
Chapter 2032: Back on track


Malcolm remembered Vincent, he remembered many details about this child, but it was precisely because the memory was so vivid that he became more worried at this time. Looking at Vincent, who seemed to have been scarred and torn apart, Malcolm seemed to be filled with flames in his chest. He knew that his performance had failed Vincent and even hurt Vincent severely again. Let Malcolm be roasted on a campfire.

But Malcolm didn’t have time to take care of himself. He stretched out his frowning brows, forced to suppress his inner emotions to the depths, concentrated all his attention to Vincent, slowed his breathing, and slowed down. And stood up softly, "Of course I remember you. Quiet, smart, and compassionate...unusually compassionate."

Malcolm's voice was like a soft spring breeze, bringing a ray of warmth in the cold late night, his sight was restored to calm, focused and devoted, the sight without any aggressiveness was trying to appease Vincent.

Vincent gradually calmed down under Malcolm's appeasement. The craziness in his eyes seemed to have disappeared, replaced by despair, fragility, timidity and sadness, "You forget that I am cursed." Malcolm was stunned. He never remembered that Vincent was cursed. The shock in his amber eyes was clearly visible, and then he saw Vincent immediately and sensitively captured this piece of information. The whole expression was instant. It was swallowed by darkness, "You gave up on me!"

Vincent then raised his right hand and pointed at Malcolm with his index finger. The whole hand was trembling slightly, and finally his right hand was clenched into a fist, exhausting the last trace of his body and shouting, "You! Give up! I! !"

Facing Vincent’s accusation, Malcolm’s eyes flashed weakly. There was no way to express the negative emotions clogged in his chest. That kind of self-blame and guilt caused Malcolm’s entire aura to collapse. A desperate atmosphere started from Vincent and infected Malcolm. His amber eyes gleamed faintly in the dim light, "Vincent, I’m sorry...I, I didn’t help you. ."

Malcolm gritted his teeth slightly, took a very small step forward, and said to Vincent sincerely and sincerely, "But, if you let me try again..." But Vincent He turned around and walked directly into the bathroom, facing Malcolm from his back. He walked to the washbasin and picked up a black object, but Malcolm was still unwilling to give up, and walked a little further. A small step, "If you can give me another chance..."

Vincent turned around and looked at Malcolm desperately. The eyes of the two people collided in the air. There was a momentary pause, but it was only a moment, and then Vincent lifted it up. In his right hand, there was a pistol in his hand. But Malcolm just had time to pop out the word "pistol" in his mind, and before even thinking about what the word meant, Vincent pulled the trigger directly.

Malcolm fell to the floor and fell onto the bed, but he saw no wounds on his body. Malcolm was covering his abdomen with his hands, but there was no trace of blood. But the shot made Anna scream, and Malcolm was struggling on the bed in pain.

Vincent looked at Malcolm with a painful face, then raised his pistol, aimed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The second gunshot!


After Knight yelled excitedly, the whole person jumped up and stood beside the monitor with his fists in both hands. Excited was written on his face. He clenched his teeth and suppressed his excitement, but Can't help but jump gently in the same place, it seems that the excitement is beyond restraint.

In fact, Knight really couldn't bear his emotions. He stood by and waited for a while, only to find that Hugo was still lying on the spot, Leonardo was squatting in the bathroom, and Kate was shocked and confused. Frozen by the window in fear, all three of them seemed to have been used to hold the body, unable to make any response. Knight ran forward on his own initiative.

Looking around, Knight finally stood between the bathroom and the bed, looking around and shouting loudly, "Awesome! God, it's really amazing! You guys are really amazing!" Knight sighed again and again, but still did not weaken his emotional release, "The emotional scheduling of the whole scene just now is perfect, and every performance has no flaws. It's really good, too good!"

On the set, only Knight’s voice reverberated. The staff were all reminiscing about the performance just now, but no matter how excited Knight was, he couldn’t dispel the strong depression and loss on the set. .

Hugo and Leonardo joined forces to contribute to a wonderful performance, which pushed the sad to cruel emotions to the peak, easily affected the true emotions of everyone present, and was completely substituted. In the story of "Spiritual Sixth Sense", even the main line has not even started, and people have been immersed in the scene.

Hugo was the first to wake up when he heard Knight's words, sat up straight, and cast her eyes towards Knight, "Is there any problem with the overall atmosphere?" Today is just the first day the crew started filming, Hugo. Not fully in the state, still in the process of adjusting the rhythm, let alone Leonardo. Therefore, Hugo is still a little confused about Knight's full praise.

Knight nodded repeatedly, his face was full of excitement, "Really great, perfect!"

Hugo stood up, walked to the bathroom door, and saw Leonardo, who was trembling tightly on his knees, and shook his head from the bed. He picked up a blanket and wrapped Leonardo directly, "Are you sure it's okay?"

Leonardo raised his head stubbornly and reacted for a while before the focus of his sight regained. Then he recognized Hugo in front of him. He nodded slightly, but his lips were trembling slightly, "I think ...I'm okay." There is still some uncertainty in the voice, but the eyes are gradually clearing, "I'm just a little cold... So, just... How was everything just now?"

Speaking of the performance just now, there was also a hint of excitement deep in Leonardo's eyes.

Hugo didn't answer directly, but smiled and said, "Go to the monitor with me?" Then Leonardo stood up straight and followed Hugo out of the bathroom. Hugo smiled at Kate in the corner, "Aren't you going to join us?"

Kate was stunned, and then reacted, and quickly followed, and the three of them walked to the monitor together, ready to watch the replay. After Knight realized it, he ran over and joined them.

It was less than three minutes before and after the scene just now. After three people watched the replay twice, Hugo always felt that something was wrong, and asked to watch the replay again. Knight and Kate looked at Hugo incomprehensibly. Obviously, they didn't notice anything wrong. They felt that the scene just now could be called perfect. Leonardo actually didn't see the insufficiency, but He knew that Hugo would certainly not aimlessly, so he forced himself to calm down and watch the replay.

Hugo can feel that there are some missing details in this scene, but he can't tell why. Hugo knows that this shows that the scene just now is far from being "perfect." As Knight said, the atmosphere in this scene is very strong. Whether it is Hugo or Leonardo, including Kate, the performance is very good, fully expressing the tension of the scene, especially Leonardo. , His performance in this scene can be regarded as stunning, reminding Hugo of Leonardo's birth in the "different sky".

As expected, a role like Vincent is indeed very suitable for Leonardo. Moreover, Leonardo’s performance has made great progress than before. Leonardo’s performance has always been free and unrestrained, in works such as "Total Eclipse", "Romeo and Juliet", and "The Diary of the Verge". They all show such a style, but overall they still lack a bit of polish. In short, it is to rely on talent in acting.

But in this scene just now, Leonardo sculpted the character. Vincent’s character description in the script is only a few words, which is relatively limited, but it also gives Leonardo more. Leonardo gave Vincent more details.

"This detail is very good." Hugo whispered to Leonardo. This is already the eighth Hugo can see that Leonardo was too excited and caused some The slight hiccups seemed to be stumbling every time he spoke. The state of excitement to hypoxia was too real, and even led to Hugo's subsequent performances-the emotions in his own eyes appeared to be more powerful afterwards.

Leonardo did not respond. He just looked at the small screen earnestly, recalling the feeling of the performance just now, and then Hugo’s voice came again, “Don’t you think, if the corners of your mouth show a little relief before committing suicide. , Would it be more appropriate?"

Hugo can finally perceive the difference in that kind of detail. It is precisely because every detail of the performance in the scene just now is very real and specific, which makes the whole atmosphere extremely delicate. Similarly, a little difference will inevitably lead to the atmosphere. There is a change.

Leonardo carefully recalled what Hugo said: Vincent has been in horror and fear all his life. At the last moment, he chose to die together. Shooting Malcolm is actually killing himself. The last glimmer of hope, and suicide after that is a relief.

Leonardo couldn't help but slightly clicked his chin. This little difference in detail can indeed complete the whole character system, but then Leonardo also signaled to stop the playback, rewinded for two seconds, and said to Hugo, "Here, you just stand up, doesn't it seem too early?"

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