
Chapter 1997: Summer heat wave

The performance of comedy movies in the summer archives has always had an excellent traditional history, last year's "Man in Black", 1995's "Ghost Horse Elf", 1994's "Ghost in Disguise" and so on. Especially after entering the 1990s, exaggerated comedies represented by Kim Carey have become the mainstream. With the outstanding momentum of a group of works, it has become a member of the "20 million club", which is the best proof-although only at present Only one work received such a pay.

However, comedy movies are constrained by subject matter-it is very difficult to laugh at the audience. Coupled with cost limitations, limited publicity methods, and limited audience base, the space left for comedy movies in the summer archive is not big. God read the full text.

Although the "Man in Black" who created an excellent box office record last year is a comedy, it is more of a sci-fi comedy, which is still different; and the "Ghost in Disguise" who received countless praise four years ago only gained a weekend Box office champion only. More often, comedy movies are still active on holiday files. The atmosphere of Thanksgiving and Christmas gives works such as "Home Alone", "Dumb and Agua", "Slim Daddy", and "Dwarf in Power" have inherent advantages, and they can often Create more outstanding box office results.

The disadvantages of comedy films are also advantages: low cost, but the audience is far wider than that of horror films. This makes comedy movies the best carrier for small gains—Universal Pictures started out as comedy movies, and can often exchange 10 million or 20 million dollars in North American box office for more than 100 million yuan, and the video tape market later Very hot. Allow Universal Pictures to occupy a place in the eight major Hollywood studios.

As a comedy movie, "Trumen's World" costs $60 million to make a huge investment, but considering the joining of Hugo, Nicole Kidman, Alexander Lorraine and others. All this is acceptable. However, what kind of box office performance this work can create is a huge question mark.

People have enough confidence in Hugo and undoubtedly believe that "Trumen's World" can achieve good box office results. However, in the current situation of the "sixth sense of supernatural" topic, many media have also put forward this point of view: A comedy movie is Hugo's first attempt-"Sleepless in Seattle" cannot be counted, and the upcoming "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" as a horror movie is also Hugo's first attempt. No one knows what kind of sparks Hugo will collide with comedy movies and horror movies, but at least now we can glean some doorways from the box office performance of "Trumen's World"-that is how people feel about Hugo's other images How is the receptive ability?

This is not the character image. It's a style image. To put it simply, the audience has the most suitable image for every actor, Tom Hanks's family man taste, Tom Cruise's creamy petty temperament-but after "Mission Impossible" it turned into Action macho. Brad Pitt's sex. A sense of masculinity, Kim Carey's exaggerated funny style, Leonardo DiCaprio's exquisite and beautiful teenage appearance-this has become the biggest prison that shackles his acting career, and so on.

Prior to this, Hugo has appeared in many movies with various roles, but overall, the mixed temperament of Hugo who wanders between men and boys has become the deepest impression. Even Hugo starred in "Friends" and won an Emmy award for it. But Hugo and funny still have no way to directly connect-there is still a difference between humor and funny, Hugo has a humorous style, but does not have the talent for funny; the same. The temperament of Hugo and horror movies is not suitable-plasma horror movies.

Now, "Trumen's World" can be a touchstone, to see how Hugo performs in comedy movies, and to see how wide the audience's ability to accept Hugo is. This will not have much impact on Hugo's future career, even if the two works of "Trumen's World" and "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" failed, taking Hugo's current status. He only needs to return to the feature film to be successful again. So this is not the focus of media discussion; what the uncrowned kings are discussing is that the success of comedy films and horror films determines the breadth and breadth of Hugo’s future career, which is the limit of Hugo’s top star.

So, "Trumen's World" can achieve box office success, how should this success be defined?

Looking at the horizontal comparison of movies of the same type, the box office of "Men in Black" at the premiere last year was 51 million, while the box office of the premiere of "Ghost in Disguise" was 23 million, "Dumb and Agua". During the premiere weekend, "Slim Daddy" earned $20 million in the first weekend.

From this set of data, it can be seen that it is difficult for comedy movies to explode the huge energy of disaster movies, action movies, and sci-fi movies. The box office data that fluctuates up to 20 million is already a huge success-"Men in Black" Mainly known as science fiction movies. Comedy movies rely more on word-of-mouth dissemination, and their long-term selling ability is very strong, even comparable to family-friendly animated movies. This is also an important reason why it is difficult for comedy films to get ahead-only works that are well-known and pleasing to the audience can stand out in the long-term competition.

Since entering the summer vacation this year, the two films "Clash of Heaven and Earth" and "Godzilla" have not been able to show the box office momentum of "Independence Day" and "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World", but two The box office of the works is very good. The box office of the premiere of "World Clash" was 41 million and won the championship for two consecutive weeks; the box office of "Godzilla" was 44 million at the premiere, which also won the championship in two weeks.

It can be seen that the first box office of these two disaster blockbusters is 40 million yuan. Compared with the investment grade, this result has not really met everyone's expectations. Especially "Godzilla", Roland Emmerich's re-launched work after "Independence Day", once again demonstrated his style of disaster master, but suffered a double cold reception from word of mouth and audience.

The media review is only 32 points, and the theater scores are only "c". The most important thing is that the box office did not show a strong momentum-the box office of the premiere weekend was just on July 4th with "Independence Day". The income of 36 million US dollars is only at the same level, and this performance is really disappointing.

Many media are eager to criticize Roland, making the reputation of "Godzilla" slip into the abyss. This is also the situation that was expected before the movie was released. After "Independence Day" created an insurmountable peak, people are bound to Give more expectations to "Godzilla". Once the actual situation is lower than expected, the turbulent disappointment will cause the feedback information to fluctuate greatly.

To make matters worse, after "Godzilla" barely held the championship for two consecutive weeks, he was about to face the impact of "Trumen's World". This was not good news for Roland.

Comparing the box office performance of comedy movies in previous years, comparing the box office energy of this year's summer vacation, and referring to Hugo's strong box office appeal to audiences, major media have given relatively close data in terms of premiere box office forecasts.

The “Los Angeles Times” believes that the box office of the film’s premiere can reach 31 million U.S. dollars. Media supporting this view include the “Washington Post” and the “Chicago Tribune”; while the “New York Post” believes that the premier The projection data should fluctuate around 25 million. Media close to this data include the "San Francisco Chronicle", "USA Today" and so on.

The highest prediction is the "Seattle Times", they said that "Trumen's World" has the ability to win 33 million US dollars in the box office, while the lowest prediction is the "Daily News", 22 million US dollars The box office of the premiere is the result of their speculation.

It can be seen from the media’s speculative data that even though there is a controversy over the “supernatural sixth sense”, people still give full affirmation to Hugo’s box office ability, not to mention that this comedy movie is Hugo and " The cooperation of "mentor" Peter Weir after a lapse of ten years has made people look forward to it.

Although the predictions of the uncrowned kings are quite different, they have in fact created new highs in comedy movies. At present, the highest historical box office record for the premiere of a comedy movie is 51 million US dollars for "Men in Black", followed by 26 million for "True Lies", and "Fatty Professor". Twenty-five million.

Although both "Men in Black" and "True Lies" are included in the category of comedy movies, as everyone knows, the success of these two works is not due to the "comedy" part. Therefore, the box office record for the premiere of a truly pure comedy movie is 25 million dollars for "The Fatty Professor".

In other words,, everyone is optimistic that Hugo will break the record again and create the premiere of a comedy movie. Even under a series of unfavorable circumstances, people still expressed this view, which shows that the North American market has confidence in Hugo. However, the media's forecasts are relatively conservative, and the overall gap is not large. Everyone has almost the same opinions, which also shows the current media's reservations about "comedy movies."

Even Paramount Pictures’ attitude is no exception. They announced their internal premiere box office forecast: $30 million.

This data is quite satisfactory, but it is also what Paramount Pictures expects from "Trumen's World"-in other words, as long as the premiere box office reaches this number, Paramount Pictures can breathe a sigh of relief. The forecast of US$30 million is basically consistent with the overall trend of the media. It can also be seen that the entire North American market has a relatively uniform attitude.

However, predictions are only predictions, and the real results still need to be known after the movie is released. On June 1, 1998, it was a Monday, and "Trumen's World" appeared in Los Angeles amid numerous hot topics. The National Theater held a grand premiere ceremony to create momentum for the nationwide screening that will begin on Friday.

Under the attention of everyone, Hugo took to the stage with his own brand-new challenge. (To be continued)

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