
Chapter 1978: horror movie

In the long film history, although horror movies are becoming more and more declining, they have always occupied an unshakable place in the market. Every once in a while, one or several amazing horror movies will appear and become the focus of people's discussion. ^^^Baidu&Search @巫神纪+@读书#Latest@ Chapter^^^

In the second half of the 1990s, due to the strong rise of the blockbuster era, the market space for horror films was further compressed. In addition to the two psychological thriller films "The Silent Lamb" and "The Seven Deadly Sins", I wanted to find a box office too. Eighty million dollar horror movies are almost impossible tasks.

Against this background, the "sixth spiritual sense" turned out!

The "Spiritual Sixth Sense" is not an "emotional version of the "The Shining" as Robert said. In fact, this movie doesn't have much similarity with the "The Shining", it's more like an "exorcist". The combination of "" and "ordinary people"-the former tells the story of a twelve-year-old girl being possessed by a demon, and her parents and priests struggle with the devil to understand and save the little girl; the latter tells the story of a brother When going out boating, the eldest son who was favored by his parents drowned, while the second son who was left out in the cold survived, and the family hobbled forward in grief and pain.

The "Sixth Sense of Spirituality" has the fear and horror of an "exorcist", as well as the emotional fetters and spiritual salvation of an "ordinary person".

The movie tells the story of the eight-year-old boy, Cole, who has a terrible secret that he can’t get rid of. He can see ghosts, which makes him very scared and troubled; it makes his mother Lynn a little anxious, she can’t believe it. The son is even more unable to understand his son, even if he wants to protect his son, he is at a loss. At this time, Malcolm, a child psychiatrist, extended a helping hand to him, step by step to help Cole get rid of the nightmare.

It's such a simple story, there is not even a clear main line of the story, it is completely dependent on the interaction between the characters to promote the plot. But as Ernst said, what really touches people's hearts is always the most sincere and pure emotions. The "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" has injected amazing real emotions into this simple story. After watching the movie, every audience will be moved by the sincere emotions in the movie.

As a horror movie, "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" is more about the fear of human beings, the fear of real life, the fear of failure and frustration, the fear of the unknown world, the fear of the existence of the sixth sense, For the incomprehensible fear of intuition, the film focuses more on atmosphere creation and psychological horror than the flesh-and-blood picture, which really makes people hold their breath. That kind of atmosphere of horror slowly overflowing, spreading in the beautiful and fragile story, while terrifying, but can't help but keep watching. But apart from the horror, the essence of the movie is to discuss learning how to communicate with those fears, whether it is between doctors and patients, husband and wife, mother and child, or between people and their dead relatives.

The movie sets Cole’s yin and yang eyes very cleverly, not only seeing the terrible devil, but also seeing when people face death, when people face parting, when people face the disappearance of their loved ones, the pain in their hearts, Bitterness, hardship, loneliness and loneliness manifest themselves in different forms. Everyone knows that "the dead are dead, but the living are like this", but not everyone can do it.

Just as Cole’s yin and yang eyes connect the two worlds, the emotional bond between people maintains their lives. When this emotional bond is severed, life will be fragmented. This is what we are fighting for. The reason is also the reason why we continue to move forward, and the reason why we survive in this cruel and cold world.

The running-in between Cole and Dr. Malcolm, the collision between Cole and his mother Lynn, the fragile emotions from the heart firmly hold each other together, complementing each other with the fear of Yin and Yang, just like The two sides of the palm are general, completely different but inseparable.

This makes "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" not only an excellent fear movie-the creepy horror that slowly penetrates into the blood, but also an excellent drama movie! The story like a dazzling light is even more turbulent, which makes this movie break away from the outstanding ranks and become a classic masterpiece. It has become the most recognized film history alongside works such as "The Shining", "The Exorcist" and "Scary". One of the horror classics.

The "Supernatural Sixth Sense" handled the atmosphere of fear and emotional fetters appropriately, making it an unimaginable success. It not only swept the box office of 290 million US dollars in North America, and became the most successful horror movie in film history; but also It became the fourth horror film nominated for Best Picture in film history at that year’s Oscars-and it was also the last one in the age as Hugo knew it, and in one fell swoop it made Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Actress A total of six nominations including supporting role, best original screenplay, and best film editing were included in the bag.

Even on the IMDB rankings scored by the audience, "Spiritual Sixth Sense" ranks among the top two hundred all the year round, moving around one hundred and fifty. This shows that people love this work.

It is no exaggeration to say that as a horror movie, the "Spiritual Sixth Sense" has created an almost insurmountable peak. Perhaps from the perspective of professional horror films or professional fans, this is not the best horror. Film, but no one can deny that this is the most successful work in the combination of business and art. It almost writes a miracle of a horror film. In the following two decades, no one can match it, let alone break it. Up.

The most interesting thing is that the great success of the "Supernatural Sixth Sense" made the Indian director M. Shyamalan (M... Shyamalan) famous. This film is only Knight's second work-he is one hand. He shouldered the burden of screenwriting and director, but it caused an unimaginable amazing effect, allowing him to experience a roller coaster of the American dream, climb to the top of Hollywood overnight, and become a leader among young directors. This is not the interesting part, the interesting part is the next part.

The great success of "Supernatural Sixth Sense" made Knight the hottest director in Hollywood in one fell swoop, and major film companies flocked to it-just like after Hugo relied on "speed of life and death" and "pulp fiction" to make history. But Knight’s next career curve surprised everyone. He first worked with Bowei Pictures, the production company of "Sixth Sense of Supernatural", for three consecutive films, "Unbreakable" and "Tian Zhao ( ", "Mystery Village (The., as a result, all three movies failed miserably at the box office! Although the investment in the three works was about 70 million yuan, the loss was not large, but Bowei Pictures's vitality was greatly injured, and the cooperation with Knight had to be suspended.

Subsequently, Knight and Warner Bros. teamed up with the "Lady. Ier", which failed miserably! Collaborated with Twentieth Century Fox on "The Disaster of Extinction (The. and it failed miserably! Cooperating with Paramount in "The Last Son of the Wind (The. Last., Paramount nearly filed for bankruptcy when the capital chain was stretched! Cooperated with Universal Pictures "The Devil in the Elevator (, and lost his blood! Cooperated with Columbia Pictures to "Return to Earth (After. Earth, a big failure, and directly ended Will Smith’s "Historical Myth", and even had to nod and agree to "I am Legend 2 (I. Am. Legend)” and “Mechanical Enemy 2 (I,)” started shooting.

After MGM was acquired by Sony in 2005, New Line Pictures was merged into Warner Bros. due to poor performance. Since then, Hollywood has only had the "big six film companies", Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount, and Columbia Pictures. Industry, Universal Pictures and Disney.

Knight almost ruined the six major Hollywood film production companies-Bowei Pictures is a subsidiary of Disney, especially the next few works, the investment is more than 100 million US dollars in projects, but recovered The box office even exceeded the cost line, and the loss was heavy! As a result, industry insiders gave Knight a nickname called "Hit all Six", also known as "Hollywood Terminator."

This has also become a joke in Hollywood. People are joking that they don’t know who will pit Knight in the next pit; what’s more amazing is that Knight has failed so many times before and after, but Hollywood will always give He voted for confidence, he can always find investment again, so this created a pattern of dumbfounding that the six major film companies have been pitted over and over again.

In the historical trajectory known to Hugo, Knight temporarily died in the film industry, and collaborated with Twentieth Century Fox in the TV series "Black Pine Town (ines, adapted from David Lynch's classic work "**( Peaks, it’s a pity that he died before he was appointed as a teacher, and the internal evaluation was very bad.

The reason why Knight can pit the six major Hollywood is almost to create an incredible history-nine consecutive defeats, it is estimated that there is no one before and after. The most important reason lies in the great success of the "Supernatural Sixth Sense". From this aspect, it can be seen that the original success of the "Supernatural Sixth Sense" as a horror movie is really good for Hollywood as a whole. What a powerful impact-the six major production companies actually indulged Knight for twenty years.

"The Sixth Sense of Spirituality" is a very delicate work, in which the three main characters-Malcolm, Cole and Lynn are the absolute core of the well deserved, the characters are very full and three-dimensional, and the inner transformation is rich and rich. True, this makes the performance of the three people the key to the success of the film.

Now Robert put this work in front of Hugo, hoping that Hugo will play the role of Malcolm. This is not only a wonderful story, but also a very challenging role. Hugo’s mind connected Robert’s words and words, and he had to applaud Robert’s careful calculations. In short, Robert almost gave Hugo a project that he could not refuse, and then made it clear that it was a project. The trap depends on whether Hugo is willing to jump in.

This wit, Hugo couldn't help but want to applaud him.

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