
Chapter 1145: Two-pronged approach

"Carl, how about Charlize's audition at night?" Hugo asked lightly, turning his head to look at the two people who had just walked in.

Without waiting for Karl to speak, Charlize said in a bluff, "Nothing. Gwyneth probably has a chance to win the character, and she's all around her tonight." Charlize walked directly to the kitchen and looked around. , "Samora, is there no juice?"

"Uh, there seems to be a bottle in the lower drawer of the refrigerator." Samora stood up as he said, and walked towards the kitchen.

Carl walked to the sofa and shook his head, "The competitor is too strong. Ali called on the way I came back. I discussed with him and he said that he could try again, but he didn't have much hope." Carl stretched out. A lazy waist, but the expression is not too disappointed, "But it is always good to be able to attend such a dinner, and failure is considered a rich experience. What about Hugo? There should be no problem, I see Brad Desser It’s great, but compared with Hugo, it’s more than a street behind."

Carl's words made Joseph laugh directly, and raised his right hand. The two people gave a high-five to celebrate, and Rick's tense emotions were completely relaxed.

"Hugo and Brad..." Rick said, but he paused. "Their competition is not on this level."

Rick suddenly thought that if Hugo competes for the role of Anonymous, then the whole pattern of the "seven deadly sins" will be different. In the current Mills competition, Brad lacks Hugo, a strong competitor, and it is estimated that he will be able to succeed; the heroine, Trish, is Gwyneth Paltrow’s not surprisingly, if so, This will also increase Brad’s bargaining chips. After all, the two of them are dating; Samose is in the pocket of Morgan Freeman. Whether the director is David Fincher or not needs to be verified, but the odds are already very high. Big.

Rick's brows wrinkled slightly. Then, who is Hugo's opponent? Rick's mind suddenly brightened, Kevin Spacey! Who is Kevin's agent? Rick's brain has already started to work quickly.

If Hugo knew that Rick had guessed the entire cast of the "Seven Deadly Sins" only by relying on the conversation tonight and the information obtained by Joseph, and he would be surprised and speechless. Because in fact, although everyone is chatting tonight, there is almost no information that is really revealed directly. All situations require the agent to make his own judgment. This is also one of the skills that the top agent must have: accurately grasp the situation .

Martin Baum accurately grasped his lifeblood today and found David Fincher; while Rick took a different approach, he concluded that he is definitely not weaker than Martin.

"Oh, Rick!" Hugo's voice awakened the contemplative Rick. Rick found out that he had just lost his mind. Joseph and Carl also went to the restaurant. Hearing the noisy voice, it is estimated to be Ready to have supper-they hardly ate anything at the private banquet tonight, and now only Hugo and him are left in the hall.

"I talked to Tom today, and we both talked about it." Had it not been for Joseph's reminder, Hugo would have forgotten to tell Rick, Hugo and Tom Cruise are completely fine. For Rick’s work is very important-because most of the reporters now are Rick on behalf of Hugo, "Then, we also said that the competition is fair, and I will go all out."

Before Rick's cheerful expression could relax, he paused, "You mean... Are you sure you want to play'Mission Impossible'?" Rick asked uncertainly.

But Hugo nodded affirmatively, "Yes, I am willing, you should help me fight for it."

Hugo's enthusiasm for "Mission Impossible" has diminished a lot because of malicious hype before. Rick thought that this matter was probably going to be stranded, but he didn't expect it to turn around now. This is a happy event! Rick suddenly became excited. If Hugo is willing to star in "Mission Impossible", then the unknown of the "Seven Deadly Sins" will be even more okay. He will definitely do his best to win both of these roles for Hugo!

"Do you have any special requirements?" Rick's tone was completely relaxed. If he had known that Hugo would be willing to play "Mission Impossible", the disputes and worries of the "Seven Deadly Sins" just now would be unnecessary at all.

But things are so wonderful. If Rick had known it, maybe the trust between him and Hugo would not be able to take this step.

Hugo pursed his lips and thought about it seriously, "Uh, don't have any conflicts with the schedule? I don't want to give up the'Seven Deadly Sins' and'Mission Impossible'." The problem of schedule is the biggest problem. It requires more than Rick. Fully deal with it, but also need the cooperation of the film company, so Hugo is not sure.

However, Rick nodded seriously, "I will communicate with them first." Then he pondered, "Then that means, we will give up on'Breathtaking Island'?"

Although there was some hesitation in "Break into Death Island" during this period-because they were not sure that if Hugo joined, Sean Connery would still be willing to play; but Rick still maintained the relationship and did not allow cooperation. Sex disappeared completely.

Hugo did not hesitate this time, and gave a neat affirmative answer.

"What about the pay?" Rick asked directly.

Hugo chuckled slightly, "If I can play, I would lower the pay." These words made Rick sneer softly. Hugo lowered the pay. This is not news. On the contrary, Hugo increased the pay. . "I mean you know."

Of course Rick knew that it was actually Hugo showing enough sincerity to cooperate with "Mission Impossible". "But I think even if you are willing to drop the pay, Paramount does not necessarily agree. They need your two. Ten million pieces of pay." As a publicity stunt.

"But I'm not sure, I still have to see Tom's reaction." Rick's brain started to work quickly again, "And, if Paramount really increases your salary to 20 million, it is estimated that the other major The film company will respond. By then, Paramount will be able to withstand the pressure is still uncertain..." At this point, Rick's voice gradually lowered, and he thought of one more thing:

What if Paramount wants to use Hugo’s 20 million film remuneration for publicity, and the result is a joint resistance from the film companies?-On the one hand, they don’t want the film’s remuneration to rise too fast, and on the other hand, they don’t want to see Paramount take advantage of it. This time it is profitable, so such a situation is very likely to occur. The most important thing is to see the game between these big companies. If there really is a situation where other companies join forces to put pressure on Paramount, at the same time Tom uses his strong connections to do both hard and soft to Paramount, and then join the "Mission Impossible" with a salary of 15 million or even 10 million. , Maybe Paramount has the possibility of compromise.

You know, compared to Hugo, Tom not only has no disadvantages, but his image is more "friendly" than Hugo. Hugo has successively filmed such weird works as "Pulp Fiction", "Life and Death", and "Before Sunrise", but Tom did not.

"Mission Impossible" is not that simple anymore. After a period of malicious hype in the recent period, coupled with the dissatisfaction with the Hugo pay by the agency at the beginning of the year, this work is more like a new round of agency and film companies. The medium of the game. What the result will be is suddenly unpredictable.

However, on the other hand, if it works well, regardless of whether Hugo takes over the work "Mission Impossible", the controversy about Hugo's pay will completely disappear. Because it is very likely to evolve into, Hugo wants to get 20 million in remuneration, but the film companies jointly oppose it, and then as long as Hugo picks up another 10 million or 15 million film, the discussion about the remuneration is It will temporarily disappear for a long time.

Of course, if Hugo can take over the "Mission Impossible" and take over the "Seven Deadly Sins", the controversy will disappear. That is a perfect situation.

Rick suddenly discovered that this time the incident was far more complicated than he thought, but it was also full of opportunities. It was Hugo’s opportunity, Alex and Carl’s opportunity, and it was also an opportunity to forge ahead in an elite brokerage company. . The thoughts in his mind got more and more, Rick couldn't help leaning against the back of the sofa chair and thinking quietly, even Hugo left the hall and walked towards the restaurant without noticing.

If Hugo abandons "Break into Death Island", then Rick can cooperate with Ali, push it, and let Alex take over Hugo's position. On the one hand, this is a rare opportunity for Endeavour's elite brokerage company. Although Hugo will no longer play, don’t let the fertile water flow into the field of outsiders. On the other hand, Rick heard that Nicholas Cage is working hard for this role. It is not only the competition between Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company and International Innovation Management, but also a sigh of relief for Joseph.

With one stone and three swords, Rick thinks he can plan it well.

As for Hugo, Rick suddenly discovered that there are many big names in "Break into Death Island". They are struggling with the payment arrangement, but they can definitely come up with a reasonable plan. If Hugo successfully joined the "Seven Deadly Sins" crew, he must be in a higher position than Brad and Gwyneth. Although Morgan is older, he is not much senior than Hugo, let alone he is more senior. At that time, he appeared as a supporting role, and the pay was not high. In this way, it is not impossible to increase Hugo's salary.

If Hugo joins the "Mission Impossible" crew, it does not matter that the "Seven Deadly Sins" reduce the pay here, because the dispute is resolved in the "Mission Impossible"; if Hugo does not join the "Mission Impossible" crew, Rick It is entirely possible to use the salary dispute to seek more benefits for Hugo in the "Seven Deadly Sins" crew.

This is Hollywood. Nothing exists independently. It is more interlocking and affects the whole body.

Thinking of this, Rick’s eyes lit up, as Carl said earlier: Hugo’s pay is higher than Brad, isn’t this a matter of course? Even if Hugo is a supporting role.

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