
Chapter 1131: Relationship change

Why is the actor's path fixed? Why is the scope of actors' performance becoming narrower and narrower?

This is a very interesting topic. It seems that every movie fan is curious about this question, whether it is professional or amateur. Of course, many times it is because the actors are not strong enough to make a breakthrough, such as Megan Fox and Jessica Alba. They are eager to make a breakthrough, but it is a pity that they are only powerless after repeated attempts.

In addition, there is another possibility, just like what Matthew McConaughey said, if the actors restrain themselves, then the scripts that come to the door will become more and more limited. When the entire Hollywood has a fixed image , It is not easy to break through this framework. Not everyone has the courage of Matthew to break the shackles of their imprisonment; not everyone has the courage of Matthew and has not accepted work for nearly two years.

Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp are typical representatives. Tom has gradually become a professional actor in action commercial movies since 2005, while Johnny has not escaped the image of "Pirates of the Caribbean" since 2006. , On the path of weird and weird performances, has reached a dead end-"The Enemy of the Public (., "Deadly Companion (the., "Lime Diary (the.rum., "Dark "., "Lone Ranger (the.. Ranger, "Transcendent Hacker ( and other works are all typical cases of box office and word-of-mouth failure.

Tom relied on "Mission Impossible" to support, and Johnny relied on "Pirates of the Caribbean" to continue. The situation of the two people was almost exactly the same. In the ten years before 2014, they were all works except their own masterpiece series. All are reduced to box office poison.

The situation like them is a two-way result. On the one hand, Hollywood believes that they have achieved great success in this type of film, so scripts of similar themes continue to find them, Johnny's "Lone Ranger". This is a typical case, almost the western version of "Pirates of the Caribbean", which makes their choices less and less.

On the other hand, it is because they rely on this type of film to achieve success, do not want to take too much risk, but hope to be able to replicate the same success, simple and trouble-free, and continue the glory of the business. So they and their agents have become conservative and unwilling to try other types of films.

People are always like this, always breaking the rules and trying to change when they are young, but after forming a habit, the courage to change gradually wears off, and thus loses the spirit and begins to learn to compromise. Tom and Johnny are like this.

Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman, the four top actors who swept across the army in the 1980s, are another typical representative. They are keen on studying Acting skills, and also dedicated countless amazing performances, but when they formed their own performance style, they often formed a fixed frame, all performances will be limited to this frame, unable to make a breakthrough.

Al has been acting in some roaring and grumpy roles since entering the 1990s, and he has never jumped out of the role of "smelling fragrance and knowing women"; Robert has gone all the way in the role of gangsters, and even the media has been impatient. Yelled, "Wow, the latest news, De Niro has played a triad boss again."

Both Jack and Dustin are constrained by their own image constraints. It is not easy to make a breakthrough. Dustin has reached the pinnacle in the simple and honest image of an ordinary man, but there has been no breakthrough after that; relatively speaking, Jack's play path On the contrary, it is the widest, but his role is always more hostile and unruly.

This is a development trend that is difficult to resist. It is human inertia and inertia. There are very few actors like Meryl Streep and Marlon Brando who have the courage to constantly challenge themselves and can successfully achieve breakthroughs.

Hugo couldn't help but wonder if one day he would be bound by the performance, and then he would never be able to make a breakthrough. However, these are all things in the future. Hugo has no way to predict. At least for now, he is still a long way from the peak of acting. Compared with these old dramas, he still has a big gap. .

From this perspective, taking advantage of the young age to challenge some different types of works, enrich one's own resume, and make the experience during the performance more diverse and real. For example, commercial blockbusters like "Mission Impossible" are indeed good. The choice-not everyone can still shoot action martial arts movies at the age of 60 like Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson.

Thinking of this, Hugo is more looking forward to appearing in "Mission Impossible", which is a different work from "Speed ​​of Life", and there are many differences in shooting techniques, story pattern, and content focus.

"I think, maybe I should start to work out again tomorrow. At least I have to show my sincerity to Paramount." The thoughts in Hugo's mind flashed by, but the words on his mouth did not stop, with a chuckle. Ridiculed.

Steven smashed his lips and said with a chuckle, "Paramount would be happy to see this. Of course, if they don't know how to cherish it, I think you always have other places to go." Steven gave Hugo a meaningful look, apparently saying that "the man in black" was still waiting for him.

The corner of Hugo's mouth rose slightly, "So, you mean DreamWorks has projects in preparation now?" Hugo deliberately ignored the "Men in Black" and distorted Steven's eyes, which made Steven Wen was stunned, laughed helplessly, and shook his head, "No, not for the time being."

"DreamWorks has only been established for less than half a year, and everything is currently in preparation. Even if there are works, it will be next year at the earliest." Steven explained.

Hugo clicked on his chin and wanted to change the subject, but he suddenly remembered, so he said, "Steven, I have always had a very curious question, can you answer it for me?" Steven Hearing that Hugo was so formal, he put down the knife and fork in his hand, raised his head and looked at Hugo seriously, "Why didn't DreamWorks establish its own distribution department? I think you and David should know better than me. The importance of the issuing department."

Steven was stunned. He didn't expect Hugo to bring up this topic, but he also laughed immediately. Hugo is no longer the newly emerging actor when he collaborated on "Schindler's List" two years ago. Hugo is already qualified to talk to Steven on these topics.

"Hugo, you know, the formation of the distribution department is a very complicated process, requiring a large number of professionals, as well as experienced managers, and a lot of energy. This is not that simple." Steven simply said. Speaking, and then shrugged, “I, David and Jeffery are essentially producers. We are concerned about the work itself, the production process, but we all know too little about distribution, saying yes It’s not an exaggeration for a layman. Now that DreamWorks has just been established, we don’t have the energy to take care of other things."

Steven made a lot of sense. First, they didn't know anything about distribution, and second, they didn't even take care of the production department. How could they take care of the distribution department?

Hugo sighed slightly, which was similar to the answer he expected, "Steven, forgive me for the abruptness, but I think there is another important reason, because you think you have enough friends, DreamWorks After the production of the works, you can always find a distribution partner, right?"

Although Hugo and Steven are friends, they are 21 years behind, and Steven is a long-established Hollywood veteran. Hugo is only a descendant who has risen strongly in the last three years; therefore, Hugo's words were actually impolite. Especially for Steven, in fact, Steven is a very strong and confident person in his bones. This has not changed from beginning to end. So when DreamWorks was split and sold in 2004, it was definitely a huge blow to Steven.

After Hugo said these words, Steven's expression became stiff, but Hugo apologized first, so he was mentally prepared, and he was not too surprised. However, Steven did not speak either, lowered his head and started to enjoy his own lunch, without intending to take care of Hugo, which immediately stiffened the atmosphere.

In fact, Hugo can completely shut up now, just as it has never happened, but afterwards, he and Steven will definitely not be as harmonious as before. Therefore, Hugo decided to continue speaking and stand on the point of a friend, "Steven, you have been in this circle much longer than me, so you should know better than me that in Hollywood, in absolute interest In front of us, friendship is always second."

"I just want to say You, David and Jeffery all want to build DreamWorks into a unique movie paradise. Here, all the works don’t have to worry about the consortium’s only profit-seeking nature of the jackal. Give the movie a piece of pure land." Hugo said simply, which made Steven's action pause, "Me too." Hugo only said a word, and Steven looked up at Hugo.

Steven saw a faint smile in Hugo's amber eyes, generous and calm, calm and calm. This suddenly reminded Steven of the situation when Hugo tried to persuade himself inexplicably when "Schindler's List" was filmed.

"But I know very clearly that for a movie, distribution channels are very important. Because of the lack of distribution channels, a little bit of interest can become a bargaining chip for the distribution company to restrain the production company and make the production company fall into absolute Passive.” Hugo didn’t say too much, because he knew that Steven knew a lot more than he did. For the emerging computer network, these distribution channels will be the core link in determining competitiveness for production companies."

Steven was still wondering what a computer network is, but he heard Hugo continue to say, "We all see the dilemma of MGM, and DreamWorks will not want to fall into the same situation."

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