
Chapter 1836: Historical turning point

1997 was one of the most important turning points before the end of the century. Not only was the "Titanic" set off a box office frenzy at the end of the century and officially opened the era of blockbuster films; it also completely changed the pattern of the TV drama market because of its strong rise.

In this year, they changed their slogan for the ninth time, "This is not TV, this is (it’, it’s., announcing the real reform of the TV station, and they began to independently produce excellent TV series. Because it is a cable network, they do not need to consider the ratings, nor do they need to worry about the review system, which means that they can completely free their hands and feet to produce TV series, and only need to satisfy the subscribers. This has allowed a large number of outstanding works to emerge.

In fact, since the early 1980s, in order to keep pace with the times, they have started independent production of TV and movies, trying to attract fixed user groups with these classic productions. However, after entering the 1990s, TV and film works on this subject have gradually declined, so drastic reforms have been made again.

In 1997, the large-scale and heavy-tasting "Prison Situation (oz was launched, and it was greeted with applause from film critics. Then in 1998, the "Desire. Wang City" launched in 1998 truly opened the glorious era of cable TV networks. The subsequent "**** family" pushed the excellent reputation to the pinnacle-which also opened up the glory of the hegemony ten years.

Hugo did not expect that the "**** family" project was actually in the hands of Endeavour's elite brokerage company. This dominated the Emmys for eight years from 1999 to 2007, with 90 nominations and 20 wins. A classic series of trophies is undoubtedly a diamond, waiting quietly for the moment when it will shine.

The "**** family" does not work on the wireless network, and neither the subject matter nor the scale, including the core ideas of the drama, are not suitable for broadcasting on the wireless network. Only with such a wired network can the crew be able to give full play to all the essence.

Therefore, Hugo almost subconsciously said the name.

However, Hugo doesn't know much about history. At this time, even "Prison Situation" only aired the first season, which did not cause a sensation as imagined. He is still waiting for the appreciation of film critics and the precipitation of time, so Naturally no one would treat each other differently.

Faced with Rick’s surprise, Hugo was stunned and hesitated, "I just think... well, wireless networks are limited, because they have to deal with the main group of people from 18 to 49 years old, and The scale cannot be too large. Relatively speaking, the cable network is much looser. They can concentrate all their energy on the drama and ensure that the drama will not compromise the quality in order to cater to advertisers. I think,'**** The family's such a series...Uh, maybe the opportunity in the cable network should be greater, you know, **** things are always sensitive, don't they?"

In fact, the literal translation of "**** family (the. means soprano, but in the series it refers to the protagonist's last name. In other words, when Hugo doesn't know anything about the series, he shouldn't talk about topics like "****".

Fortunately, Rick and Joseph didn't think much about it. They just thought that Hugo had heard a few words in the company, so they didn't pursue it. Rick considered Hugo's words seriously, and nodded, "Maybe, you can try it. But if it's a wired network, I don't know how the development prospects are..."

This time, Hugo has been obedient. He doesn't know the history of development and doesn't know what the situation is now, so he shut his mouth obediently.

"Now the company stall is too big, and my understanding of the TV drama industry is limited. Maybe we should slow down for a while..." Rick muttered in a low voice. He originally just sent it casually and didn't intend to get a response. , Because both Joseph and Hugo, or himself, have very limited understanding of the TV drama industry. Even if they want to make suggestions, they have more than enough energy.

But after a moment of silence, Rick heard a voice saying, "Maybe this is also an opportunity for development?" He suddenly raised his head, and then saw Hugo's hesitant look. Rick opened his eyes and asked. One sentence, "What?"

Hugo had planned not to speak anymore. After all, he had very limited knowledge of the development history of TV series, but when he heard Rick's mumble, he couldn't help but reply. Seeing the exploration in Rick’s eyes at this time, Hugo thought for a while, and decided to settle the matter. “You know, now all major agencies are focusing on the film industry, even if it’s the William Morris agency, they The energy invested in TV shows is also very limited."

"Yes, that's because movies are really profitable. No one wants to make TV dramas. Even talents in the TV drama industry want to be able to enter Hollywood." Rick rightfully said that the reason why Endeavour's elite agency will get involved in the TV drama industry Because of the low competitiveness here, they are trying to find a breakthrough, but the results have been limited so far. Instead, the film department has ushered in a development opportunity.

"But, the TV drama industry is also profitable, right?" It was Joseph who said this, "It's like...Super Bowl advertising revenue, if I remember correctly, the "Independence Day" advertising in the Super Bowl last year It has achieved incredible results." Then Joseph looked at Hugo, "Do you mean that?"

Hugo nodded and smiled at the corner of his mouth. With Joseph's explanation, the whole thing seemed logical, "Because everyone is focusing on the film industry, the development potential of the TV drama industry is even greater. Take a look at'Friends' ','x file', maybe the earning power of TV dramas is still not comparable to that of movies, but if you don't try, who knows? Maybe TV dramas can develop peripheral industries like movies, and then build a culture-we all know, Compared with movies, the impact of television on our lives is much more profound."

Joseph also understood what Hugo meant, "Now those large brokerage companies don't care about TV dramas. Maybe the company can gain a foothold in this area and win the qualifications to challenge them. This is also how you get involved in TV dramas, right?" Joseph's The understanding is much more comprehensive, "If everything goes well, we can be the dominant player in the TV drama industry, and then we can bring all the top TV stars under the banner..."

"Then find more actors for the movie." Rick's whole thoughts also turned, "It's like we go to Canada and Australia to find more qualified actors, turning the TV drama industry into our base."

Hugo knows exactly how profitable the TV drama industry is. Warner Bros. relying solely on the TV series "The Big Bang Theory" can make hundreds of millions of dollars a year in pure profit, even more than other film companies making ten films. "Of course, the premise is that we continue to persevere and spend a lot of energy to slowly develop." Hugo looked at Rick, "Remember? You said that this is a difficulty, but it is also an opportunity."

Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company has benefited from Hugo, a little butterfly, and is now standing at a historical turning point. As for whether the company soars or falls apart, it depends on their own efforts.

Rick's mood was relaxed at this time, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was outlined. Although they are still facing difficulties now, and the countermeasures discussed just now are not sure whether they will work, at least it is no longer a mess. More importantly, Rick regained his confidence, and the next thing depends on the company's teamwork.

"By the way, Hugo, Allen intends to invest in'Saving Private Ryan'. Did Steven mention it to you? He wrote another check for $100 million this time, which is completely generous." After relaxing, Rick also began to chat. However, this sentence made Hugo stunned, Rick did not notice it, and continued to say, "Before I came here, I was still thinking about Steven looking for you, is it because Alan called you again by name. But. If you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be. If he rolls the name, he should give you the position of the actor, and then Tom will be depressed."

Allen...Hugo doesn't have a good memory of names, but Hugo is no stranger to Allen, who is a one-million-dollar check, because they are friends, true friends. Alan Strello, the film speculator from Germany, has made a lot of money with the eye of "Independence Day", which has attracted the interest of many rich people in Hollywood. However, Hugo hasn't heard the name for a long, long time.

How long has it been? It should have happened after the Oscars ended last year. It has been more than a year since now, but in a daze, Hugo felt as if there were several years. Hugo has never heard Alan's name since the repeated accidents of the Oscar celebration party on the yacht that night.

That night, Allen's eyes revealed his true thoughts. Although he did not say it directly, he disappeared completely after that, and even deliberately avoided the occasion where Hugo appeared. Perhaps, this behavior itself explained too many What did Steven say, did he nod and agree? "Hugo kept his mood calm and did not move too much. If it was really Allen invested, maybe Steven's telephone invitation yesterday was Allen's opinion. Hugo doesn't know, and he is not sure. , But... If this is the case, then how should Hugo respond?

Refuse? avoid? Or pretend that nothing happened?

Hugo has no way to answer, because this is a hypothetical question, and he can't make a judgment before the matter actually happens. "Steven doesn't matter, Allen is so bold, and he barely interferes with the crew, which is naturally good for Steven. But..." Rick relaxes and talks, but Rain Guo's hearing was gradually disappearing, and she was immersed in her thoughts.

"Hugo? Hugo!" I don't know how long it took, Rick's voice rang from far and near again, so that Hugo was awake from his thoughts, "Sorry, I forgot, you must be tired, today There is still work. You go to rest first and leave the rest to me and Joe."

Hugo nodded, and after standing up, he paused in place, as if he wanted to say something, but had no clue, finally turned and walked towards the room in silence.

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