
Chapter 1139: Script interpretation

David Fincher did have some surprises that Hugo would like "Seven Deadly Sins" because the script is too gloomy and too dark, and almost the whole story is permeated with a lingering depression. Hugo’s image is sunny and healthy. His works have always been positive. Even the most special "Schindler's List", the core content of the work is also positive. Hugo is the name of Amon Goss. The mixed humanity injected into the role has even caused widespread controversy.

Therefore, David believes that the "seven deadly sins" are not compatible with Hugo. To be precise, the New Line Film Company did not think that Hugo and this work could resonate—as Tom Cruise said, their first choices were Denzel Washington and Al Passy. Connaught's partner, followed by Tom, Brad and Hugo-this choice is obviously only a matter of topicality and business performance considerations.

"Do you like this script too?" David repeated it again, but without Hugo's confession, David already believed it. The discussion between the two people about "Alien 3" just now shows the clues, isn't it? "The whole story is laid from the beginning, forming a beautiful response in the ending, connecting all the plots in one breath, the seamless and meaningful story advancement and ending, people can hardly find a better language to describe the wonderfulness of the script. ."

The David Finches in front of him is only thirty-three years old. He is a filmmaker of the same generation as Hugo, but he is obviously far inferior to Hugo in experience and experience. Hugo at this time was already the top star in Hollywood, but David was just a rookie director who had just transitioned from the television industry to the film industry-the first film was still shot.

It can be said that the current David is a lightly small character. He can become the director of "Alien 3" and the candidate of the director of "Seven Deadly Sins", not by his strength, but by his contacts accumulated over the years. ——Madonna, Michael Jackson, George Lucas, etc.

On the one hand, David lacks experience, and the occasion tonight makes him a little confused; on the other hand, he needs the recognition of others, professional communication, collision of inspiration, and talent display. He needs such a moment that can strengthen his confidence. Therefore, at this time, David, who is beaming in front of Hugo, is a *shaped "David Fincher", which is completely different from the image in Hugo's memory.

No wonder people always say that the public image of an artist is as unreliable as hearsay gossip.

"What impressed you most was the structure of the script?" Hugo raised his eyebrows in surprise, and David asked questioningly, "Isn't it supposed to be?" Hugo chuckled lightly, "I've seen'vulgarity'. After the novel, I don’t think that the layout and concept of this script can surpass Quentin’s unusual head."

Hugo's words made David unable to refute. Objectively speaking, the "seven deadly sins" are linear narratives. All events are arranged in chronological order. The ingenuity of the story lies in the fact that one detail after another is inadvertently buried, waiting for the plot. After laying out, the character image and story trend outlined in the previous details are naturally echoed.

"Then what do you think is the most commendable part of the script?" David put on a posture of academic discussion, and said strongly. Such an aggressive image is the later David Fincher at his peak.

"Theme." Hugo said simply. In fact, what Hugo admires most for the "Seven Deadly Sins" is always the central theme of the story. It is this theme that connects the story and the three main male characters. It is worthy of repeated savoring.

"Religion?" David raised the final tone slightly, and asked suspiciously, "Are you saying that after losing your faith, the world will escape into darkness?" This view is one of countless interpretations of the "seven deadly sins" , The story shows people the sin and indifference of the world. When people are abandoned by God, the darkest side of the whole world will swallow every corner of life.

"That's an interpretation." Hugo nodded, but then shook his head again, "but I think the main point of the movie is desire. Hope." Hugo's words silenced David, thinking about the "Seven Sects" in his mind. The details of "sin" surged one by one.

"The moment human beings are born, they are actually accompanied by all kinds of desires. Hope, and our whole life is learning how to control these desires. Hope, when the power of control loses its effect, evil will be born, the Seven Sects of Catholicism This is how sin comes. The seven sins themselves are actually the seven desires of mankind. Hope. It's like a baby crying because of appetite after being born. This is appetite. But the desire for food. Hope loses control. , So he became gluttony. This is the first sin in the story." Hugo's words made David's brows frowned tightly, and then slowly shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. According to you, those religious believers-such as the bishop or the pope, then how do they explain? They have no desire. Hope..." David said only half. I saw Hugo waved his hand again to express his denial, which made David's words directly stuck in his throat, his expression depressed.

"If someone really can put aside all the sins of the seven deadly sins, we can enshrine it as a god. Maybe there are such people in the world, maybe." Hugo first affirmed David's doubts, "But the problem It is that the theme of this movie is that in a world full of countless temptations, confusions and sins, all possible goodness is just a moment of a mirage in life. It is impossible to see. No one can escape from destiny. The ubiquitous desire. Hope, no one can escape the fate that may come at any time in this worldly life. Like you said, the bishop or the pope, they almost forbid all desire. Hope, they discipline their lives, But they really have a bit of desire. Don't they have hope?"

Hugo's rebuttal made David pause. He is not a fool. On the contrary, he is an absolutely wise man. He has expected what Hugo will say, but he has no way to refute it. "If they don't have any desires. Hope, why do they participate in politics? Why do they continue to expand the base of believers? What is the existence of the Vatican? Just to serve God?"

"Hugo, you..." All David's words finally turned into a helpless smile at the corner of his mouth. Even in America, which celebrates freedom of speech, religion and kind. Clan is also a sensitive topic. What's more, Hugo almost rebelliously challenged religious authority just now. He was heard by others, but Hugo could not finish eating.

David remembered inexplicably that Hugo was the lead singer of a rock band.

For Hugo, this is nothing. Strictly speaking, he has no faith. Although he is celebrating Christmas now, it does not mean that he believes in Catholicism; although he is Jewish, it does not mean that he believes in Judaism.

Hugo shrugged and smiled indifferently, "This is what I like most about the'Seven Deadly Sins'. It has shaped an endless dark world with all desires. Hopes here are infinitely magnified, and the weaknesses of society are perfected. The ground is condensed in the perfect crime of the Anonymous (.). It is good to say that the Anonymous was martyrdom for his beliefs, or that the Anonymous was moth fighting the fire for his own ideals, but... he succeeded, didn't he?"

Anonymous (.), this is the name of the criminal in the "Seven Deadly Sins". Many people translate it as "John Doe", but this is a wrong translation. actually. Just and in. Zhang San and Li Si commonly used in China are almost the same, referring to an unidentified person, which means "someone". This method of use originated from the reign of Edward III of England, when men were called "." and women were called "jane.", and then it was widely used in North America.

In the "seven deadly sins", this reference is very special. In other words, the screenwriter did not give the criminal a real name, and just used the name "Anonymous" from beginning to end. This is not that the screenwriter is too lazy to name it, but it can be seen as the screenwriter deliberately obscuring his identity. He is not a specific character, but a microcosm of a social phenomenon—or it can be interpreted as a messenger sent by God.

The latter interpretation is too religious. Relatively speaking, Hugo is more inclined to believe that the screenwriter's use of "anonymity" to call this criminal is in response to the theme of the story: desire. Hope, the so-called seven deadly sins are desire. The incarnation of Wang, but there is no specific reference, and the martyr who used the seven deadly sins to complete the perfect redemption is not a specific person, but an image symbol.

"Desire. Hope is one of the shackles that humans can never get rid of. This is the core theme of the movie-at least I think so." Hugo continued, but David fell into contemplation, "So, in my opinion , This film tells that everyone has the right to choose when facing, choosing moderation or choosing indulgence is almost everyone’s difference, but the result will be completely different. The reason why society has become The darkness is terrible, because most people choose to indulge, so Wuming chose this extreme way to alert the society, hoping to awaken people from desire and hope."

David raised his head and looked at Hugo deeply, "Are you approving of what Anonymous did?"

Hugo couldn't help but laughed, "Don't worry, I won't choose this extreme technique." But David was still unmoved, always full of seriousness, which made Hugo a little helpless, he could only explain, "What I want to say is that people can choose to be temperate, but many people choose to indulge. The Anonymous did not realize this. There are too many pessimistic colors and extreme ideas in his personality, so he chose the most terrible Way."

Hugo looked at David still without a relaxed expression, as if looking at a potential criminal, he couldn't help laughing, "Let's put it this way, there is a line at the end of the movie, the old detective William Samose quoted Hemingway in' The bell in the battlefield (...the.bell.)'s sentence,'This world is so beautiful, it's worth fighting for'. I only believe the second half.' Hugo paused when he said that, looking at David Seriously, "The Anonymous is not willing to fight for it. He chose an extreme way to conduct the trial and ruling. This is the final thought expressed in the film."

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