
Chapter 1007: Elephant coffee


The raging wind rushed against the glass windows, and the grey-brown wooden window frames groaned painfully, as if they would be torn apart in the next second. There was a creaking and shaking sound from the wooden roof overhead, which was clearly audible even in the intensive rainstorm, making people involuntarily worried whether the whole house would fall apart in the next second.

Hugo raised his head and glanced at the roof. The dark brown ceiling was shrouded in dim light. It seemed that the gap between the wooden boards could be vaguely seen, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed that there was nothing to see. With a low laugh, he pulled Hugo's gaze back, and looked at the girl sitting opposite.

Said it is a girl, in fact, it is because Hugo knows her gender, otherwise even if it is a boy, others will not be too surprised. Because she has a neat short hair that doesn’t even cover her ears, she has no makeup on her clean cheeks, her deep facial features are not modified, she looks a little embarrassed and vicissitudes of life in the dim light, just like Washing the face is not thorough, but after looking carefully, you will find that it is the traces left on the cheeks by the journey wind and experience: wrinkles, fine spots, sunburn spots and so on.

This is a new friend Hugo has just met for less than ten minutes. They only exchanged names. She is called Charlotte. Charlotte was in her midst. Hugo had just heard of her experience of walking back to Europe from Africa. He was a little surprised and couldn't help but admire her.

Hugo's European trip continued. He wandered without direction or destination in the European continent. Compared with the scenery, the people and things encountered along the way left a more profound impression.

For example, on the train from Prague to Munich, he met a teacher from Argentina and learned about his different ideas about South America and Europe. The two chatted all the way. Finally, they reluctantly moved up after arriving in Munich. He didn’t even ask the teacher’s name; for example, he was kicked off the train at four in the morning because the train needed a way and the border needed a temporary check. As a result, in a border town, he couldn’t even spell out the name of that town. Stayed for seven hours one by one.

These moments have become the most memorable moments in the journey, not necessarily wonderful, but worth remembering. About a week ago, Hugo came to Edinburgh from lzsg. He originally planned to just transit in Edinburgh and then go directly to (vernes, the northernmost city in Scotland, with a magnificent fjord landscape. But he didn’t expect it to be in Edinburgh). Stopped and was attracted by this small city with historical heritage.

The weather in Edinburgh is capricious, typical British style. The sun was shining yesterday. This morning there was a heavy rain, and today’s heavy rain is not small. The sky is dark and heavy. The heavy rain is like the sky has been battered. After the hole pours down, as if the sky would collapse at any time.

On such a day, hiding in a coffee shop and drinking a cup of warm coffee, watching the raindrops keep falling, is the best enjoyment. So Hugo found the elephant coffee shop itne near the hotel. ehepnzmt. , He chose this place because there is an old-fashioned stove in the shop.

Although it’s only late October, Scotland has already started to supply heating. Even if there is heating, I still feel that water is flowing in my bones, which is very uncomfortable. So watching the firewood burning in the old-fashioned stove, I feel close. The flames at hand will make the limbs and muscles feel stretched up, as if the whole world is brightened.

Charlotte pointed to the creaking ceiling above her head, ¨ don't worry, it won't collapse. The whole of Edinburgh (nhmrgh) is like this, there are such dilapidated buildings everywhere, which seem to be destroyed at any time, but in fact they are very strong. "Speaking of this, pause, ¨if you have been), and seeing that ancient Rome without any cement, you will know how great the wisdom of the ancient people is."

¨Then you should really go. Look at the Great Wall of China. "Hugo was amused by Charlotte's indifferent expression, and said with a chuckle, ¨I know very well that many ancient ruins look dilapidated, but they are stronger than modern buildings. Of course, this is also Edinburgh. The charm, isn’t it? The most historical city in the whole."

middle. country? "After a pause, ¨a mysterious country, I have always longed for it." Then she shook her head and changed the subject, ¨but I will not use your words to define Edinburgh. Those are government officials who want to attract tourists. The idea. "Charlotte's expression is obviously very disdainful of attributives such as ¨the most historical charm," which made Hugo chuckle, ¨but there are indeed many places worth stopping in, and the entire university itself is a treasure. "

¨I stayed in it for three days. "Hugo gave an affirmative reply immediately, ¨I found two guides and took me to experience the inside. Of course, I would never admit that the gloomy atmosphere of the medical school makes me feel a little hairy now. "

Hugo's vivid expression made Charlotte laugh, her voice leaked out, and she realized that she was laughing too loudly. This is a coffee house, and almost no one speaks, so the sound of rain outside the window It will be so obvious. Charlotte quickly covered her mouth, turned her head around and said "Sorry".

But Charlotte was still a little bit late, and a loud cry completely broke the tranquility in the coffee shop, causing the only five guests in the coffee shop to turn their heads and look at the source of the sound.

The sound of croaking and crying obviously came from a baby. There was a baby stroller parked at the table near the stove inside the coffee house. The orange fire shining on a baby in the car seemed to be under one year old. size. The baby had been asleep quietly before, but I don’t know if it was awakened by Charlotte’s voice, or because of other reasons like diapers and hunger. Now he is crying wanton. He cried and expressed his or her dissatisfaction and grievance to everyone.

The guests in the coffee shop looked at each other, and everyone seemed hesitant. Charlotte was the most anxious because she was worried that it was her own sake that caused the baby to wake up. Charlotte looked around, and then followed Hugo’s gaze towards the counter. The waiter felt the gaze of Hugo and Charlotte and shrugged helplessly. ¨ I don’t know, I just kept going. Busy. "

The waiter is answering Hugo’s question: What about the baby’s parent? Obviously this baby didn't appear in the coffee shop for no reason.

In desperation, Hugo could only look at the table of guests diagonally across from him, ¨Did you notice the parents just now? "

The two guests looked at each other, then shook their heads. Obviously, everyone will not always focus their attention on other people. Hugo and Charlotte looked at each other helplessly. In fact, they didn't know what to do. If they came forward to coax the baby, not to mention whether it is nosy, the most important thing is that they don’t know how to coax the baby. The two methods are unmarried people; but if you just let it go, don’t say whether it’s disturbing everyone for the time being. It’s not the only way to say that the baby keeps crying like this.

This is a dilemma.

The sound of sitting in another corner next to the stove came out, ¨ She, uh, a young lady, just went to the bathroom..." Hugo and others all turned their eyes away, the person hiding in the light and shadow of the stove In the middle, I can only see that it should be a man, but I can’t see the facial features clearly, ¨ But... she seems to have been in for a long time..."

The waiter hesitated and felt everyone’s gaze. Finally, he walked out of the counter and asked "how much time", and walked to the stroller. In fact, this is not what the waiter should take care of. After all, it is Someone else’s baby, but now he seems to have to deal with it. Then the waiter looked at the bathroom door under the stairs again, and it was still tightly closed.

¨It seems to be almost ten minutes. ¨I don't know..." The man hiding in the shadow of the stove sat up straight, showing his face, and said with uncertainty.

The waiter didn't hesitate anymore, went straight to the door of the bathroom, knocked on the door, ¨Madam, are you inside? "The baby's cry is still piercing, which makes the waiter more anxious, ¨Ms? Madam" The waiter hurriedly pulled the door handle of the bathroom, and then turned back anxiously and said, ¨ Was locked up. "I don't know who she was talking to, she just yelled, and then tried to fiddle with the door lock.

¨Where is the key? "Hugo frowned slightly, and Shengkou asked. This is a coffee shop, not a private residence. The locks of the bathroom are naturally controlled by the coffee shop.

¨Uh, I'm not sure..." The waiter was also panicked, and she ran to the counter directly to look for the key.

Charlotte had already ran to the bathroom door first, knocked **** the door, ¨Ms. Madam, can you hear me? "The baby's cry is one aspect, and the lady's lack of any response in it is also worrying, and Charlotte is also anxious.

Hugo also walked to the door of the bathroom at this time. Charlotte was almost smashing the door. The ancient building of the Elephant Coffee House seemed to be crumbling in the storm, but there was still no response in the bathroom. Hugo looked back at the man who had also stood up next to the stove. ¨ That lady has been in for more than ten minutes? "

¨I'm not sure minutes, 20 minutes..." The man said embarrassingly, and he didn't pay attention to other people's behavior. How could he know how long the lady had been in the bathroom?

If it really took more than ten minutes to go in, and now there is no response, it is indeed worrying.

¨God, God, I can’t find the key..." The waiter’s voice came from the counter, and a panicked crash came. I don’t know what she hit. At this time, the other two guests were also concerned. He walked over and frowned and asked, "Do I need to call an ambulance?"

Now I am not sure what the situation is, the ambulance is still too exaggerated. Hugo thought for a while, pushed Charlotte to the back, then twisted the door lock hard, and shouted to the waiter, "I'm going to knock the door up..."

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the torrential rain seemed to be getting more and more rampant. The sound of hula la rain almost made the coffee house look like a horror movie scene. With a loud bang, Hugo slammed the bathroom door up. , But his shoulders are also swollen.

Hugo is pretty sure that he is not Iron Man. .

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