
Chapter 1820: Script structure

As Hugo's idea of ​​the neighbor became clear, his idea of ​​the heroine also immediately became clear.

The heroine can be a waiter in a restaurant. The connection between her and the hero comes from the restaurant where she works. This is the only restaurant where the hero is willing to eat out. The heroine with a direct but delicate personality is the only one in the past two years. A waitress who can meet the requirements of the male protagonist one by one.

But why? Obviously it is not the magical effect in the love story. The hero and the heroine are so impressed, the sparks between each other bring the two sides together. Hugo refused to write such a script. There is a reason why the heroine can satisfy many unreasonable and troublesome requirements of the heroine, and even has a more tolerant heart.

Because she...has a son who has asthma. Asthma is still an incurable disease even in the 21st century. Because it is a respiratory disease, it is very sensitive to air, but the truth is that as a waiter, she does not have enough money to replace a good apartment, and she cannot Provide better medical conditions, so she can only create the best living conditions for her son in her cramped and damp apartment. She is always worried that her son’s life is in danger. She is worried about the surrounding living environment every day. The son caused irreparable harm, and even changes in the weather would make her son extremely hard.

This is New York-Hugo intends to set the background of the story in New York where the weather is changeable, not only because it is the capital of the world, but also because it is a city full of countless possibilities. It is difficult to imagine such a complex city to accommodate this. story. In this city, countless people with quirks live together, but it is difficult for people to be compatible with each other. Worse still, because of the busy life and pressing pressure in this city, people lack care , Even the most basic warmth dissipated little by little in the raging sea breeze of the Atlantic Ocean.

This is actually a metaphor, not only a metaphor for the current social relations, but also a background in which the hero, neighbor, and heroine are all alone.

Because she lives in New York, her son's life is even harder. It is precisely because of the child that she cannot have her own life at all. She has to revolve around the child 24 hours a day, so she does not have her own time or a life of her own. Even if you meet a good date occasionally, it will eventually end up because the child is innocent.

She felt lonely and powerless, and she also longed for someone to truly understand her and give her support. But she is also strong enough. Unlike the male protagonist and neighbors, she needs to be strong for her children. If necessary, she will fight against the weasel like a hen protecting a chick.

In the eyes of the hero, she is special; but in her eyes, the hero is just a child, the same child as her son.

Thus, the story happened like this.

He only leaves home once a day, just to go to that restaurant for lunch, he only accepts her service; she does her best to meet his requirements, but sometimes she is also powerless and even angry at him, but In the end, she will still choose to compromise, because she needs this job and she needs funds to maintain her son's life.

But this balance was broken in one day, because the cold snap came to New York, the child became ill, and the fever persisted throughout the night. She didn't come to work, and as a result, he made a big mess in the restaurant and made everyone restless. Because of selfishness—his difficult requirements that no one can satisfy in the restaurant, and also because of concern—he longed to see her even though he himself did not understand the reason, so he personally found her home.

He and his neighbor are only separated by a wall, but he never cared about who the neighbor was. He even hated the neighbor because the neighbor had a dog—he couldn't accept the dirty look of the puppy. One day, the puppy squatted at the door of his house. He carefully threw the puppy out of the trash and fled home like an enemy. As a result, the neighbor came to the door in anger. Although he made the neighbours to persuade him by ill-talking, things still changed.

When the neighbor was working, he encountered an unruly person by accident. Not only did he clean his house, but he also severely injured him-even disfigured. He went bankrupt and became homeless at the same time, and even the art was sold. Not going out. While the neighbor was hospitalized, he entrusted the puppy to his house. He wanted to refuse, but was forced to agree under the threat of the neighbour's vicious black agent. As a result, his life began to change.

This is a good story. It tells the story of three quirky lonely people gathered together. It is not only the story between the male and female protagonists. At the same time, the neighbor’s story also has an impact on the male and female protagonists. The neighbor’s puppy becomes It was an opportunity to change the male protagonist, and the neighbor and the female protagonist became friends by accident. The three people are marginal figures in this society, but they gathered together by accident. They tried each other, ran into each other, and changed each other, trying to survive in the cruel and cold society.

Thanks to Charlize's inspiration, Hu decisively completed the structure of the entire script intermittently. It can be said that Hugo is very satisfied with this structure, but he is still trying to set the personality of the protagonist. He hopes that the characters can be more three-dimensional. Since Hugo intends to play the actor himself, he also began to conceive a biography for the actor-a story outside the script, hoping to further explore the core theme of the story. For this reason, Hugo had to start to read some psychology Books to learn.

Hugo has not eagerly begun to enter the real creation of the script, because Hugo hopes to write this script as a light comedy, just like Billy Christo, Robin Williams, full of wisdom, maybe Can't make people laugh, just a knowing smile is enough. This requires deep line skills, and at the same time the understanding of culture, humor, history, society and other aspects must also reach a certain height. This is why a truly outstanding comedy is so difficult to create.

Hugo has been working hard to build the character's personality, just to achieve this goal. When a character becomes full and full, when should he do what he should do, what words he should say, and what gesture he should show, it will naturally appear on the paper. This is a good thing for the script, not only will be rich and three-dimensional, and the background will be very deep, but for the screenwriter, this is a huge burden.

Strictly speaking, the script creation this time is the first time Hugo has really conceived a script from scratch. Many excellent scripts start with a character, an event, or an idea, and then burst out with amazing sparks of inspiration and finish slowly to form an excellent story.

But such excellent scripts are declining in the 21st century. In fact, every filmmaker knows that the script is the foundation of a work and the most important thing. A good script can greatly increase the probability of a movie's success, but trying to save a bad script is comparable to the sky. However, with the advent of the blockbuster era, scripts have become more and more simple and rude, and visual effects have taken the lead. Therefore, the status of screenwriters has dropped and then dropped. First, it led to the Hollywood screenwriters strike in 2008. Later, adaptation methods were popular in the screenplay market and original excellent scripts. Fewer and fewer.

This time Hugo hopes to do his best to create a script that truly belongs to his conceived. Of course, his current ability is still limited. Whether the script can be called excellent, the result still needs to be left to others to judge. He just wants to create Make every effort in the process.

That kind of inspiration collided fast. Hugo’s enthusiasm for creation was reawakened. He even composed the lyrics of the music that he composed at London Heathrow Airport last year, and temporarily named it "save...and.", of course. It can also be translated as "save rock".

"I need more dreams and less life; I need more light in the darkness. You will never see the tears in my heart, so go to hell! You can cry until the tears become an ocean, and then let go to me. You It's who you love, not the way others love to see you. In a world surrounded by shouts of'yes', I heard a roar: No, no!"

In Ernst, Hugo saw too many realistic portrayals of dreams, art, and the future.

Many people say that dreams are unrealistic, because dreams are divorced from reality, let life leave the ground and become illusory, and even lead to many lives being submerged by the torrent of life and die early. There are countless such dreamers in the long river of history, the famous and the unknown.

But in fact life is wonderful because of pursuit. Regardless of whether the goal you pursue is finally achieved, this kind of persistence because of dreams and crazy persistence is the true meaning of life. According to Greek mythology, Icarus used wax and feather wings to escape from Crete, but because he flew too high, the wax on his wings was melted by the sun and fell into the water and died.

Some people say that Icarus is overpowered and overwhelmed, but from another angle, I can see the fantastic ideas of Icarus and his father Daedalus. Only those who dare to think can realize their dreams. Perhaps, Icarus’ escape plan did not succeed in the end, but at least he is a dreamer.

So, "I need to dream more and live less." So, "Wherever my footsteps go, trouble will follow, only the connection is kept in rock, rock and roll, no! Wherever my footsteps go, Go! Trouble will follow, only the connection is kept in the rock!"

The enthusiasm and perseverance of that kind of rock dream runs wild in Hugo's blood. Although the composition of the melody has not been completed yet, the completion rate of the whole song has reached 70%, and it may be completed soon. This also makes Hugo full of enthusiasm for the script creation this time, and he can't wait to finish the script.

This kind of enthusiasm is really long-lost.

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