
Chapter 1058: Escape

\"&   What is the charm of Hugo? Make fans crazy, make crazy into chaos, and make chaos into disaster. It is no exaggeration to say that if Hugo appears on the red carpet of the Golden Globes, it is estimated to be the same. It’s a grand occasion, and those reporters will take the lead in chaos before the fans start to go crazy; and now, Hugo has brought this chaos to the deserted and desolate Park City, becoming the most in the 11-year history of the Sundance Film Festival. A spectacular picture.

However, if this disaster is not prevented, then Hugo will be buried here.

Nicholas suddenly realized this. He didn't know what happened to Hugo and why he needed to bend over, but he clearly saw that the people around him had completely lost control, and a total disaster was unfolding before his eyes.

Nicholas couldn't care about fulfilling his responsibilities as a reporter. He put down the camera, stood up directly, and shouted at the crowd below, "Disperse, disperse! Danger! Danger!"

But how could Nicholas's voice work alone? The noise on the scene completely overwhelmed Nicholas, and no one would hear it. In the face of the turbulent flow of more than 300 people at this time, Nicholas's power alone seemed to be overwhelmed by the crowd. Hugo of the three people is average, unable to form a confrontation at all, can only be destroyed.

Nicholas forced himself to calm down. He used to be a part of this chaos, but now he has to rely on his own strength to resolve this disaster, which is obviously not an easy task. As he was thinking, Nicholas caught a figure out of his sight. He didn't have time to think deeply, he just jumped off the stump, and then quickly ran towards that figure.

This time, Nicholas did not miss her.

"Kayla!" Nicholas caught Kayla Cole who was tumbling in the crowd, but Kayla, who had lost his mind at this time, turned his head, but the focus of his sight was not on Nicholas at all. Nicholas had to shake Kayla a few times, "Kayla, Kayla! Hey, girl!"

Finally, Kayla’s focus came together, but Nicholas did not give Kayla a chance to speak, and directly shouted, "Hugo is in danger, Hugo is in danger! Danger!" Nicholas only felt that his voice was like a tsunami. A canoe in the midst of turbulence, his face was red and his voice was hoarse, "Danger!"

Kayla’s dilated pupils let Nicholas know that she heard it.

Nicholas took Kayla’s hand and quickly squeezed out towards the periphery. After walking a little outside, Nicholas didn’t have time to go out anymore. He could only quickly explain, “The scene is out of control. Hugo is in trouble and is trapped. In the middle, he was bent over just now, and now all the pressure around him is pouring over him, he has no way to resist. If this continues, everyone will step on Hugo’s body and continue to crowd forward."

In an instant, Kayla's face turned pale. The last moment Kayla was still caring, excited because Hugo arrived in Park City; the next moment Kayla realized that her madness had caused Hugo a big problem.

"Calm down, calm down!" Nicholas gripped Kayla's shoulders tightly, letting Kayla focus on himself again, "I just saw that Joe and Samora are by Hugo, but they can't hold on for long. , The scene... is terrible." Nicholas looked at the completely crazy crowd around him, worry flashed by, and quickly retracted his gaze and looked at Kayla firmly, "We must help Hugo, and only we can Helped him."

"How to do it!" Keira finally recovered. After all, she had experienced countless Hugo fan out-of-control scenes with Meleryn and others before. She knew that her chaos could not help anymore, and she had to calm down.

"We started from the periphery, looking for the help of people we know, persuading those crazy fans, telling everyone that Hugo is dangerous now, if you don't want to see Hugo blood splashing on the spot, you must disperse." Nicholas said. Kayla's lower lip began to tremble, and a trace of blood faded from his pale face. Nicholas patted Kayla on the shoulder, "We don't have time to hesitate."

Nicholas originally wanted to seek official help from the main committee, but think about it, the Sundance Film Festival does not even have an official office, how could there be special security guards to maintain order-besides, they don't need it at all. . Therefore, they can only rely on themselves.

"Kayla! Cheer up!" Nicholas didn't have time to slowly enlighten Kayla, he could only shout angrily, then turned his head and left, "I'm going to look for my friends." Nicholas knew that there were many reporters on the scene. Hope these reporters can help.

Kayla was left alone, she could feel her heart beating fast, her throat was already dry and smoke was about to come, her brain told her that she had to act, but her feet couldn't move. This left Kayla's brain blank. Suddenly, a person slammed Kayla hard, and then the person squeezed forward frantically. This fierce collision quickly made Kayla react: Hugo!

Kayla immediately grabbed the person subconsciously, and missed the first time, but she clenched her teeth and walked forward again for half a step, grabbing the person, and the person felt Kayla's power and turned her head directly. , "Kayla!"

Kayla knows her, her name is Mi Luan-Toli Annia, she met at the "Road to Glory" Houston station before, this little Nizi is also a big fan of Hugo, she is completely stubborn, and everyone is crazy. I can't help it, but he is indeed a loyal fanatic of Hugo, "Mi Luan, Hugo is in danger, Hugo is in danger!"

"What?" Mi Luan was still hopping, but she was stunned when she heard these words. She turned her head and pointed to the center of the crowd, wanting to say, "Isn't Hugo in there?" But Kayla interrupted. Her words directly said, "The crowd is too crazy and out of control. Hugo can't get out. Now Hugo is in danger of injury. We must evacuate the crowd, we must!"

Mi Luan was stunned, then turned around to look at the surging crowd forward. Without much hesitation, she nodded immediately, "I see!" After saying that, Mi Luan turned her head and grabbed the next one. People, just rush out without saying anything. Don’t look at Mi Lu’an who looks like a petite head, as if she’s underage, but her strength is terrible. She pulled the boy back a few steps with a loud voice, and then Kayla listened. When Mi Luan shouted, "Get out! Stupid! Don't you know that you are hurting Hugo?"

Keira watched Mi Luan's movements and immediately realized that her speed must be accelerated, there was no time to hesitate, and no time to be in a daze. Every second, Hugo was closer to the edge of danger. So Kayla also turned her head, grabbed the stranger next to her, and shouted, "Leave, please leave! Your behavior is hurting Hugo and creating bloodshed!"

At this moment, Kayla finally understood why people are saying that fans should also be rational and maintain order. Because once their madness is out of control, it may create irreparable consequences. When their support becomes a weapon to hurt the idol, this fanaticism is like a poison in the throat, crippling the vitality of the idol bit by bit.

This thought suddenly struck, making Kaila's movements a little bigger, "Leave, leave!" Kaila only hoped that her movements could be faster and faster.

On the other hand, Nicholas ran to the periphery and saw his colleagues, but at this time he did not have time to say hello, so he could only move forward quickly, "Quickly, now the situation is out of control, red alert! Red alert!"

If it is in peacetime, the reporters would be eager for such a situation. If there is a bloodshed, it will be a sensational event in the United States, not to mention that the protagonist is Hugo, then the sensational effect is immeasurable. As reporters, it is too late for them to report such a huge news event, how can they stop it! They are not supermen who save the world, but uncrowned kings who report facts!

But the reporters who came to Park City were different. They gave up the Golden Globes and came to cheer for Sundance. Although the news value represented by Hugo is the root cause, objectively speaking, the Golden Globe is absolutely absolute. It is far more than a Hugo, after all, what Hugo needs to fight against is the focal point of Hollywood. Therefore, these reporters are willing to come to Park City not only for the value of news, but also for Hugo. It also shows that they always have a curiosity and a passion for independent films.

Therefore, when Nicholas yelled with an angry "red alert" on his face, the reporter colleagues in front of him cheered up, and everyone's eyes became vigilant--everyone!

Immediately afterwards, Nicholas did not wait for their response, and then shouted to the surrounding people, "Everyone, evacuate, help evacuate, Hugo is in danger! Red alert, red alert!"

People who originally stood on the periphery still have some saneness, because standing in the center of the hot heat tends to make the brain hypoxia, so the sensibility is lost, but on the periphery, the brain is not severely overheated. Hearing Nicholas's shout, everyone became vigilant. Some people hadn't figured out the situation, but some were gloating that "I can't get in, you all come out" and began to help evacuate the crowd.

And the most important part of the people, just like Kayla, their expressions changed in an instant. They are all serious fans who really love Hugo. They just hesitated, and they all stepped forward to help. Coupled with the reporters who started to get busy at this time, the whole scene became busy in an instant.

The crowd was evacuated little by little. The hot temperature in the middle was like the glacier was warming up, turning into entangled water vapor, which filled the whole scene in a hustle and bustle, and the eyes full of mess and panic almost made Parker. The streets of the city are totally unrecognizable.

Finally, Hugo, Joseph, and Samora, who were locked in the middle and unable to move, finally appeared in front of everyone, but they were all devastated and embarrassed, just like survivors who survived the catastrophe. . .

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