
Chapter 1816: Forget about it

Facing Charlize’s question, Hugo didn’t know how to explain it. On the one hand, he really didn’t know how to describe that state of performance; on the other hand, it was because of the fusion of methodological and expressive acting, which was actually rain. If he made a bold attempt, he was not sure whether it was suitable for Charlize. At present, the whole of Hollywood is completely methodical.

Hugo thought for a while, "Do you remember the state I was in when I was filming "Death Row"? Charlize nodded. Not long ago, she experienced schizophrenia during the filming of "Devil's Advocate". "During filming I have made a lot of preparations before, and I have been trying to make myself understand Matthew’s life state, because even the devil is not born like this. What is the reason for Matthew's denial of his crime? Matthew blames his mother and his What is the reason for my brother and his wife? What did Matthew go through to get to this point... I kept communicating with the prisoners, and even tried to think of myself as Matthew during the communication process..."

"Gradually, Matthew is no longer a character, but a real person, a real person in my mind. He will even talk to me and communicate with me. In many cases, even I can distinguish myself. I don’t know the difference between fantasy and reality. However, there is a line between fantasy and reality. I can’t really become Matthew. When shooting, I still have lines to read and I still have work to complete. Therefore, I will try to control him, not only control the character, but also try to control the performance, let'Matthew' participate in the performance, and make the most accurate performance in every detail..."

Having said this, Hugo paused and looked at Charlize, "Do you remember the acting class you took before? Those basic acting skills?" Charlize nodded, and then Hugo continued, "Yes, It’s to use those basic performances to make the most correct performance at the right time. Maybe it’s just some changes in details that many people can’t see..."

"But the whole performance will feel completely different." Charlize took the second half of the sentence, and the whole person suddenly realized. She looked at Hugo's amber eyes intently, and listened intently, lest she missed anything. With one word, a dazzling look appeared in her eyes, and she could even vaguely feel her voice trembling slightly, the irresistible excitement was clearly audible.

"Wow..." Charlize sighed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was completely outlined, "Wow! Wow! God, what kind of friend I know!" Just listening to Hugo's description, Charlize was covered in chicken skin The lumps appeared, and the excitement of the soul trembling could not be described in words. In the end, Charlize stood up directly and shouted at the sky, "Wow!" Hugo looked like that. Sitting in place is completely happy.

After finally expressing his inner impulse, Charlize sat down happily, and then stopped talking several times, but did not know what to say, but finally let out a long breath, "Although I really I admire you very much, and I am eager to reach such a level, but...I have to admit that I cannot reach such a high level at present." Charlize is a smart woman and has always been like this.

Hugo waved his hand, "My method is applicable to me personally, you may not be able to apply it."

"Of course, I don't want to be like a madman." Charlize rolled his eyes without shy, and made Hugo chuckle again. "However, if you really want to continue to study, I think In the future you will really become a drama bone, which is admirable."

Although Hugo’s performances are indeed brilliant at present, they can be amazing repeatedly, but Hugo still has room for development. He has just entered a new stage after "Death Row", and the role of "L.A. Confidential" Ed is still not inspiring. Hugo's full potential. However, as Charlize said, as long as Hugo is willing to continue to work hard and continue to delve into it, one day in the future, he can also become a real drama player such as Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, and Catherine Hepburn. Every gesture is a drama, and understatement is a story.

"As for me, I'll study the role well now." Charlize sneered at the corners of his mouth, but the conversation just now was not completely useless. Charlize has a new understanding of the basic skills of acting, and her analysis of the role. There is also a new perception. Hugo's character creation has been conceived from almost every aspect from birth to the present, including the impact of the setbacks suffered by his first love. Relatively speaking, her idea of ​​the role is very rough.

It was then that Charlize suddenly realized why she did her best in the two works of "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Devil's Advocate", and her performance is also very good, but she always feels that something is lacking. This little spark is It is difficult for the director and the audience to see it with the naked eye and express it in words, but as an actor, he should have a clear understanding.

"So, what does Lynn look like in your eyes?" Charlize became interested in Hugo's character idea for the first time, which was a world she had never seen before.

Hugo shrugged, "Well, I think Lynn's parents should have divorced, but they broke up peacefully."

"Why?" Charlize looked very curious.

"There are many possibilities..."

Hugo and Charlize sat on the concrete floor in front of the police station like this, without coffee or red wine, and even shivering because of the cold dew in the middle of the night, but they shared each other's thoughts passionately. The staff who came in and went out of the gate all cast their sights. Seeing such a strange scene, many people crowded around curiously. The two of them didn't mind, so they asked everyone to surround themselves and listen.

The role of Lynn in "L.A. Confidential" is actually not important, but the role is very important. As a result, under the outline of Hugo and Charlize, almost every aspect of Lynn’s life has been considered, including her scenery in high school, her hobbies in elementary school, and the way she came to Los Angeles...this Far beyond the scope of a biography, it almost pulled Lynn from paper into real life.

The staff walked one batch, another batch, and then left another batch. Back and forth, only a few people were left on the crew to finish. Curtis had already left. After discussing with several associate directors about the group, he just handed over the final group list to Hugo, and then left the set.

"Hugo, if you don’t leave, the zombies will surround this place." The staff shouted, which made Hugo and Charlize come back to their senses. They looked around and found that only the last three drivers were left, they Also ready to drive the truck back to Burbank. Everyone else has gone completely clean, and the whole street can be quietly heard even the shouts of the next few streets.

Here is the next. In the city, public security began to be chaotic after ten o'clock in the evening. That's why the staff said that.

Hugo waved his hand, smiled and said, "You get off work, drive carefully on the road." Then he stood up, "We two should also go back, otherwise we will catch a cold tomorrow." Hugo stretched out his right hand. Charlize took his hand and stood up, only to realize that although she was wearing her coat, the temperature was indeed a bit cold.

"Do you need me to take you back?" Hugo looked back, and only Charlize's car was parked there alone in the parking lot.

Charlize sneered, "Are you sure that I'll take you back?" Because Hugo's car is not here, his car is parked next to Al Bar. Since he can now drive by himself, he asks Joseph and Samora went back first.

Hugo also sneered silently, "Then you go back and be careful, will you come to the crew tomorrow?"

The two walked side by side in the direction of Charlize’s car, "Come, of course." Charlize said quickly, "Watching the performances of Hugo Lancaster and Kevin Spacey live, it’s not An honor for everyone." After speaking, Charlize laughed, the crisp laughter reverberating in the empty street.

Watching the figure of Charlize's car disappearing from sight, Hugo stood there and let out a long sigh, then stepped forward and walked in the direction of Al Bar. Since several streets around here were closed by the "L.A. Confidential" crew, the surrounding streets seemed very quiet at this time, as if Hugo was the only one left in the world.

When the street turned around, the moonlight shone unscrupulously, so that the eyes that had adapted to the gloom were a little Then Hugo saw an old man's back slowly on the empty street. Walking.

The old man's back was a little rickety, and he was leaning on crutches in his right hand, but he tried his best to straighten his waist to avoid looking old and weak. It is a pity that his inability to speed up his pace still betrayed the true condition of his body. The sparse white hair of silver became more and more chilled under the moonlight.

Hugo couldn't help but sigh. Although he didn't know the story of the old man, the power of the years was still unavoidable. But when Hugo was about to look away, he realized that this figure was a bit familiar. He focused and looked carefully, and then saw the old man turning sideways and preparing to cross the road. Hugo immediately recognized that side face.

Although Hugo has face blindness, he will certainly not admit mistakes to his acquaintances. For example, the old man in front of him has been screaming and screaming downstairs in their house for nearly three years. How could he not know him?

"Ernst." Hugo shouted loudly. The old man paused, but then turned around, then accelerated his pace and moved on, as if he didn't want to meet Hugo, "Ernst! "Hugo ran up quickly, and in a few strides, he caught up with the old man, "Hey, Ernst."

The angry old man standing in front of him was indeed Ernst Lechman.

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