
Chapter 2020: See also 300 million

With 288 million U.S. dollars, "Trumen's World" has reached such a high level in just nine weeks of its release. It has created a new record in film history. It has a strong momentum that surpasses "Home Alone" and replaced the "Little Ghost" in one fell swoop. "Home in charge" has become the tenth largest box office in film history.

People have predicted that "Trumen's World" will win a big box office. People have predicted that "Trumen's World" will eventually reach a box office of more than 200 million yuan. People have predicted that "Trumen's World" is likely to become the best box office performance in film history. In one of the comedy movies of "Trumen", people have predicted that "Trumen's World" may once again become a witness to the "Hugo Myth"... But people have never predicted that "Trumen's World" can reach such a high level.

Before "Trumen's World" was released, many people thought that Hugo had lost his mind due to the topic of "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" and "Star Wars". First comedy movies, then horror movies, these different themes The uncertainty brought about by his works is difficult for any actor to overcome, which also reduces the box office expectations of "Trumen's World".

But now, "Trumen's World" has gone farther and farther in terms of historical height.

After breaking the box office record of "Home Alone", the pace of "Trumen's World" did not stop, and it still strode towards the 300 million threshold. At present, in the entire movie history, only eight works have a box office of more than 300 million yuan, including a work by Hugo: "Independence Day."

Currently among the eight works, Harrison Ford has two exclusive titles: "Star Wars 1" and "Star Wars 3". The other "Star Wars 2" ranks ninth in movie history with a box office of 290 million. . Coupled with the excellent performance of the "Indiana Jones" series, all this has become the cornerstone of Harrison becoming the first box office star in film history.

However, Harrison’s two series of works are obviously those whose directorial ability and series culture are higher than those of actors. The reason that soon replaced Harrison's box office superstar status. Compared to Harrison, their box office appeal is more diversified and more personal, and their appeal to the audience is higher than Harrison.

Now, Hugo also owns his second work that ranks among the top ten in film history, and it is two completely different works, and "Trumen's World" is about to become his second personal work with a box office of 300 million yuan, here On the one hand, Hugo is also about to compete with Harrison, truly fulfilling its title of "box office superstar". After "Independence Day", a "L.A. Confidential" and a "Trumen World" created a new peak of Hugo's career in an alternative way.

In the fourth week of August, before the end of the summer vacation, "Trumen's World" used the weekend box office data of 8 million U.S. dollars to bring its cumulative box office to 300 million U.S. dollars, and reached 305 million U.S. dollars. The US dollar has become the ninth film in film history with a box office of more than 300 million yuan, and it also ranks ninth in the film history.

Just as no one could predict that "Life and Death Speed" would get a box office of 239 million U.S. dollars, and no one could predict that "L.A. Confidential" would get a box office of 260 million U.S. dollars, let alone. One can expect that "Trumen's World" will have a box office capacity of 300 million.

Take a closer look at the eight works with a box office of 300 million, "Titanic", "Independence Day", "Star Wars", "Alien e.t", "Jurassic Park", "Forrest Gump" ", "The Lion King", "Star Wars 3", among the eight works, only one "Forrest Gump" is a drama movie, one "The Lion King" is an animated cartoon, and the other eight Movies are all commercial blockbusters with visual effects dominating the main body-all of the top five are like this.

From this perspective, we can see the main pattern of the North American film market.

But under such circumstances, "The World of Truman", as a comedy movie and a film with an investment of only 60 million US dollars, has become such a rank, which is unmatched even by "Forrest Gump". high.

This 300 million is not just as simple as it is more difficult, it can be said that it broke the rules and regulations that have been deposited in the entire market for 30 years, and rewritten the miracle that belongs to the "Trumen's world." This is a box office myth comparable to "Independence Day" of 535 million U.S. dollars, but it happened in "Trumen's World". Such a myth is enough to go down in the annals of history and write a history of the ugly duckling transformed into a swan! Perhaps it will be difficult to see such a myth after the box office of the future movie has entered the 300 million years.

The 300 million box office of "Trumen's World" made the old scholars of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences cheered — or, to be more precise, made the conservatives who insisted on the essence of the movie to forget their feelings. Celebrate. Although the "Titanic" won a great victory over the recent Oscars, everyone knows that this is an inevitable historical process, but in fact, the commercial blockbusters led by visual effects are more of Wall Street's Victory, for the Hollywood film industry itself, filmmakers always hope that they can have more room to play, this is the embodiment of their professional value.

"Trumen's World" not only carries the professionalism of film critics, but also entrusts the final dreams of professionals. Many screenwriters, photographers, and directors are full of praise for this work, because this work is the embodiment of their value. If the entire movie market is flooded with commercial blockbusters, their talents will be useless. When the box office of the movie exceeded 300 million, not only Paramount Pictures, but also many people in the industry were pleased, and the atmosphere in Hollywood was extremely lively.

At the turn of the century, it seems that all aspects of society are undergoing earth-shaking changes, and the changes in the film field are even more turbulent. The professionals in it deeply felt the uneasy enthusiasm in their blood. Facing the history created by "Trumen's World", they couldn't help becoming enthusiastic.

When "Independence Day" created a box office miracle the year before last, everyone was amazed; when "Titanic" wrote the box office myth last year, everyone exclaimed; this time when "Trumen's World" broke the box office record, everyone was caring about it.

Only the real insiders can understand the nuances, and this little difference has caused the position of "Trumen's World" in film history to undergo a silent change, and it has created such a miracle. Peter Will and Hugo Lancaster have become the focus of attention-especially Hugo.

Although Hugo is just an actor, if you carefully observe the trajectory of the film development since 1992, Hugo can almost be said to rely on his own efforts to promote every change in the historical process. "Independence Day" allows the film to The company cheered, "L.A. Confidential" and "Perfect Perfection" made professional filmmakers cheer, "Titanic" turned the film industry upside down, and "Trumen's World" brought the balance of power back to balance.

Hugo is currently in the forefront of Hollywood’s power list, and now with the achievements of "Trumen's World", the industry insiders’ evaluation of Hugo has reached a higher level, especially in their hearts. The weight and status of the TV show have developed essential changes. Hugo has quietly surpassed George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and others, and has become the first person with powerful influence in Hollywood today. The influence of the entire industry is unpredictable. Especially considering that Hugo has joined DreamWorks, the future development of the film industry is also full of more suspense and unknowns.

What’s more frightening is that among the cheering voices of Hollywood, this is still not the end of "Trumen’s World". After the 300 million threshold, the pace of movie releases is still moving forward in an orderly manner. Paramount Pictures It spared no effort to promote the film, hoping that the historical height of this film can be further improved.

In the end, "Trumen's World" was released all the way to the end of October, and the entire screening line lasted for a full twenty weeks. For a comedy movie, such performance is already the limit. The cumulative box office of "Trumen's World" swayed to 328 million U.S. dollars. It is a pity that the record of "Forrest Gump" of 329 million is only a thin line away. But it still failed to break the shackles.

With a score of 328 million U.S. dollars, "Trumen's World" only caught up with "Star Wars 3" in the film history box office record, ranking eighth in film history. Although it has not been able to take one step closer, the final achievements of "Trumen's World" have rewritten history and achieved a place that cannot be ignored in the entire history.

In particular, thanks to the profound connotation of the movie, among the nine films with a box office of 300 million, "Trumen's World" has been on the same level as "Forrest Gump" ~This gave birth to a very important proposition: Can "Trumen's World" win the Oscar for Best Picture?

At this time, there are still more than half a year before the Oscars ceremony. It is too early to discuss this topic, but the pace of "Trumen's World" creating box office miracles has not stopped.

With an investment of 60 million U.S. dollars, more than 500% of the box office was obtained. "Trumen's World" once again replicated the box office miracle of "Life and Death Speed" and "L.A. Confidential" level, which made Paramount Pictures appear on the market. Happy up and down. But this is only the North American box office performance, and the performance of "Trumen's World" on a global scale is still remarkable.

Someone once said that Hugo’s global appeal has even surpassed that of North America, because all over Europe, Hugo’s grasp of art films has received unanimous praise, whether it’s "before sunrise" or "seven deadly sins." Such works, or works such as "Death Row" and "L.A. Confidential", have won the recognition of critical European film critics. Hugo is currently popular at the Cannes Film Festival and the Berlin Film Festival, which is one of the proofs.

Compared with Hollywood commercial films, Hugo's works are more in-depth, and at the same time, the combination of commerce and art is better. This also makes Hugo's works more explosive in the global box office. So, what about "Trumen's World"? Obviously, there are no exceptions!

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