
Chapter 1879: Conservative forecast

The summer file of 1997 slowly came to an end. This is undoubtedly a *type summer file. The expected box office explosion did not appear. Not only that, but several highly anticipated works were tragically hit by Waterloo at the box office. It is even more disappointing. The most iconic one is undoubtedly "Batman and Robin". This vigorous work before it was released, but after it officially met with the audience, it was criticized from all directions, and it was almost the worst in film history. The first manga adaptation of the throne.

Although the schedules of "Men in Black" and "Air Force One" in August performed well and achieved good results, they were not even worse than the summer schedule led by "Independence Day" last year. Not to mention that the music market’s forty-week record of consecutive championships with "storms and rains" has almost taken away all the charm of the summer festival, which makes people quite dumbfounded.

People are talking about whether the special phenomenon of "Independence Day" is a short-lived phenomenon. This work relies on Hugo's powerful appeal and realistic computer effects to create a box office miracle, but it is a miracle that other works are difficult to replicate. Even "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" has not been able to reach such a height, so what other works can continue the strong commercial blockbuster? This is a question that almost everyone in the film industry is wondering.

Perhaps, the answer still needs to be found in Hugo, because on September 19th, "L.A. Confidential" will be released soon!

As the most watched top star in the world today, Hugo's every move can affect the focus of countless people. Since the end of the "Blurry Rain" world tour, Hugo has almost entered a long vacation, even if It was the paparazzi who rarely caught him. Later, the shooting of "L.A. Confidential", the forty consecutive championships of "Rainbow and Rain", and the start of "Perfect" made people deeply feel the top star's influence again. Powerful appeal, almost dominating all the focal points of the entire entertainment industry with a sweeping attitude.

In fact, after "Independence Day" created a new record in North American film history, Hugo completely disappeared from the movie screen in the next year. Not only did he spend a lot of time on the world tour, but the "storm and rain" were really too After attracting attention, it almost robbed everyone of their elegance, not to mention the impact of the reappearance of the golden age of rock and roll on everyone. While people lamented the amazing achievements of glory to death, they couldn't help but start to discuss: when will the great actor who can affect the market with every move?

Warner Bros. gave the answer. On Wednesday, September 17, "L.A. Confidential" will have its world premiere in Los Angeles; on September 19, Friday, "L.A. Confidential" will be in 2,500 locations in North America. Simultaneously in theaters!

After the announcement of this news, the entire North America was boiling. The grand opening ceremony of the "L.A. Confidential" is still vividly visible. The huge cast has made this work highly anticipated, not to mention that this is the first time. Years later, Hugo once again played the lead role. Just when people almost thought that they would not be able to see Hugo within this year, Warner Bros. gave everyone a huge surprise.

After much discussion, many people have discovered an important problem: In September two years ago, the "seven deadly sins" appeared in a shocking posture, and the outstanding box office performance changed everyone's impression of the autumn season; And now, "L.A. Confidential" will once again challenge the cold schedule in September-of course, people have already noticed that the so-called scheduling dilemma has never existed for Hugo, but the problem is: "L.A. Can "Confidential" replicate the miracle of the "Seven Deadly Sins"?

In 1995, "Seven Deadly Sins" was released on September 22. The box office data of 34 million U.S. dollars during the premiere weekend created a great miracle in movie history. It not only broke the shackles of the fall season, but also The September schedule broke out enough box office data for a showdown in the summer, and it turned out to be a total of 195 million U.S. dollars in the box office, easily grabbing countless historical records.

In 1996, the autumn season of September was still shrouded in the strong storm of "Independence Day". Although the "ex-wife club" achieved good results, it was far from the height of the "seven deadly sins"-whether it was the weekend box office or The cumulative box office has led people to blame the glory of the "seven deadly sins" on the short-lived.

In 1997, "L.A. Confidential" will once again challenge the desertedness and loneliness of the autumn file, trying to give a hint to the confusion of the entire film industry: Is the emergence of "Independence Day" inertia or a special case? Is the box office potential of the autumn box real or imaginary? Excellent movies can survive the fall season, or does it mean that the effect of star actors may be a booster, or is it only Hugo that has this ability?

Can "L.A. Confidential" succeed? If successful, can the record of "seven deadly sins" be broken? If it fails, then does this mean that Hugo's golden hand has started to make mistakes? The most important thing is that compared with Hugo's countless previous glories, "L.A. Confidential" had a lot of expectations before it was released. So what height does this work have to achieve to meet these expectations? Word of mouth, box office, quality, response... are indispensable, but they all set high standards. There is no comparison with "Independence Day" or "Death Row", but "L.A. Confidential" is not the same as the "Seven Deadly Sins" in terms of subject matter, core, target people, type and style. Therefore, this will Is it another "Seven Deadly Sins"?

With the approach of the third week of September, the news media began to lively again. This time it is not to discuss the news that "Blurry Rain" is still firmly occupying the second place in the Billboard album rankings after forty weeks of consecutive championships, but to discuss the news. The prospect of the "Seven Deadly Sins" work.

However, what is surprising is that most of the media's box office estimates are relatively conservative, even the "Los Angeles Times" is no exception. In fact, the reason is very simple, not because the media is not optimistic about the "L.A. Confidential", but because the time when the "Seven Deadly Sins" created miracles was too special: the entire North America was shrouded in the anti-uncrowned king movement, and interests were paramount. , Entertainment to death, the criticism of social indifference has reached the highest point in history.

The "Seven Deadly Sins" work was placed under such a background, and it stimulated people's expectations and crowds. This made the premiere weekend burst into such an incredible effect. The right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable.

In fact, the same goes for the box office miracle of "Independence Day". The timing of the release on July 4, the smooth ascent of the Oscar night Hugo, and the continuous publicity bombing after the Super Bowl all released energy for the film’s premiere box office. The conditions are created and history is created.

However, the release time of "L.A. Confidential" is quite mediocre. The heat wave of the summer vacation has just extinguished-people are disappointed in the movie market, and their mood is dispirited. Forty consecutive titles of "Rapid Rain" have robbed all of the focus-audiences to the cinema Attention has plummeted. Of course, Hugo’s appeal is still a deadly weapon, not to mention the powerful cast of "L.A. Confidential", but "Tianshi" has lost its first opportunity. "L.A. Confidential" wants to replicate the miracle of the "Seven Deadly Sins". , It is too difficult.

Therefore, the media's box office estimates are relatively conservative, not because of any negative emotions, but just seeking truth from facts.

The lowest box office prediction of "L.A. Confidential" is the "San Francisco Chronicle"-this is really beyond the expectations of many people. They think that the box office for the premiere of this movie should be around 10 million, in the cold autumn season. , Can successfully win the weekend box office championship in the third week of September, but it is too difficult to break the record. This estimate is lower than the 11 million predicted by the New York Post.

Objectively speaking, the weekend box office of 10 million U.S. dollars in the September schedule can be regarded as an outstanding performance. However, the "San Francisco Chronicle" eliminated the strong influence of Hugo's box office appeal, and gave a "moderate data under the moderate situation", which is actually not optimistic about the "L.A. Confidential".

Relatively speaking, the highest box office forecast is not the "Los Angeles Times"-again unexpected, but the "Chicago Tribune", they said that the premiere of "L.A. Confidential" box office can get 30 million US dollars. In other words, although they could not break the terrible premiere record of the "Seven Deadly Sins," they still believe that this movie can win the entire market.

The "Chicago Tribune" point of view is also very simple, "Film fans who have been holding back for 15 months will not be stingy with the seven dollars in their pockets-at least they will not be stingy with Hugo Lancaster." Although this There was a bit of ridicule in the words, but it came to the fact that Hugo’s box office appeal is still not to be underestimated even in the deserted September ~ ~ Nicholas McLean of the Los Angeles Times. There was no surprise that Hugo was backed up, "Lancaster, Spacey, Crow, plus Theron, this cast is enough to make people look forward to! What's more, this script will not disappoint: everyone knows that Lancaster's high requirements and keen sense of the script,'L.A. Confidential' may not be the'seven deadly sins', but similar themes are still proposed for the script. Lancaster not only nodded and agreed to act, but also served as the producer of the film, which shows his strong confidence. Just this one reason is enough. "

However, Nicholas was relatively restrained when predicting the box office. A box office score of 22 million US dollars can also be among the forefront of movie history, but there is still a huge gap compared to the "seven deadly sins".

It can be seen that no matter which media it is, they are very cautious when predicting the box office, because they have deeply understood a truth: "Hugo products must be masterpieces." This law has gradually penetrated into the masses and become The most important rule in the North American film market. The only question is, is this excellent work like the "Seven Deadly Sins" that has a very good commercial box office, or is it a work that is popular in the video tape market like "Before Sunrise".

Or... another possibility: the masterpiece is no longer, and the tragedy is coming?

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