
Chapter 1114: Award testimonials

Tony's voice came from the microphone, thunderous applause came, and the echoes from all directions made the ground tremble slightly.

Hugo didn’t have time to react. He was about to stand up. He was pushed back on the chair by his friends who had directly jumped on. How did Pedro bypass Foggin and Neal and jump on him? Hugo couldn’t think about it. Its solution. But then, Neil came over to hug Hugo, and Fugin and Alfonso’s arms banged over—no, it should be more than these people, because Hugo only felt that he had at least a dozen hands slapping on his body. This made Hugo think he would vomit blood in the next second.

In a daze, Hugo was "teleported" to the aisle by his glorious teammates. He didn't even know how his steps were taken-perhaps it was Lingbo's microsteps, and then he stood on the path leading to On the aisle of the stage, the audience on both sides stood up together, and everyone clapped excitedly, with hopeful eyes locked on Hugo, which made Hugo feel the heat like a spotlight.

Hugo finally came back to his senses at this time, he won the prize, once again. Tonight's Grammys are like a miracle, accidents one after another, and the complexity and excitement make people unable to express in words.

Hugo took a deep breath, waved to his teammates, and shouted, "Come on stage with me." The glorious teammates looked at each other. The best production award of the year praised Hugo as a producer. Compared with the best rock song award, more attention is paid to the production process. Glory to death when it came to the stage for the best rock song award was fair, but at this time, it seemed a bit overwhelming.

But Hugo has a different idea. Glory to death is a whole. He is a member of the band. Even if he wins the award as a producer, this fact cannot be changed.

Therefore, Hugo looked at the hesitant teammates, widened his eyes and said, "Quick! Don't let me say it again." After that, Hugo took the lead and walked towards the stage.

The gloriously dead members exchanged their sights. In the end, it was Fujin who was the most free and easy. He stepped forward and followed Hugo's steps, followed by Pedro, and neither Neil nor Alfonso. Pause again, followed closely.

Hugo, who took the lead on stage, took the phonograph trophy from Tony. This is the third glorious trophy tonight. But before Hugo can taste it carefully, he was imprinted behind him. With bones in the palm, Pedro turned directly onto Hugo’s back, causing Hugo to lose his weight and almost fell over. Neil and Alfonso also came up to join in the fun, shaking vigorously. Hugo's shoulder.

Only Fujin was watching the excitement by himself.

The frolicking of the five members of Glory To Death on the stage caused a lot of laughter from the audience, but those old scholars who watched this farce, their already iron expressions are probably going to be green at this time.

After finally standing firm, Hugo walked to the microphone and said with a smile, "Thank you, thank you my lovely teammates!" Hugo almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence, making the scene laugh again. There was applause again, it was so lively, "I originally wanted to say that I couldn't stand here without a band member. Tonight, Grammy, the Holy Auditorium." Hugo teased with a chuckle, the words thick. "But now...I think," Hugo shrugged. "Pepe, don't think too much about it. This trophy is mine. You have no share."

"Hahahaha..." The laughter broke out in the audience.

Among the three awards tonight, Hugo is the easiest and most comfortable, although it is also the most unexpected. But compared to the previous two ill-prepared acceptance speeches, Hugo has obviously restored his composure at this time.

Hugo looked down at the gramophone trophy in his hand. This was not unfamiliar, but it felt heavier than he had imagined. The heavy weight almost made Hugo unable to hold it. Hugo was very surprised. He couldn't help shrinking his right hand, holding the trophy tighter, and the solid weight came from the palm of his hand more clearly.

Hugo's eyes could not help but stay on the trophy for a while. The streamlined lines, the gold that refracted the light, and the mirror surface that projected his figure appeared shining in the spotlight. At this moment, the sense of reality that came when I got the first trophy came again: This is a Grammy Award! However, this time the sense of reality has gained another weight, and the excitement, happiness and beauty in Hugo's heart slowly settled down.

Just a glimpse, then Hugo raised his head and said into the microphone again, "When the album "Bath in the Morning Light" was released, many people told me that this is a great album, and it is an impressive one. 'S album; there are many excellent songs in the album, especially'Good Day (.day)', this song is memorable." Hugo said with a smile, self-selling and boasting, which made the audience a little confused : What is this award testimonial?

But Hugo didn't know it. He looked at the auditorium in front of him, which was blurred in the lights, and then said, "At that time, I could hear these words almost every day. Over time, I accepted this view. , Many times I also feel good about myself and think,'Very well, Hugo, you have done an incredible job, you are a genius'.” Hugo’s little self-deprecating smile at the corner of his mouth matched his words, The audience chuckled and chuckled. They seemed to vaguely understand the meaning of Hugo's words.

"But, tonight, standing on the Grammys stage, after winning this trophy," Hugo raised the gramophone trophy in his hand and twitched the corner of his mouth. "I suddenly realized that, in fact, I didn't imagine it. I’m not the so-called genius in my imagination.” Hugo’s words gradually calmed down the scene. Everyone looked at Hugo standing on the stage, as if looking carefully at this three-year period for the first time. Men who have reached the pinnacle of their careers are average.

"Maybe this is the pinnacle of my career." Hugo sighed lightly and laughed at himself, which immediately caused a lot of laughter at the scene. Hugo immediately said, "But I don't want this to become a reality, I I don’t want'Good Day' to be the highest peak of my creation and the highest peak of my glorious career. It's just like Kurt Cobain doesn't want'Young Heart' to be everyone's only impression of Nirvana."

"Wow," more than half of the audience took a breath again. Hugo actually mentioned Kurt, so blatantly! Tonight, the Grammys have been working hard to ignore any news about Nirvana, and successfully persisted to the end of the awards ceremony, only to be easily pierced by Hugo.

After "Youth Mind" gained popularity, Nirvana was asked to sing this song on almost all occasions, so that they were tired of themselves. In fact, Kurt was very concerned about the album "Don't Mind" and "Youth Heart". "This song is not satisfactory, he thinks it still does not meet his requirements. Therefore, many times, Nirvana rebelliously refuses the organizer's request and is unwilling to sing "Juvenile Spirit". However, they are subject to the record company's contract and they have to compromise. This is really frustrating.

At the 1992 mtv music video awards, the reason why Nirvana performed the "rape. rape. me" clip is because of this. They were asked to sing "Youth Heart", but the band refused. After mutual negotiation, they finally decided to step back and sing "Li", the new single "Li" which is being promoted by Nirvana. But after the performance began, the band was still upset, so they sang a short "rape. Rape. I" in the opening, which scared everyone into a cold sweat.

The same is true for Glory to Death now. They are always asked to perform "A Good Day" and "Don't Worry About the Past (’, so that the band is annoying. So this time at the Grammys, the band did nothing but chose two unreleased singles, "one step (one.step. and "fan wall ( during the performance. Just let the audience exclaim.

Famous songs and masterpieces are hard to come by for a public figure, because some people have no masterpieces in their entire lives and can only be submerged in this industry innocently. But for those who have masterpieces, masterpieces may also become their life-long shackles. If they do not break the shackles of this masterpiece, they will never achieve breakthroughs and further development.

Hugo knows that tonight's glory to death is worth remembering for But this is not the end, but another starting point. Next, glory to death will be to break the "good day" and Work hard under the constraints of "bath in the morning light".

"So, I thought, maybe this trophy is just reminding me,'Hey, young man, you think too much.'" Hugo lifted the trophy in his hand slightly and said with a smile, "You are not a genius , You just started on the road of music. Huh, I think there is still a long way to go between me and the band. Of course, at least not tonight, tonight is a carnival, I think a bottle of champagne can express me The truest emotion in my heart at this moment."

Hugo's conversation turned and his tone became more relaxed, making the audience laugh again. Hugo nodded slightly, "Thank you! Thank you for your cheers. This satisfied my arrogance."

The whistle and laughter rang again, accompanied by warm applause. The teammates who watched Hugo turn around and left the stage side by side with the glory to death, the audience stood up again one after another, and the gradually rising applause decorated the stage beautifully at this moment.

The thirty-seventh Grammys came to an end like this. No one could have expected such a result. Even the most authoritative, professional and experienced insiders could not do anything about it. But again, history has already created it, and everything is impossible. Save it! That being the case, then, open your arms to welcome a new chapter!

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