
Chapter 1071: Moving story


As we all know. Utah is one of the most conservative states in the United States... and Salt Lake City is a motorcycle. door. The teaching base camp. More than 70% of the residents are Moroccan. door. Religious believers. This is the city with the most unified religious beliefs in the United States. Therefore, in this city, political views and artistic aesthetics have always been strongly religious. Similar to "Salt Lake City Tribune" and "Desa Law Zaobao. Such newspapers all have obvious religious tendencies. This also makes the influence of these media always limited to Utah. It is difficult to make further breakthroughs.

But what is interesting is that Robert Redford set up the maverick Sundance Film Festival next to Salt Lake City, Utah. For the Sundance Film Festival to get enough attention, media coverage is naturally an indispensable part. Since the establishment of the Sundance Film Festival in 1985, it has reached a cooperation agreement with the "Salt Lake City Weekly".

The "Salt Lake City Weekly" is a new media. Compared with the "Salt Lake City Tribune" founded in 1870, the "Salt Lake City Weekly" established in 1984 can be said to be a rookie. Even compared to the Sundance Film Festival It's not too old. But it is precisely because of its youth. So the "Salt Lake City Weekly" is not as conservative and serious as other old newspapers. It is more energetic and bolder. It is naturally more suitable for new and brave things like the Sundance Film Festival.

The Sundance Film Festival and the "Salt Lake City Weekly" have reached a cooperation agreement. During the film festival, the "Salt Lake City Weekly" will be published daily in the form of a special issue. Then every week, the special topic will be developed in the newspaper's fixed periodical for detailed reports.

The "Salt Lake City Weekly" can also be regarded as the official site of the Sundance Film Festival. In the past ten years, they have witnessed the step-by-step growth of the Sundance Film Festival. At the same time, they also grow up with the film festival. But objectively Said. The influence of the "Salt Lake City Weekly" is still limited. Even in Utah, where the media is barren, it still can't match the strong appeal of the "Salt Lake City Tribune." And leaving Utah has no influence; and Sheng Dan The same is true for the Sri Lanka Film Festival. The reputation of "the holy land of independent film festivals" is screaming loudly. But it is thunder and rain. Ten years have passed and it is still tepid. Just because independent films have never really entered the mainstream vision.

However, this situation has been completely reversed this year. The "Salt Lake City Weekly" is the official publication. They are the first newspaper to get an exclusive interview with the crew of "Before Sunrise". They walked in the "Los Angeles Times". In front of the big bosses all over the United States. That special issue sold a full 830,000 copies-which is more than the total sales of the "Salt Lake City Weekly" in the second half of 1994 in the six months.

Sundance’s feat of surpassing the Golden Globes. The "Salt Lake City Weekly" bears the brunt. Many of their reports have even been reprinted by the "Los Angeles Times" and the "New York Times". Let them become famous in one fell swoop. Really know what is called star effect. What is national influence.

Especially during the siege of the streets of Park City. The "Salt Lake City Weekly" took advantage of the landlord to completely restore the truth. Including the crazy behavior of the little girl's family against Hugo. Including many film festivals. The loyal fans lost their minds during the post-event interview that day. It is the only media among all news media that can fully present the whole picture of the incident. It made it famous in one fell swoop.

Utah has always been hailed as a news desert. Even the dominant "Salt Lake City Tribune" has no influence outside of Utah-even many people have ridiculed it as a "Mormon. Religion." special issue". But this time, the "Salt Lake City Weekly" has reversed this fixed impression of many people. It made it famous in the neighboring states of Nebraska and Texas.

Therefore, the "Salt Lake City Weekly" is like chicken blood up and down. They all know. This year's Sundance Film Festival is a good opportunity for their rise. Just catch the "Before Sunrise" and Hugo bus. Not to mention the spread of influence to the United States. At least in Utah can also occupy a place.

"Salt Lake City Weekly" reporter Jesse James ∫ has made up her mind a long time ago. She must rack her brains and do her best to compliment and praise "before sunrise". She thinks this is not an easy task. Because Saint The independent films that appeared at the Dans Film Festival are strange. It is very difficult to get the audience's love. But even so, there is no way to stop her. Because she knows this is the best opportunity for her to work in the newspaper.

But when Jessie really watched the movie, she couldn’t get back to her for a long time. She just fell in love with "before sunrise". She fell in love deeply. She fell in love with the man with a green smile on the corner of his mouth. Fall in love with the woman whose eyes are full of lazy style. Fall in love with the fetters between men and women.

Jessie couldn’t help herself. She kept sitting in front of the big screen and meditating carefully. So she missed the opportunity to interview Hugo for the first time. But she didn’t care at all. Then she watched "Before Sunrise". The second play and the third play. Most ordinary movies can't stand the scrutiny of repeated viewing at all. But "before sunrise" is different. Every time you watch it, Jesse has a new feeling. Listening to the same dialogue repeatedly has different results. She is so I love this movie so much that she immersed her in the cold moonlight of Vienna and did not want to return to her senses.

So. When Jesse wrote the film review, his hands were shaking. It was not the brain that was talking. It was the heart and soul that were whispering.

"This is an extremely moving love movie. But it is also an extremely simple love story: a man and a woman meet unexpectedly on a train. They have a good feeling. They spent the night together in Vienna. That's it.

There is no ups and downs. There is nothing unforgettable. There is no turning and progress that makes the relationship between two people sublimate. Everything is as simple as this: normal dating. Casual eating. Endless chat. Shallow. Drinking. This is basically a love story without any plot.

But it is precisely this kind of simplicity. It restores the truest appearance of love. There is no vows, no storms, and no vigorousness. Can love burst out? Hidden behind simple story clues, it explores the two most important themes of love: the passing of love and the blooming of love.

The beauty and eternity of this story. First of all, because of the shortness of this love. It only lasted one night. It was fleeting. Like a shooting star gliding across the sky. Because good love must often be short-lived. Just like the movie. Men said: We often tire of ourselves. Because we can't escape from ourselves. We must endure ourselves all the time. The two parties in love. If you don’t know how to take the initiative to let love pass or change at the right moment, then love will eventually lead to death: because if we can’t bear it even ourselves, how can we ask others to endure ourselves. How can you endure another person for a long time?

However, the death of love and the passing of love are two completely different things. When the flame of love has not been extinguished, to actively lose love. In fact, in a sense, love stays forever-always stay in the best moment. Just like the thirteen-year-old girl in the unnamed cemetery: ten years have passed. The 13-year-old woman grew up ten years old. The little girl who lost her life is still only thirteen years old. The life lost. Instead, her thirteen-year-old became eternal. People who did not lose their lives. But let youth slowly die.

Therefore, people always miss the young and ignorant first love. They always miss the love of youth. Because they can't be realized. Because they died in the most brilliant and gorgeous time. So they left the most perfect posture in the memory forever.

At the end of the story. The man and the woman chose to separate on the platform. So this love became a classic eternity. Before the love died. Actively extinguished the burning flame. But it left a touch of eternity in the depths of the heart. The unquenchable starlight.

The moving and beautiful part of this story. Another reason is the natural and casual nature of this love. After two people meet, talk naturally, have a good impression, sparkle naturally, hold hands naturally, kiss naturally. Not resisting but not reluctant. Like is like. Outspoken. When you fall in love with those lovely lips. The lips are already on your tongue. Because she knows what you desire for her. And she also desires your touch.

Such a simple and natural love. On the contrary, it is the most difficult to encounter in real life: it is not because this kind of love is too complicated to get it. It is precisely because it is too simple to get it. Love in life often has too many tactics. Just like the woman in the story said: too much thoughtfulness. too much self-protection

How many men dare to invite a strange woman who came across on a train to spend a night in a city that he is completely unfamiliar with. How many women would take the initiative to confess their love and true feelings? The most important thing is. How many men and women embrace the exchange of ideas first, and the entanglement of the body is second?

A kiss. A hug. A night. This is just the beginning of a love. We who are afraid of failure are starting a'formal relationship; there are always too many fears before. You must discover everything before you are willing to start. But forget it. There are many things before love begins. You can never know The simplest love is the most rare. The simplest love is also the most moving.

The truth and wonder of this story. The last reason lies in the collision of ideas between men and women. Every dialogue seems casual but hidden deep meaning. The two people discuss from philosophical issues to the cycle of life. From the true meaning of love to marriage. Essence. From the small talk of the difference between men and women to revealing the sincerity. Section after section of dialogue brings two strange souls closer. The whole process is so fast and so slow. But it is so real and beautiful.

Watching men and women meet like this. Just talk like this. Just look side by side. Just look at each other like this. Just smile like this. Just kiss like this... We can see the process of love bursting out little by little. Suddenly, intoxicated, in a trance, it makes people lost in the time between light and shadow

The movie is over. The dream wakes up. But the heart is left in the story. This is the real love. This is the real movie. ".

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