
Chapter 1949: Trajectory change

The Golden Globe Awards ceremony ended amidst the noise. Thanks to the outstanding performance of the three works of "Titanic", "L.A. Confidential" and "Perfect", the list of winners did not cause too much commotion. But people can't help but start to wonder: after five consecutive years of absent the Golden Globes, can we still see Hugo at the Golden Globes in the future?

The whole Hollywood is in restlessness. As time advances, "Titanic" is approaching the height of history bit by bit, inciting all the enthusiasm in people's bodies; and the two works of "L.A. Confidential" and "Perfect Perfection" It has also gained more and more recognition during the precipitation of time, and it has become a weapon for conservative filmmakers against computer special effects. This confrontation was pushed to a peak after the Golden Globes.

Unconsciously, 1997 has become another watershed in the film’s nearly two decades: popcorn movies represented by computer special effects and traditional drama movies represented by solid retro scripts. These two factions have launched a fierce confrontation, even It is even more sensational than the rise of "Pulp Fiction" in 1994, because this is a turning point in Hollywood's history once again since "The Male and Female Thief".

In the history that Hugo is familiar with, the "L.A. Secret" has not reached the height it is today, and the momentum of "Perfect Perfection" is not strong enough. The traditional academicians have not been able to unite the two, let alone shake the "Titanic". No." in the historical footsteps. But now Hugo, the little butterfly, has slightly changed the trajectory of history.

The "L.A. Confidential" and "Perfectly Perfect" were overwhelmingly vigorous. It has even surpassed the "Titanic", which has not been able to break the box office history before the end of January, and has become the best weapon for conservatives in the entire North American market in this "tradition vs. innovation" battle. The traditional conservatives have the upper hand temporarily.

But in the same way, "Titanic" is not alone. The brilliant achievements of "Independence Day" last year have become an important weight. Now the two have joined forces to promote history, which has also brought the weight of the wheel of history to a higher level. Even if the "Titanic" has not been able to reach a sufficient height for the time being, it still does not affect the unity of the reformers.

This time, the traditionalists and the reformists are confronting each other. No one can predict the end, because the gap is even weaker. The situation is more anxious and the situation is more complicated. The unpredictability of the future also makes life more colorful.

Interestingly, whether it is traditional or innovative, the biggest bargaining chip they rely on is Hugo. This is also the most profound manifestation of Hugo's ubiquitous influence on the entire film industry today. In fact. In addition to his personal efforts, Hugo was able to grow to where he is today. In fact, the attitude of the traditional and innovative has played a decisive role.

From the rise of "Pulp Fiction" to the social influence of "Seven Deadly Sins" and "Death Row", Hugo has always been in a whirlpool of controversy. The traditionalists have ignored Hugo's efforts, even because of Hugo's golden light. The sparkling "Golden Raspberry Award" repelled Hugo; the reformers also questioned the success of "Independence Day", especially the hesitant attitude of major production companies, which not only gave 20th Century Fox a chance . It also gave Warner Bros. and Sony Columbia Pictures opportunities. In the whirlpool of support and opposition, Hugo has gradually come to the present step by step, accompanied by the great success of "Independence Day" and "L.A. Confidential". With the emergence of "Titanic" and "Perfect Perfection", history finally came to a real fork in the road.

The left is history, and the right is history, but no one knows where the film industry will go. It is as if the "male and male thieves" were rejected by 17 directors and created their own history, which directly led to the elimination of more than 50% of professionals in the industry-Ernst Lechman is one of them. .

Precisely because of the importance of such a historical crossroad. The cake selection of the Golden Globes has not become the object of verbal criticism, on the contrary, it has become a successful example of the way of balance. This not only left Michael breathing room. It also gave hints to the future development direction of the Golden Globes.

So, is it because Hugo relied on his own weak power to change history and let the development of the film industry enter a whole new field; or is history overwhelming Hugo's personal strength with its indestructible crushing force, allowing the Golden Globe to win Won a valuable hint while lingering? This may always be an unsolvable problem, but it is also the unpredictable charm of history.

Because of the powerful influence of the historical moment, and because Hugo attracted most of the attention, even the dilemma of the Golden Globes was temporarily forgotten, not to mention an actor quietly disappeared. So at the celebration party after the Golden Globes, Leonardo’s disappearance was not noticed at all. When everyone reacted, Leonardo had already left Los Angeles and quietly returned to Lanches, enjoying A rare leisure vacation.

After the Ballon In expressing your own views, because this will be a crossroads that will be enough to change everyone's life, no one can be an exception.

No one wants to be like the group of people like Ernst Lechman, to be the losers eliminated by history.

All these disputes may not be able to stop for a long time in the future-to be more precise, it has not stopped after the twenty years that Hugo is familiar with. It has always been the core focus of the film industry's debate, but the wheel of history is advancing. The pace will not stop because of these disputes, what should happen will still happen.

I don’t know what the future will be like. Maybe the 70th Oscars can give the authoritative opinions of industry insiders-at least representing the trend of more than 5,000 professional opinions in the industry. Is it "Titanic" or "Los Angeles" confidential"? And the confrontation of "L.A. Confidential", "Perfect Perfection", and "Mind Catcher", is it the victory of the traditional school, and the strong unity; or the bad news of the traditional school, internal consumption caused a tragic defeat?

The answer will be given at the awards ceremony on March 23.

However, until then, the debate will continue. However, these arguments have nothing to do with Hugo and Leonardo, who are far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. At least for a short period of time, it doesn’t matter. A week ago, Hugo announced that he would not attend the 40th Grammy Awards. At the same time, the other four members of the glory to the death also said that they would be absent this time. Grammy. This is undoubtedly regrettable news for the entire Hollywood.

Not long ago, the 40th Grammy announced the list of nominations. In the absence of any new albums, Glory to the death relied on the album "Blurry Rain" to win four nominations, and once again rock and roll. The recovery momentum continued.

"A Long Road (. This song was nominated for two nominations for Best Single of the Year and Best Production of the Year. Whether Hugo can win the Best Production of the Year award for four consecutive years has also become the four major comprehensive awards. The biggest thing to watch. In addition, this song has also received a nomination for best rock song, and will compete with Jacob Dylan (. Dylan) who turned out last year-he is the famous Bob Dylan. Son.

In addition, "Waiting for the world to change (.change also won a nomination for the Best Pop Band Group Award.

Relying on these two singles alone, Glory To Death has once again become a frequent visitor on the Grammys, continuing the strength of winning eight phonograph trophies last year. Regardless of whether he won the award or not, Glory to Death has been engraved with his own name in history.

The absence of the Grammys is not a pity news for the death of glory. On the contrary, the "twisted tour" has been in full swing out of the category of an awards ceremony, and is breaking through the thorns on the road of history, creating a new world of rock and roll. This is a dream that the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Guns and Roses, Zeppelin, Queen, Rolling Stones and other great bands could not realize.

The same is true for Hugo in Xanadu. Compared to Grammys, he cares more about the progress of the "twisted tour". He also went to Cheyenne to meet with the band members several times before and after, and met the Pearl Sauce Band. , Alice Prisoners Band, Cohen Band, Radio Commander Band, Goatskin Band, Nine Inch Nail Band, etc., these usually bohemian bands have united because of the "twisted tour" and formed a powerful force. , Unite forward.

Hugo got up a little late because last night he tried to write a plan for the advantages and disadvantages of the future music festivals, and handed it to his teammates, using his limited power to let "Twisted Tour" played more role. Originally thought it should not be a difficult task, but Hugo has been so busy until the sky is bright, still unable to organize the countless information into an outline, and finally can only go to sleep in a daze.

When I got up, Leonardo and Adam were not at home. Even without asking, Hugo knew that the two of them must have gone to the racecourse again. Leonardo has recently become fascinated by the wide and flat racecourse and likes to be there. It feels like galloping freely in an unconstrained vast space, so I go to the racecourse with Adam to run for half an hour almost every morning.

Hugo took out the sandwiches from the refrigerator, nibbling on them, and walked towards the convenience store-he was the only one at home, so the task of opening the store naturally fell on him. Nodding hello to the residents of the small town skillfully, this kind of peaceful and slow life can indeed make people calm down. Unlike the leisurely and lazy vacation, the strong atmosphere of life here can gradually calm down, which is true peaceful.

"Hey, handsome guy, do you have time?" A shout came from the direction of the gas station, which made Hugo couldn't help but look back. Then he was stunned, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed. (To be continued)

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