
Chapter 1194: Hand behind

It is not a simple matter to overthrow all the previous understanding and experience of acting. It was like the scorching heat and pain that remained after the burning, which was covered by layers of black dust, but penetrated into the bone marrow. In many cases, experience has already formed inertia deep in the brain. When thinking starts to work, it will be guided unconsciously. The strong inertia of empiricism often leaves people out of control.

The raging melody in Hugo's mind is like a smasher, crushing his experience time and time again, as if playing a beach fortress game. He worked so hard to build a castle, and finally watched the tide. The castle was destroyed once, and he even took the initiative to use his own hands as an accomplice. This process was full of struggle and pain, which made Hugo feel that his brain was in chaos, and he didn't even know how to perform.

It's a rookie who has never performed before. If you imagine yourself standing in front of the camera lens, you will start to become unnatural, with unnatural eyes, unnatural gestures, unnatural speech, and even expressions.

But Hugo knew that this was his opportunity, and he would retreat if he didn't advance. Going upstream is never a simple matter. Only true brave men can break the shackles and create miracles. Since the Golden Raspberry Award in 1992, he has experienced too many ups and downs along the way, and he has come to where he is today. This time it is not an obstacle created by external forces, but a magical obstacle in his own heart. He will not succumb even more.

Hugo unswervingly believed that the rainbow after the rain was the most radiant and moving after the clouds were cleared.

In order to clarify his ideas, Hugo began to try the basic acting practice of the academy, standing in front of the mirror showing the most basic form of happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. This is not an easy task.

Hugo once watched a video in 2010. It was a short film set planned by the "New York Times". They found 14 film actors from all over the world, and jointly completed a film called "Fourteen Actors." "Performance: a classic image on the screen of a dynamic gallery", this slightly experimental art video is called a "performance class" by people.

In the film, each actor has one minute. They can't use voice and rely solely on facial expressions and body to show a story, mood and emotion, just like a combination of mime and theater drama.

After the launch of this short film, it caused extensive discussion. Participants included Javier Baden, James Franco, Natalie Portman, Jesse Eisenberg, Matt Damon. , Michael Douglas, Jennifer Lawrence (.), Tilda Swinton (.) and others.

Everyone has their own understanding of acting skills, but the "acting class" has made people feel the importance of basic acting skills. Although method-based acting is popular in Hollywood, in fact, expressionism has always been regarded as the basis of acting. How do the basic elements of human behavior, such as dialogue, action and so on, be presented in front of the camera naturally and correctly, and achieve the purpose of infecting the audience? This has never been so easy.

In fact, performing acting practice in front of the mirror can be said to be a basic foundation. It can be regarded as an entry-level training method for acting. After mastering a certain basic skill, the acting teacher will change the performance training method.

But this kind of basic skills practice is very effective for Hugo now, because he has been looking for ways to deepen his performance, from deliberately carving details to making gestures, this process requires not only aura, but also Solid basic skills. It is undoubtedly important to conduct self-examination through the mirror.

The basic emotions like joy, anger, sorrow, and joy contain rich changes. They are also "happiness", with different degrees and types. The joy of entering college and the joy of winning a lottery must be different, and entering the wedding hall. The joy is also different. In addition, mixed emotions such as anger, dumbfounding, and brisk sadness also exist, because human emotions are often very mixed and difficult to describe with a simple word.

Some of these different emotions need to be released, some need to be restrained, some need to be exaggerated, and some need to be flat. The so-called every move, frowning and raising eyes are all dramas, and this is the highest level of basic acting skills. Hugo has always lacked solid training in this aspect before, and perhaps this overthrow is a great opportunity to start again.

When Hugo found the framework and plan for building the castle again, the rhythm of the performance returned to his grasp bit by bit. Although it was slow, at least it was no longer a mess.

Prior to this, Hugo had a deep understanding of the role of Anonymous. Now he is more based on his own understanding, interpretation, and presentation of this role. The balance problem that Hugo was worried about no longer exists. On the contrary, Hugo has a new understanding of performance. He finds a bridge of communication between his own world and the world of Anonymous, making the boundary between each other blurred, and the expressions between gestures and gestures become calm but sharp.

Calmness and sharpness should be a pair of antonyms, but it is a whole new realm for acting. The most typical representatives are Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman. On the surface, their performances are smooth and calm, and they can't find the bursting points of the characters. It seems that some of them are so natural and make the audience believe that the characters should be like this; but it is precisely this kind of calmness that is silent. Completed the impossible task in ——convince the audience!

To give a simple example, it’s also Tom Hanks. What is the difference between the characters in "Forrest Gump", "Philadelphia Story", and "Apollo 13"? None of these roles are explosive, but they are different under Tom's treatment. The audience can feel that they are watching the same actor, but not the same person.

Morgan Freeman is the same. The roles in "Shawshank's Redemption" and "Seven Deadly Sins" are calm accidents, but his aura is completely different.

This is sharpness.

Previously, Hugo's performance methods can be divided into two simple and rude areas. "Schindler's List" is a sharp representative, and the charisma of the characters is completely exposed; "Before Sunrise" is a calm representative, and personal image dominates the direction of the story. Now Hugo is trying to remain sharp while being calm, that is, to retain personal characteristics on the basis of the role. This is a fusion of the two acting methods of method and expression.


The filming progress of the "Seven Deadly Sins" crew was hindered, and at the same time, the New Line Film Company also began to interfere with the crew. When the matter reached Hugo's ears, it had become the focus of the crew's discussion.

"What?" Hugo frowned, "They mean, want to change the ending? What kind of change?" Although Hugo has been in bad condition recently, he is really only entangled.

At present, Hugo’s understanding of the Anonymous is unmatched. Even Andrew, as a screenwriter, admires Hugo. Andrew also agrees that if he can dig a little more of the Anonymous according to Hugo’s wishes, even if it is just The difference between one or two scenes will have different effects. Therefore, although Hugo struggled during the performance, the overall effect was not inferior. The real difference can only be seen by professionals.

Hugo hopes to give more vitality to the characters, and to elaborate on the performance methods and presentation effects. But in fact, when Hugo put into the show, in the view of David Geffen, his performance was still very wonderful. Hugo's request is to strive for perfection, and David does not reject Hugo's efforts, so the rhythm of the crew has slowed down.

Hugo has been studying the ending scenes of the "Seven Deadly Sins" recently, and he is thinking about the mixed feelings of the Wuming at the end of his martyrdom. When the seven deadly sins meticulously planned by the Wumingshi finally succeeded, did he feel more joyful or more proud in his heart, or whether his faith was fulfilled, or his desire. Hope that he can finally be relieved of satisfaction. In addition, when he was martyred, did he have any fear of death in his heart, even if it was only a little bit. Human beings are always easy to lose their attitude when facing death, even if it is an animal, even if it is a cold-blooded animal, then what was the mentality of the Wuming people at that time? Is it really like those religious fanatics walking towards death with a hug when they were martyred?

This kind of mixed mood is very delicate, maybe it is a flash when performing, but for Hugo, it is a link that must be carefully studied, and it is also the object and goal of his acting skills.

Now, Joseph actually told him that New Line Film Company planned to change the ending, which really surprised Hugo.

"They have a few Joseph shrugged. He knows the hard work Hugo has made to study acting recently, so he also knows that New Line Film Company decided to revise the ending at this juncture. It was a huge shock for Hugo, and Joseph's expression was not very good. He said this with a mockery, "One was an anonymous person who tried to resist and was shot by Mills' legitimate defense..."

Before Joseph finished, Hugo directly said "****". This is the typical ending of justice over evil, and the grand plan of the Anonymous did not take place. The person who made this judgment must have never read the script of the "Seven Deadly Sins" nor understood the meaning of the story at all. Such a cliché ending was obviously to cater to the changes in the market box office, but it completely ruined the whole story.

Joseph didn't care, and went on to say, "One was Samose who stopped Mills. Mills beat the Anonymous severely, and then the Anonymous was shot..."

Hugo rolled his eyes fiercely. What is the meaning of the ending of the "seven deadly sins", it seems that the person who changed the script has no idea at all.

"Or, Mills and Anonymous died together, and Samose stood beside him and died together." Before Joseph's words fell, Hugo stood up, "Damn it, who made the decision? He is Are you planning to ruin this movie?"

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