
Chapter 1552: Anxious expectation

"Independence Day" is about to be released, and countless news media are talking about this film, not only because of the huge publicity of this film in the past six months, but also because the film itself has gathered countless topics and determined countless topics. .

As early as half a year ago, people began to speculate on the premiere box office and final box office of "Independence Day". This is undoubtedly the hottest topic since the opening of the 20 million club. Now the answer is finally about to be revealed. The reporters at the scene, I am afraid that even the 20th Century Fox and the "Independence Day" crew themselves are curious.

Three sets of data can be compared, one is for "Ace Specialist", one is for "Terminator 2", and the other is for "Future Water World". The first is the second member of the 20 million club; the second is the best-performing work in the Independence Day so far; and the third is the biggest negative teaching material with high investment and high return.

The box office for the premiere of "Ace Specialist" was 19 million, the box office of "Terminator 2" was 20 million on Independence Day, the box office of the premiere weekend was 31 million, and the box office for the premiere of "Future Water World" was 21 million. ; "Ace Specialist" has accumulated a total of 54 million in box office so far, "Terminator 2" has a final box office of 204 million, and "Future Water World" has a final box office of 83 million.

So, what about "Independence Day"?

Considering Hugo’s unparalleled box office appeal, as well as the market prospects of "Independence Day", a commercial film that almost relies on computer special effects, many media have given their own guesses. Among them, the "Chicago Forum" gives the highest expectations. "Report", this really exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Chicago Tribune" believes that "Independence Day" is very promising to create history, not because of Hugo's appeal, but because of people's curiosity, "Curious about how Hugo did miracles, or curious about making Hugo fall from heaven." What kind of works are in hell? This view is really dumbfounding, but it also has a strong "Chicago Tribune" style.

They said that "Independence Day" has the hope of winning 30 million US dollars in the box office on Independence Day, and reaping 43 million in ticket revenue in the three days of the premiere weekend, which means, " "Independence Day" can receive $73 million in the first week, and the book cost has been recovered by two-thirds.

The prediction of the Chicago Tribune is really bold. You must know that the current historical record of the film history’s premiere weekend is only the 52 million US dollars created by "Batman Forever" in the summer vacation last year. "The forecast is that it will be as high as 43 million in three days on the weekend-this is still in the case of 30 million box office revenue on the day of Independence Day. This is not only bold, but also shocking.

Even the "Los Angeles Times", Hugo's most loyal supporter, dare not be so bold. Their prediction is only 25 million on Independence Day, 35 million on the weekend of the premiere, and finally an income of 60 million US dollars in the first week. .

It is not easy to create good results during the Independence Day schedule, because the crowds of audiences have already set off a frenzy on the holiday of Independence Day, which will inevitably lead to a significant drop in the number of people entering the cinema on the three days of the weekend-even You may also choose other movies when you enter the movie theater. The diversion of the audience during the holiday makes it more difficult for movies to achieve good results.

This is also the reason why the concept of Independence Day schedule has been put forward, but it has not been paid attention to by Hollywood: It is currently difficult to produce a work that can last four days on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday-even five days. Within a few days, a large number of people have been attracted to the cinema at a sustained and high intensity. Even if a miracle like "Terminator 2" has been created, it is tantamount to fishing and drinking poison to quench thirst. It will not have much benefit for the long-term development of the box office.

Therefore, even the "Los Angeles Times" forecasts are already very strong, because they believe that "Independence Day" can easily surpass the record set by "Terminator 2" and make a brilliant future in the Independence Day schedule. This is undoubtedly their opinion. The most direct expression of Hugo's confidence.

This also more and more set off the bold and extraordinary prediction of the "Chicago Tribune".

In addition to the supporters, the opposition is not small. The media represented by the "New York Post" and "USA Today" generally believe that "Independence Day" will become the second "Future Water World". A fiasco will make Hugo fall from the altar of box office superstars.

The "New York Post" believes that the box office for the premiere of "Independence Day" should perform well. It earned 10 million U.S. dollars on Independence Day and 15 million U.S. dollars in box office on the three weekends. Objectively speaking, compared with "Ace Special Agent" and "Future Water World", this result is already very good.

In the "New York Post" forecast article, they stated that the "Ace Specialist" has proved that 20 million clubs have no real significance. The role of actors in the increase of the film should not be further amplified. The film will eventually return. As for the movie itself, the story itself-this is exactly what Hugo has always emphasized, "Independence Day" is no exception; and "Future Water World" has proved that high-tech special effects can not enhance the charm of the movie, nor can it make it. The story becomes exciting, on the contrary, it will make the whole story more hollow, making the already very weak story structure of commercial movies vulnerable.

In fact, the views of the "New York Post" have been recognized by many, because people who generally oppose high investment and high return firmly believe that excessive use of computer special effects will only make people ignore the story itself, and the movie must return to the basis of the story after all. .

Therefore, the "New York Post" box office forecast for "Independence Day" unexpectedly received a lot of support. But in fact, this is not surprising, because Colin Mailer has learned well this time. He found his own voice while conforming to the mainstream voice. So, the supporters came.

Compared with the "New York Post", "USA Today" is more extreme. At least Colin still takes Hugo's box office appeal into consideration. "Future Water World" is even better, but "USA Today" does not give Hugo face at all.

The box office on Independence Day was 6 million, and the box office at the premiere weekend was 10 million. This is the box office forecast number given by "USA Today", because they believe that the audience has already withstood the lessons of the "Ace Specialist" and "Future Water World". The audience will no longer be fooled. Smart audiences know how to avoid it. "Independence Day" is such a terrible work that is doomed to failure, even if the starring is Hugo, there should be no exceptions.

It can be said that for a time, the entire US market has cast their sights on the premiere of "Independence Day". There are as many as 23 media outlets discussing the box office of "Independence Day" in the first week, including 17 of them. The media have all given their own accurate forecasts, and the other six media have only given a vague reference range. As for the media mentioning the premiere of "Independence Day", it is impossible to count.

The reason why Jie raised this question at the premiere ceremony was also because he was very curious, and no one could be an exception to the uneasy sense of expectation. Everyone was watching the release of "Independence Day". But Hugo will not directly express his views, as he said: This is a matter for the audience to decide, his work has been completed, and there is no way to change the result.

Knowing that no more information can be found on Hugo, Jie gave the right to speak to Cameron, "So, Cameron, what do you expect from this Hugo movie? You know, I mean box office results."

Cameron is obviously not as old as Hugo in dealing with these questions. She smiled in shock, "Uh, two hundred million?" But after hesitating, Cameron heard an exclamation on the scene and hurriedly put on He waved his hand, "No, I don't know, I just hope this film can create better results, you know, Hugo has paid a lot for this film, and he also specialized in computer special effects during the shooting process."

Although Cameron's answer was not so clever, it was not the first time she faced an interview after all. She changed the subject very cleverly, which made Jie smile meaningfully and chuckle.

Just when they had a wonderful exchange, the red carpet began to riot again. Hugo cast his sights, and then saw Leonardo in a hurry, which surprised Hugo, because Leonardo He has already joined the crew of "Titanic" and is now intensively filming. He thought Leonardo would not be here today.

"Wow, let's see who came to the scene!" Jie immediately abandoned Hugo and Cameron, and said, "Leonardo DiCaprio! We finally waited. He, it seems that my promise has not expired."

Leonardo hurriedly buttoned the buttons of his Seeing Hugo approaching him, there was a big smile on his face, and the two hit his right fist on the red carpet. Then Leonardo suddenly made a knight ceremony, which made all the audience scream.

After standing up, Leonardo gave Hugo a hug and said in his ear, "I hope the movie will succeed! Remember, you owe me a bottle of red wine." This made Hugo laugh.

Jie immediately greeted Leonardo, "Leo, Leo, Leo..." But because the screams at the scene were too noisy, Jie had to shout Leonardo a few words in succession. Let the atmosphere of the scene settle down, "As far as I know, you are now preparing to shoot a new film. It should be the busiest time. Why did you show up here?"

Leonardo shrugged and smiled and said, "Hugo, this despicable guy, bought me with a bottle of red wine. He knows I can hardly refuse such a deal." This made everyone in the room burst into laughter. "Besides, I heard that many people will come today. My recent exposure rate is a bit low. I am worried that everyone has forgotten me, so I made a special trip to seek a sense of existence."

I have to say that as a friend of Hugo, Leonardo's sense of humor is obviously also very good.

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