
Chapter 1489: Chaos after drinking

Hugo only felt that his whole head was dizzy. He didn't remember how much alcohol he had been poured into. Later, he played Texas Hold'em with Rick, Kevin, Tom, Allen and others. The bet was not a bargaining chip, but alcohol. Hugo Tonight's luck seemed to run out, so it was just one cup after another. He could already feel his stomach tumbling, and he seemed to vomit at any time.

Hugo finally struggled to escape Leonardo’s control and left the lowest level of space. It was too boring inside, making people feel unable to breathe. He came to the deck and turned himself into a paste. The brain is calm and calm.

Time has become blurred, and I don’t know what time it is. There is a hazy darkness in my sight, not the pitch black that I can’t see my fingers. On the contrary, there is a kind of shining halo, faintly. About revealed a little bit of light at the end of the horizon, that should be the place where the City of Angels was. At this time, the whole city was completely silent, exuding a faint glow like a firefly, as if it was sinking deep in the bottom of the sea. Civilized, remote, quiet, and mysterious.

I thought that there would be violent winds and turbulent waves in the middle of the night, but I didn't want the entire sea level to be very quiet. The calmness of the waves even made people suspect that this is not the sea, but just a lake. This allowed Hugo’s chaotic thoughts to gradually settle. Many, many things have happened tonight, or to be precise, many, many things have happened in the past year. He needs a little time to cool down his overheated brain, otherwise he doesn’t know when. It will explode.

Hugo also did not expect that he could stand where he is today. Not only did he achieve great success in the box office, but he also included the Oscar actor, the Golden Man, and don’t forget the trophies in Cannes and Berlin. Just a year ago, Hugo couldn't imagine the current situation.

But when the excitement of aspiring for Oscars began to fade, Hugo became confused. He has now achieved success that many people could not imagine in his entire life. He has now stood at the highest peak in the world, in the words of the media. It is a "superstar", as long as he wants to, he can immediately become the actor of the "Titanic", and even challenge James Cameron, and it is difficult for the producers to say no to the scripts he is interested in.

Not to mention the enjoyment of money, his current net worth has been a life of worry-free food and clothing. Of course, if he really enjoys the life of the upper class like Alan, he has just caught a glimpse of the threshold, but this is still impossible for ordinary people. Achieving success.

What about the future?

Hugo suddenly felt a moment of emptiness. Should he play the "Titanic"? Should he choose another work that transcends "Death Row" to challenge the new peak of acting? Should he organize the glory to death to start the second tour? Should he prepare for the band's new album?

In fact, before the Oscars, Hugo had already felt this kind of confusion. At that time, James put the "Titanic" project in front of Hugo. That was the first time Hugo learned that he had the hope of appearing in the film's history. One of the important works, it is no exaggeration to say that "Titanic" is equivalent to the "Gone with the Wind" in the history of North American film development. Unexpectedly, when Hugo was excited, he didn't have the kind of eagerness to wait.

Hugo knew that it was like a climber. After conquering one peak after another in the world, he finally reached the summit of Mount Everest. The extreme excitement, extreme happiness, and extreme beauty burst out instantly, making emotions. Reach the pinnacle. But what about after the peak? It's a downhill road, which is the inevitability of the laws of nature, and the heights behind the mountains are so cold that you can't find the support for the fiery heart in an instant.

This sense of emptiness almost swallowed Hugo.

Hugo finally understood why so many top stars in Hollywood have their own problems, either relying on alcohol or indulging in drugs. Product, or vent in. sex. Love, or carried by drag racing... Everyone has a hobby-or a shortcoming. Because they are all standing at the peak, the kind of loneliness, the kind of blankness, the kind of loneliness erodes them all the time, and the huge pressure that one may slip and fall into pieces if they are not careful, comes from the spotlight and the Internet’s all-round flawless attention. It makes the pressure more unbearable. They need a sustenance and a vent.

To put it harder, everyone in the top celebrities has a disease, which is caused by immense pressure. Hollywood stars headed by Tom Cruise are willing to join Ke. learn. Teaching, there will be traces to follow.

Hugo has experienced such a huge pressure, not only in the days before the Golden Raspberry Award, but also in the following years, Hugo has also felt this pressure from time to time, including before the release of "Bath in the Morning Light" The time, including the days after "Before Sunrise" was released, including the years of leaving the international innovation management company to stand on its own...every footprint is bearing great pressure to persevere.

But tonight is different, because Hugo has lost his goal and the motivation to support himself under pressure. The feeling of emptiness almost swallows him, and the huge pressure on his shoulders also poured down instantly. Before the Oscars, Hugo was just a little confused, but after the Oscars, when the best actor Golden Man held tightly in his hands, the emptiness drowned Hugo instantly, even the "Titanic" could not make up for it. Terrible black hole.

The little golden man's curse, until this night, really became Hugo's shackles.

Maybe he should join the "Titanic" because he knows that this is a work that is destined to write achievements, because he knows that even without his efforts this is a work that will create brilliant, because he knows it is a work The impossible choice to fail... Maybe, he should make such a choice.

Looking at the shining sea city in front of him, Hugo suddenly felt that all his thoughts were lost. The loss of his goal made him feel at a loss. He could only sit like a puppet without a soul, sitting stupidly on the spot, waiting for his limbs to be tied. The rope was moved. This unprecedented sense of emptiness left Hugo at a loss.

"Hey, you are here." A voice tore through the dimness of the night, like a little bit of starlight, pulling Hugo's attention slowly, but before Hugo's slow movements saw the other person, the people came in the rain. Guo sat down directly next to him, and handed a white water cup over, "Maybe you need a little help."

The gentle and bright voice made Hugo’s slow brain look for the usual track bit by bit. When he lifted his eyes, he saw Alan’s familiar face, which surprised Hugo, "Wow, I didn’t expect You are so careful." Hugo took the water glass, feeling the warmth from the glass in both hands, and the sweet water vapor of lemon mixed with honey slowly dispersed under the wings of his nose.

"It's not me, I haven't studied these, I'm just a courier, it's Charlize." Allen chuckled and shook his head, but three heads appeared in Hugo's sight, and Hugo had to close it. He closed his eyes and put the cup under the nose, trying to calm the dizzy brain gradually, "Charlize noticed your bad situation, and she said you will vomit, so this cup of... honey water is prepared for you. , But she was temporarily called by Alex to play darts, so I sent it here to help."

"Darts..." Hugo murmured, but remembered the days when they lived under one roof before, and then chuckled.

Allen watched Hugo smirk with his eyes closed, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth was also outlined, "So, what interesting things come to mind? Is there any problem with darts?"

"No, no..." Hugo originally wanted to shake his head, but found that his head was so dizzy that he had to stop. He lowered his head and drank a large mouthful of honey water. The tumbling stomach seemed to slowly settle down, and then he drank again. A big mouthful, this familiar taste made Hugo’s brain feel a touch of warmth, “I just remembered an interesting story from the past, you know, Charlize, Alex and I were roommates before, and we had a lot of interesting things happening together. thing."

"Yes, I've heard of it." Allen said in a deep voice, muttering, "That's definitely a very interesting thing." But this sentence was very low, Hugo didn't hear it, just replied. " Huh?" Allen took a deep breath, "Oh, no, I mean, did you guys have any funny darts?"

"Hehe, you can never guess that Charlize is a master of darts, or to be precise, she is actually a man..." Hugo said slowly with his eyes half closed while holding the cup.

Allen looked sideways at Hugo who was leaning on the back of the chair in a, listening carefully to what Hugo said, giving a little response from time to time, and then chuckled. Although Hugo was half drunk at this time, and what he said was fragmented, Alan was not impatient at all. He just looked at Hugo seriously and listened to Hugo seriously, as if this is the most important thing in the world. Things are so-so.

In the night, Hugo's handsome face is outlined by the stars, which is different from Hugo's usual sunny temperament, but it has a lazy and casual nature. Feeling, the breath mixed with alcohol dances in the sea breeze, exuding a strong masculine breath. Unknowingly, Ellen was a little distracted, and his vision became blurred. Suddenly, Hugo patted him on the shoulder, "Ellen!" This shocked him and avoided his sight in a panic. "what? What!"

Hugo looked at Alan’s panicked expression, but chuckled, "Calm down, calm down, I just said, thank you for arranging the party tonight, you are a good friend."

"Good friend?" Allen's voice rose slightly, with a hint of lightness.

Hugo lightly tapped his chin, "Yes, good friend, a good friend with a lot of money, you showed me a different world, this is not something anyone can do." Hugo's ridicule and banter Alan's expression was stunned, and then he laughed with Hugo.

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