating a whole new world out of nothing, and the filming was done with sketches already done, and the script was rigorous enough, just follow the split-screen script, and as for the post-production, because you'll find when you get to the back, it's quite difficult to achieve a lot of the previous vision, before imagining Medium doesn't seem to be difficult, but when you actually do it, you'll find that there are a lot of techniques that you can't reach, and you'll have to tackle them one by one."

"Didn't it ever occur to you that since the technology can't be reached, you should just forget about it?" The moderator jokingly asked.

Han Fei firmly shook his head, "No, never."

A short issue of less than half an hour, also let the audience finally know why "Avatar" could get such a high box office.

There wasn't any success that was casual.

Chapter 486 - He's back again.

After the Golden Week, the box office of "Avatar" has declined to a certain extent, but the enthusiasm is increasing.

Of course, there are some who feel that the film is overstating its case, and that it is not a Hollywood popcorn movie, and that the ideas and connotations of the film are not relevant.

Han Fei responded to this by saying, "Avatar, it's a commercial movie, we didn't expect the audience to be enlightened and have their souls sublimated after seeing this movie."

Even the Film Board doesn't require movie scripts to be edutaining and full of positive energy anymore, but some audiences just want to find fault with it.

But it's bad luck for them to run into Han Fei, who just confesses that we're popcorn movies, so what?

After all, the barbarians are a minority, most of the audience is still relatively sensible, watching movies is an entertainment in itself, like to watch commercial films is to relax after a tense work, don't pull those have no, watch the fun.

If you like to watch art films, go watch art films, cry a lot, but also help the development of tear glands and reduce the risk of cataracts, how good?

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