
Chapter 1497: 1 ground chicken feather

Charlize left, she left with Leonardo, because they have to rush back to the crew to film "Romeo and Juliet", attending the Oscar tonight is just a strategic strategy for Rick and Carl, but the crew's progress is still the most important.

Hugo went back to his house. He needed a good rest. He just sat on the edge of the bed, but Hugo looked at the fixed phone on the bedside table. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and dialed Cameron. -Diaz's phone number. Hugo rubbed his eyes vigorously. In fact, he didn't know if Cameron was resting at this time, but he needed to call her.

The call was quickly answered, "Hugo, is that you?" Cameron's anxious voice came over, and she could clearly feel her worry.

Hugo was stunned, his right hand rubbing his temple stopped, "Cameron, are you waiting for my call?"

"Joe called me just now and talked about your situation. I think maybe you need me by your side, but I'm not there. I keep calling you, but you don't answer. I'm really worried about you. Cameron spoke very quickly, with some incoherent words, and there was no way to express the whole situation intermittently, "Hugo, are you okay? Are you okay?"

Hugo let out a long sigh, "I'm fine, don't worry, I don't have anything, it's just... it's just some disputes, nothing special."

"What happened? Joe didn't make it clear on the phone. He only said that it was about the band, but isn't the band always good? Isn't everything in your hands? How come you suddenly get awkward What?" Cameron's tone was still deeply worried, she really hoped that she could be by Hugo's side at this moment.

Faced with Cameron’s question, Hugo tried to clarify a way of thinking and explain, but found that he couldn’t start. Even if it was within the band of Glory to Death, I’m afraid there was no way to explain it clearly. In the end, Hugo could only sigh lightly. In a sigh of relief, "It's just some disputes about the difference in creative ideas."

After speaking, Hugo struggled with his entire face. Such an explanation sounded like perfunctory, even he himself didn't believe it. Cameron is caring about him, worrying about him, that's why he is so anxious, but he is perfunctory. This is not a good phenomenon. Hugo tried to explain the whole situation aside, but the calming brain became There was a mass of paste, which made Hugo buried his head between his knees, and then whispered,

"It's just that Alfonso wants to become an actor, and Pepe starts to take drugs again.... Then, Neal and Fokkin have more expectations for the new album, but I have been filming for the past year and I have never taken care of it. The band, it was only then that there was a dispute...Yes, that's probably it."

Cameron listened quietly to Hugo’s explanation. As a loyal rock fan, Cameron obviously had a deeper understanding of the situation of rock bands. She knew that rock band members were bound to face similar problems. I also know that many rock bands disbanded because of the disagreement between members, so Cameron couldn't help but find it a little tricky.

Listening to Hugo’s voice gradually lowering, Cameron took a deep breath and said, “Hugo, you know that these situations are bound to be faced, but I believe you will always be able to overcome the difficulties, Alfonso and Peppa’s problem is not a problem. They will understand that music is their most important thing, so as soon as the production of the new album starts, you will be back on the same track and things will be resolved."

In Cameron's view, Alfonso's ideas and Pedro's personal problems are actually not uncommon. They are even more common in all rock bands and cannot be regarded as a problem at all. But Hugo didn’t know how to explain to Cameron the special place inside Glory To Death, or, deep down in Hugo’s heart, he thought Cameron should understand. After all, the two of them were It came together because of the band's music.

"Hugo, don't think too much, don't always carry the burden on yourself, things will get better, everything will get better." Cameron continued to comfort.

Hugo was silent for a while and did not answer directly. He was thinking about how to organize language to explain this matter, but Cameron did not hear Hugo's voice, but was flustered, "Hugo? Are you still there?" "

"Yes, yes, I'm still there." Hugo's confused thinking was interrupted again, and he answered repeatedly, and then Cameron's comforting voice came from the telephone receiver. Hugo breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe Cameron didn’t need to know this. The more explanations, the more complicated it would be. On the contrary, Cameron would not be able to devote himself to the shooting at ease, not to mention, even if he told Cameron. , It is of no avail, after all, he still has to rely on himself, right?

Thinking of this, Hugo nodded his chin to the phone, "Well, I know, things will get better, I know."

Cameron listened to Hugo’s slightly more relaxed voice, he could not help but let out a long breath and chuckled, "Hugo, believe me, you are the best, you will overcome these difficulties, I am right You have absolute confidence."

Hugo pulled the corners of his mouth, but didn't have the strength to outline it, and finally had to give up. Then he cheered up and asked about Cameron's current work situation. The crew of "Falling in Minnesota" obviously has a lot of interesting things, and Cameron seems to be. In order to cheer Hugo, they told a lot of jokes. The two people talked for about a quarter of an hour. When the crew called Cameron to start work, she reluctantly hung up the phone.

Hugo listened to the busy tone coming from the receiver, and did not put the receiver on the phone again, but as soon as the left hand was loosened, the receiver dropped to the ground for a long time, and then Hugo walked sideways to the bed without even having his head. When he touched the pillow, he fell asleep groggyly.

At the same time, there was dead silence in the lobby on the first floor. Charlize had just gone downstairs and told everyone about Hugo’s situation. Although Joseph and Rick were worried, they did not go upstairs to disturb Hugo’s silence. Hugo and the others can relax for the time being, but what should they do to the death of glory?

By the time Henry Bloom arrived at Hugo’s house, it was already an hour later. Although everyone was exhausted to the extreme, no one closed their eyes. There were only Pedro and Neil in the hall. The band members stayed, Joseph and Rick sat aside in silence, and Samora stood stupidly in the kitchen, Fokkin and Alfonso didn't know where they were.

Henry still had a lazy look at this time, not at all anxious about what happened to the glory to death last night, as if it was nothing but a big thing to pierce the sky. After entering the hall, Henry said to Samora who was standing in a daze in the kitchen, "May I prepare some breakfast for us? It's troublesome."

Samora couldn't help but was stunned. He thought he had heard it wrong, which made Henry have to repeat his request again, and then explained, "It's breakfast time. We can't embarrass our stomachs, can we?" And the brain is also prone to strikes."

Henry's words are really dumbfounding. If talking about exhaustion, everyone present has been all night. On the contrary, Henry, who had a good dream last night, was the most energetic one. But Samora nodded, turned around and went to the kitchen to get busy.

Henry waved to Pedro and Neil who were sitting on the sofa with a look of depression, "Come on, let's go to the kitchen and talk while eating breakfast." Then he took the lead and walked over, "Li Ke and Joe, won’t you two come? Today must be another full day's work. In addition to coffee, you also need some calories."

The four people looked at each other, and in the end it was Joseph who was the first to walk over, "Don't you ask where Fugin and Alfonso have gone?"

Henry didn't turn his head back. After finding the high stool, he sat down and leaned lazily at the dining table. "You will come out when you should be out. Anxiety won't help." Henry also looked at the busy Satsuma. He opened his mouth and said, "They haven't slept all night. Let's prepare some freshly squeezed juice."

After everyone sat down, Henry looked at Neil and Pedro, "So, who told me the whole story in detail, I mean, all the details."

Neal and Pedro looked at each other, and finally Pedro lowered his head and motioned for Neal to speak. Neil didn't refuse, rubbing his sore eyes, and then he began to speak. Henry interrupted from time to time and asked Pedro's perspective what was going on.

Regarding the situation of glory to death, this bystander, may be the most clear, even better than Hugo. After listening to Neal’s words, “Hugo is resting on the second floor and has not shown up all the time.” Henry nodded his chin slightly, “Actually, this is also very good. All contradictions have erupted, and it’s better than keeping them in my heart. At least it's all said and done. If you can, you can work together to solve the problem. If it doesn't, you can just dissolve it. That's good."

Henry's words actually choked both Neil and Pedro directly, but they didn't know how to refute them. Henry looked all right, watching the bacon, omelette, and toast served by Samora. He took the knife and fork contentedly, and actually started to enjoy breakfast. "Pepe, you just said you sucked." How long has the poison been?" Pedro was stunned, but he didn't know whether he should answer it or not. Henry said to himself, "You all didn't realize why Hugo was so against poison. Did he? He? I had struggled with the life and death of drugs. Joe said that at the time he almost thought that Hugo’s heart had stopped beating, and that Hugo tried to quit the drug many times. No success. Maybe, Hugo really saw it. Have you been to the halo of angels?"

Although Henry’s explanation was not completely correct, it was infinitely close to the facts. This silenced everyone in the kitchen. Henry continued, “Pepe, it’s actually very simple. Either you continue to take drugs. It’s yours. We have no right to interfere in private life, but you must ensure that you cannot interfere with your work when you are in the recording studio, and separate your life from work; or you can go to a drug rehabilitation center and be thoroughly cleaned up."

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