
Chapter 1853: Forgive yourself

Leonardo took the peanut butter bottle, walked to the hall, and carefully looked at James in front of him. The see-through eyes were penetrating James' skin and looking at his soul. This made James a little uneasy, and even suspected that Leonardo would suddenly violently in the next second, and then punch him.

However, Leonardo didn't. He just nodded to James, then turned around and went upstairs up the stairs. Leaving James sitting in the hall alone, but sitting on pins and needles, he finally felt the consequences of his reckless decision. Even James himself began to think, "Why did I decide to come to Malibu in the first place?"

When Leonardo came to the second floor, he didn't see Hugo. He had to shout, "Hugo? Hugo?" Then there was a shout from upstairs, "I'm on the third floor." , Leonardo trot all the way up to the third floor, and then saw Hugo sitting on the balcony chair reading the script.

Hugo's expression was very normal, without any special emotions, which made Leonardo stunned, "So, what are you doing?"

Hugo held up the script in his hand, "Studying the script, found some problems, need to sort out the train of thought." After speaking, Hugo also pursed his lips and showed a smile, as if he was not affected by James downstairs at all.

Leonardo sat down next to Hugo, raised the peanut butter in his hand, and asked if Hugo wanted it. Hugo shook his head, so Leonardo put another tablespoon into his mouth and licked it carefully. After licking it, it was as if a five-year-old kid was stealing peanut butter with his mother on his back, causing Hugo to laugh, "Let Samora cook you some food, there is still money for a meal at home."

Leonardo also chuckled. After smiling, he put the spoon in his mouth and looked at Hugo's profile secretly. He hesitated and said, "So, the one downstairs What are you going to do, kid?"

"It's not my child. What do you mean by it?" Hugo twitched his mouth silently, "Go wherever he comes. He is not my responsibility."

Leonardo sighed softly, "Hugo, don't you realize it? Although you keep saying that you don't care, you keep emphasizing that Lena's life has nothing to do with you, but in fact, you still care. You The knot of heart has not been opened at all, so you have no way to deal with all this correctly."

Hugo did not speak, but raised his head and glanced at Leonardo. Leonardo saw the wound in those amber eyes, the pain and torture of slowly tearing the scar apart, which made Leonardo a little unbearable. He even avoided his sight involuntarily, but He gritted his teeth and insisted, "It's like Uma, your attitude towards her is normal, because you know she is just a stranger and she can't hurt you, so you are calm. But, This is not the case with Lena. You are still afraid of opening the wound, so you are avoiding it."

Hugo opened his mouth, only to find that he could not refute. Hugo looked down at the script in a panic, "I...I need to concentrate on reading this script, other issues...not important for the time being..."

But having said that, Hugo found that his gaze could not be focused on the typefaces in front of him. The pile of fonts was made into a ball, and only a ball of black remained, "Hugo, you should know that if you It’s not difficult to punish or retaliate, but you don’t. Why? Because deep in your heart, you also know that her choice hurt you, but she has nothing to do with you now, you have your life She has her life, and none of you should continue to torture yourself because of a choice you made in the past. You said so, but you don’t do it like this."

"Leave the past in the past", everyone knows the truth, Hugo also convinced himself, but really want to do it, it is too difficult.

When he met Lena at Universal Studios last year, he was like a coward, hiding in haste, or Charlize helped him stop Lena's pace. why? Why didn't he dare to face Lena? Why can't he question Lena directly? Because in the depths of his heart, he still didn't let go, he still couldn't forgive, but there was no way to retaliate, so he cowardly hid.

It's ridiculous.

"Leo, so, should I forgive her?" Hugo's voice is like a wisp of smoke, which can be blown away by a breeze, and the scar in his heart is finally torn away. Not only is it bloody, but you can even see it inside. That pink flesh and blood. I thought it would hurt to the extreme, but because I was too numb, I couldn't feel the pain.

Leonardo let out a sigh of relief, "Do you want me to be a friend, or an objective third party?" This made Hugo twitched, but it was not a smile. Leonardo then continued. To, "I think you don’t forgive her, but stop torturing yourself. You don’t need her love to prove your existence, because you have Adam, and it’s her loss to miss you; you don’t need her to repent. Prove your success because she chose to leave, and all the consequences should be borne by yourself; you don’t need her pain to prove your happiness, because you have had it in your life without her for more than 20 years. My own life."

Leonardo said calmly, but every word made Hugo gradually silent. The transparent light penetrated through the layers of armor and spilled on every dark corner of Hugo's heart, expelling it bit by bit. The smog, the cold blood began to have temperature. "Forgiveness is actually forgiving yourself."

Hugo sat quietly on the spot. He remembered Adam’s advice to him. In fact, every time Adam was persuading himself to let go, not because Adam had chosen to forgive, nor because Adam understood Lena’s choice, but because Adam Don't want to suffer. Although Adam was so dull and never knew how to express, deep down in his heart, he cared about only one, who was always his child. Not the woman who has left, nor the new family established in a strange place, but his child.

In fact, after hearing James' description just now, he thought he would be happier when he heard the disaster of Franco's family, and he would feel relieved. But the fact is not the case, because Hugo knows that the break of the peaceful life of the Franco family will not be able to restore those pasts. Lena’s pain and regret will only become the shackles of life, and more importantly, looking at the struggle and struggle in James’ eyes. Pain, he doesn't think this is the right thing.

So, does this mean that he is also destroying the happiness of that family with his own hands?

"Hugo, do you remember? You told me before that when we were young, we always made mistakes, made wrong choices, and then spent our entire lives to make up for these mistakes. Being young is not an excuse, and we cannot explain those mistakes. , But it is a necessary stage of life, and no one can skip it."

Leonardo’s words made Hugo chuckle, turning his head and looking over, carefully looking at the immature young man in front of him, with his blond hair shining in the sun, and Hugo’s mouth twitched slightly. A smile appeared, "Leo, why don't I know, when did you know so many great things?"

Leonardo dug a spoonful of peanut butter, put it in his mouth, and shook his head, "You told me these things, remember?" Leonardo raised his eyes and looked at the rain without evasive. With those amber eyes, "Hugo, you taught me these things."

The smile at the corner of Hugo's mouth slowly receded, but he didn't speak anymore.

Leonardo didn't speak any more, just sat quietly next to Hugo quietly, but the spoon in his hand kept going back and forth between the peanut butter and his mouth, and he even licked the spoon repeatedly. Enjoy the happiness brought by sugar in detail. The sound of smashing smashing bounced gently in the air, and Hugo couldn't help showing a helpless look, "Hey, do you have to eat so loudly?"

Turning his head, Hugo saw Leonardo’s innocent expression. He shook his head helplessly, snatched the spoon in Leonardo’s hand, and took the peanut butter, "Didn’t you say Don't eat! How about it, I still can't bear the temptation. Are you confused?" Leonardo said triumphantly, sitting next to him.

Hugo rolled his eyes at Leonardo, "Shut up, this is my peanut butter."

"Hey! This is my home too!" Leonardo murmured and complained, but then he showed a pleasing smile, "I have something to discuss with you. My apartment needs to be Can I live here for a while?"

"How long?" Hugo raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Leonardo who looked like a husky, he couldn't help feeling a little funny. Leonardo raised his right index finger, "A week?"

Leonardo shook his head, "No, one month."

"One month? Your apartment is not going to be redecorated!" Hugo said silently, but Leonardo's eyes widened with a pleading expression, Hugo pointed in the direction of the study, "Go Bring my guitar and talk about it."

Leonardo stood up immediately, and saluted nonchalantly, "Yes, sir!" Then he ran barefoot all the way into the study, took out the acoustic guitar that Hugo often uses, and handed it to Yu. Guo, "Sir! What else can I order?"

Hugo handed the peanut butter to Leonardo again, "Shut up, sit down and wait obediently." Leonardo stood up and saluted again, and then respectfully took the peanut butter and squatted beside him, "Sir. , You want to create a melody?" Hugo glared at him, and then Leonardo obediently raised his right hand, made a zipper gesture on his mouth, and sat quietly next to him, with a peaceful and beautiful face. It looked like it made Hugo finally hold back his smile.

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