
Chapter 1717: Two-pronged approach

The process of history always arrives inadvertently in an irresistible way. After the accumulation of trivial moments after another, the historical moments appear unexpectedly. This was the case in 1996. People had expected 1994 when a hundred flowers blossomed, and had marveled at 1995, but they did not expect that it was 1996 that became a watershed in the entire 1990s.

After 1996, computer stunts have officially become an indispensable production element in Hollywood movies, unveiling the vigorous prelude to the "blockbuster era", and a few years later, with the shining debut of "Spider-Man", a new film industry has started. Chapter. This has a profound impact on the entire film industry. In fact, not just Hollywood, but also globally.

It is still "Independence Day". This work that changed the direction of historical development became the first work to break one billion at the global box office, bringing the term "movie box office" into a whole new realm-and it also means As film companies will be able to find more benefits in the box office market, the prosperity of the film industry can be expected, and the further encroachment of Wall Street can also be expected. This can even be regarded as a move that has an impact on the economic and industrial structure. .

The box office of 1.255 billion US dollars has set off a "Hugo" storm indiscriminately in every corner of the world, which also laid the foundation for the enthusiasm of the global music market in the second half of the year. Relying on box office results that are far ahead of historical records, "Independence Day" easily crowned the world's annual box office champion crown, earning this title for the second year in a row-last year's "seven deadly sins" have accomplished this feat.

Even after twenty years, the visual effects blockbuster "Independence Day" is still popular, not only because this work witnessed the moment when Hugo reached the top of the superstar, but also not only because this work set off on a global scale. The disaster movie frenzy is also because disaster movies have become a unique genre in Hollywood after Independence Day, not to mention the impact this work has on the entire film industry.

In the global year-end box office rankings, no work can match "Independence Day"-this is undoubtedly, but even more frightening is that after the year-end box office data is added up, it still can’t match "Independence Day" competes against each other, and such a strong performance makes people feel the unparalleled appeal of "Independence Day" from the bottom of their hearts.

After "Independence Day" won the North American and global box office double charts, and filled a big gap in Hugo's career, "Tornado" also took the North American and global box office runners into his arms. "Tornado" has collected 494 million US dollars in box office data worldwide. This is also a huge success. Together with "Independence Day", it has written the glory of disaster-type movies.

The third place is "Mission Impossible." This special agent movie that opened a new dawn for Tom's career, sweeping $45.7 million worldwide, became the only three box office that broke four this year. Billion works. This is undoubtedly a huge success, and it also created another spy brand after the "007". However, unlike James Bond, Ethan Hunt in "Mission Impossible" has been branded as belonging to Tom and has accompanied countless fans through countless springs and autumns.

The top three of the global box office charts coincide with the North American charts, which once again proves the pivotal position of the North American film market in the world.

From the fourth place, the list began to change. Although "Mr. Sweetheart" is very popular in North America, its influence worldwide is relatively limited, but the final global box office performance of 273 million U.S. dollars has successfully made it into the top ten, ranking ninth. Tom alone occupies two seats on the North American and global year-end lists, and his career has reached a new peak, even if it is compared to Hugo.

The place that replaced "Mr. Sweetheart" in the third place in North America and rose to fourth place globally is "Risk to Death Island". This work has swept the box office of 200 million U.S. dollars in overseas markets, which made its global box office reach. 335 million US dollars, defeated a lot of opponents, led the "1996 Global 300 Million Club".

Alexander ushered in a major explosion in his career by relying on "Break into Death Island", with an endless stream of solicitation works, which no one, including Karl Earl, had expected.

Many people have noticed the little anecdote behind the success of this work. Alexander defeated Nicholas Cage to get this role; Coincidentally, Hugo also defeated his biggest competitor Nicholas at the 68th Oscars. , Won the first actor's career as the actor statuette. Nicholas left Joseph Gibbs just three months before the official establishment of Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company.

A really interesting coincidence.

The biggest surprise on the global box office list is "The Camel Man (the... of.... This cartoon from Disney, adapted from the classic "Notre Dame de Paris", has a mediocre performance in the North American market. , The box office will pass the 100 million threshold, but the overseas box office has ushered in an explosion. After achieving a box office of 225 million US dollars, it rose to fifth place on the global rankings in one fell swoop. This is indeed Many people did not expect the results.

After that, "101 Real Dogs", "Ransom Storm", "Fatty Professor", "Mr. Sweetheart", and "Eraser" took up the remaining five seats in the top ten.

The "Evaporation Order" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger relied on his global appeal to rank among the top ten counterattacks, and hand in hand with "The Bell Tower Camel" to replace the "fake phoenix virtual phoenix" and "Moment of Killing". "These two North American top ten are in the top ten positions in the global box office rankings.

It is worth mentioning that the work "British Patient" did not receive much attention during its release, but relying on the rave reviews during the awards season, it strongly boosted the follow-up box office-especially in overseas markets. With only US$78 million in the box office in North America, the global year-end box office reached an incredible amount of US$232 million. It actually surpassed Michael Jordan's "Slam Dunk" starring Michael Jordan in the year-end singles. jam)” and finally ranked eleventh on the list.

The biggest difference in the global rankings is that comedy films that have achieved great success in North America are not so strong. After all, the response of American humor in overseas markets is still limited. The overseas market has given more cheers and applause to typical commercial films such as "Independence Day", "Tornado", "Mission Impossible", "Death Island", "Ransom Storm", and "Evaporation Secret Order". It also coincides with the direction of change in the North American film market.

The curtain came to an end in 1996, but the storm of the film industry has only just begun to exert its power.

From the North American box office to the global box office, no one can ignore the devastation of "Independence Day". The 500 million in North America and 1.2 billion in the world have completely refreshed people's fixed ideas and caused the positioning and restrictions of the entire market. Earth-shaking changes; of course, no one can ignore the vitality that Hugo has injected into this work. It can be said that without Hugo, "Independence Day" may be able to achieve box office success-this is a historical inevitability, but it is absolutely impossible At this height, as the first person with the most box office appeal today, Hugo's influence is unmatched.

From "Pulp Fiction" in 1994, to the "Seven Deadly Sins" in 1995, and to "Independence Day" in 1996, Hugo is becoming an important page in all aspects of American society, American culture, and American history. It is because of the outstanding achievements of these works, but also because these works have had an impact on all aspects of American society, and gradually integrated into people's daily life, subtly becoming a part of cultural symbols.

It’s like the Beatles, like Michael Jackson, like John Wayne, like Marilyn Monroe, like Elvis Presley, like Michael Jordan, just like It's like Frank Sinatra.

This is the age of Hugo, and people can say so without hesitation.

The nineties are leaving a deep mark belonging to Hugo, and this deep mark is not only film, but also music. The reason why people are willing to call the 1990s belongs to the Hugo era, the historical heritage behind the album "Blurry Rain" cannot be ignored.

From the Battle of the Century in late September to the ultimate showdown at the end of October, the strong showdown between Glory to Death and Mariah Carey and Oasis completely detonated the global music market. This vigorous frontal showdown has produced unparalleled strength. The influence has surpassed "Independence Day" and the US presidential became a microcosm of global culture in 1996. Not only because of the outstanding and excellent troika, but also because the iron triangle has completely stimulated the potential of the music market. Every confrontation between the three is very enjoyable. Even after twenty years, people still talk about the situation at that time. road.

Not to mention, there are countless young people who have embarked on the road of music because of this war of the century. After entering the second decade of the 21st century, top superstars such as Sam Smith (sam) have emerged one after another. ), Adele (adele), Ed Sheeran (ed. Sheeran), Taylor Swift (.), Bruno Mars (. Mars), Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, etc. They said that in their growth process and in their musical dreams, the 1996 duel had crucial works, which almost completely changed their outlook on life and values.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the rock revolution of the sixties. After his death, another musical revolution. Life, its cultural value and social impact, has not dissipated until half a century later. More coincidentally, after the "New Yorker" was the first to call out "Maracana is the Woodstock of the 90s", this sentence was unanimously responded by countless media, and this "revolution" "Fate" pushed to the pinnacle of history.

And this revolution. One of the most important members of life is the glory from Hugo to death!

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