
Chapter 1772: 1 knife 2 breaks

Charlize's mood has calmed down at this time, and he has regained his ability to think. When he mentioned Mr. Perfect, his tone was a little tired, but there was no more emotional ups and downs, just with a trace of melancholy and a trace of stubbornness.

"You said, is it really my fault?" Charlize supported his head with his right hand, looked at Hugo in front of him, and asked aloud, and immediately saw Hugo roll his eyes, Charlize waved his hand repeatedly. Explained, “I’m not self-blaming. We all know that any rupture of a relationship cannot be one-sided. It cannot be all his fault, nor can it all be my fault. It must be ours. Something went wrong, so... you can't always deny that he chose to leave this matter without saying goodbye."

"That's because he is a coward, he dare not face you, dare not face the problems between you, dare not confront you, and even dare not even say goodbye in person." Hugo sneered, his tone of voice was slight. Does not hide his inner anger and contempt.

Charlize twitched his mouth, trying to show a mocking smile, but found that he even disdained Mr. Perfect's cowardly behavior. Perhaps the catharsis just a few hours ago had poured out all the negative emotions in her heart. "I mean, am I really asking too much of him?"

Charlize’s words calmed Hugo. He did not speak, but listened carefully, "You know, his career has not been very smooth. He has never found a suitable performance opportunity. In fact, I have also discussed with him. After this problem, we all know that what Hollywood needs is an opportunity, an opportunity to show itself. If he is just playing alone, it is certainly not that easy, but I can help him, and Rick can help him, as long as he wants, at least we If you can win the opportunity, you still have to see him next."

"But..." Charlize carefully looked at Hugo's sight, and said solemnly, "but he refused, he hopes to rely on his own strength to find opportunities. You said, why is this? It is because he is a man. Is your self-esteem, unwilling to borrow the power of a woman? Or is it because..."

At this point, Charlize couldn't help but pause, but Hugo saw the clues in her eyes, lifted her chin, and smiled at the corners of her mouth, "Because of what?"

"Because he rejects you, he resists you very much, because he always thinks you are nosy." Charlize said bluntly, but it made Hugo laugh lowly. "I tried to explain to him, we are just friends, we have nothing between us, but every time we go around, we still return to the same place. Almost every time the content of the quarrel is the same." Charlize lowered his eyes, slightly He pursed his lips, as if to cover up the inexplicable intricacies in his heart, but quickly raised his eyes, "Hugo, is this really the case? He refused my help because of his pride? You men are both. Is that so?"

Hugo did not answer immediately, but pondered for a while, "You know, men's psychology is very complicated, but it is also very simple. We don't think too much like women, and most of the time we may not care about details. But once the sensitive nerve is touched at a certain moment, some puzzling choices will be made."

"So..." Hugo paused, prolonged the ending, then nodded affirmatively, and replied in a positive tone, "Yes, he is careful."

Charlize was amused by Hugo’s affirmative tone. The more he thinks about it, the more funny he feels. “We have argued many times about work, but there has never been a result. During this time I was filming in New York, I feel When I was under great pressure, I was really not in the mood to worry about him. I heard that he had participated in two auditions and was rejected. But I am not his nanny, and I can’t take care of his feelings all the time. I called him and said The hard work of filming, he felt that I was showing off, and I was putting pressure on him... So, I think, there have been clues a long time ago, but... It’s just that I didn’t work hard enough. Any relationship needs to be managed. I still haven't devoted 100% of my effort."

"Are you serious?" Hugo looked at Charlize incredulously, raised his eyebrows, and was full of mockery and surprise. "You must be joking with me."

"Why?" Charlize didn't quite understand, but looked at Hugo in surprise.

Hugo also lay directly on the sheet, but the positions of him and Charlize are reversed. Charlize's head is at the head of the bed and his feet are at the end of the bed, while his head is at the end of the bed and his feet are at the head of the bed. Then he supports it with his left hand. My head looked over, "When you were dating Mr. Perfect, I almost didn't know you. You have no opinion or personality at all. Whatever Mr. Perfect asks you, you will do."

Charlize rolled his eyes angrily, but there was no way to refute it. He just listened to Hugo babbling there, "He asked you to use a coaster. Every time you put a cup, you have to be like a thief." Sneaking around; he asks you to drink red wine and you take a bottle of beer to look at other people's faces; he asks you to climb the mountain together, every time you come back, you have to cry at home... your whole life seems to be Someone controls the general, you are a puppet, and Mr. Perfect controls your ropes. Isn't you putting in so much effort to maintain this relationship? It's sad and ridiculous."

"But, isn't this a relationship? In the process of communication, we need to compromise with each other, withdraw from each other, and take pictures of each other. If nothing changes, then... then we are friends." Charlize's expression became Seriously, it's not like discussing Mr. Perfect, but like attending a seminar about love.

"Wrong! It's definitely not like that!" Hugo shook his head vigorously, "You think, why people fall in love is because they like each other the most original appearance, your outlook on life, world outlook, values, your personality charm, Your appearance, your behavior, your language... But why does it become unreasonable when a woman falls in love, or else... is that she completely loses herself by clinging to love?"

"That's because some people say that we can't be obedient to love, so we have to disagree." Charlize's expression became completely sincere, as if speaking on behalf of all women at a seminar. I say I don’t like it; I feel sad, but I have to force myself to say I don’t care. But some people say that in a relationship, we can’t be too willful, we have to learn to compromise and learn to change, so we can only sacrifice ourselves. But, In the end, it feels too stressful, and...then just leave, like a coward, only to escape."

Hugo shook his head, "Everyone has their own opinions about love, because every relationship is different. There is no absolute truth, only the best way for you. You should not listen to what others say, but It is to choose the one that suits you best. The real change is not to force yourself to do what you don't like to do, but to gradually find the common ground between two people in the process of interacting with each other and running in with each other. Then at the same time retain your own personality. "

"It's as if Cameron couldn't understand your music dream?" Charlize asked Hugo directly to cover his chest and made a shot. Charlize rolled his eyes, then picked up the beer beside the pillow, opened it and took a big sip, "However, you are right, maybe there is no correct formula for love, and we need to keep groping for ourselves."

Charlize drank half a can of beer, but suddenly fell silent, and then took a sip, another sip, the tip of his tongue was full of bitterness, "Perhaps, the reason why I am willing to change myself is why I am willing To work hard, because deep down, I did not really try to give. I want to keep up with Mr. Perfect, but there is no way.” Otherwise, she would not reject Mr. Perfect so many times. Insist on living alone in your own apartment and stick to your own space.

Mr. Perfect once quarreled with her about this, because she had nothing to do with Hugo and Alexander before living together, but she was unwilling to move in to live with him. She explained that before it was friendship, so she didn't care. Hugo and Alexander were just roommates, but love was different. However, Mr. Perfect did not believe this explanation.

However, in many cases, even she herself would question this explanation.

"So, you are the same as me?" Hugo's words made Charlize come out of his thoughts. He was stunned and did not understand. Hugo went on to say, "Before you accused me of the relationship with Cameron, I Didn’t keep up with Cameron’s footsteps. So, now you are the same." Hugo's words made Charlize sneer, "I'm not the same as you," Hugo then said aggressively, "Why is it different?"

Charlize blurted out and wanted to say, "Because I love But this sentence whirls around in my mouth, but I can't say it.

Hugo sneered and interrupted Charlize's last trace of courage, "Friend, how about saying ‘happy enough to make me jealous’?"

Charlize raised his eyebrows and curled his lips to reveal a mocking smile, "It seems that Mr. Perfect is not that perfect." Then Charlize kicked Hugo's left hand supporting his head, "Then, all the media and all fans. What about the "Mr. Perfect" that women think? Are you really that perfect?"

Hugo sneered, pursed his lips in mockery, and looked at Charlize's eyes widened, "What do you think? As a bystander, do you think I am perfect? ​​Maybe you can try it yourself."

Charlize looked at Hugo's serious eyes, his eyes widened, "Do you think I dare not?"

The two people looked at each other's eyes stubbornly, and neither was willing to look away, but the original grudge eyes softened unconsciously, and the silence between those eyes made the air start to heat. When I got up, time seemed to stop at this moment. "Puff, puff..." The sound of the heart beating can even be heard faintly.

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