
Chapter 2061: Riot

It is very difficult to adapt the life of John Nash. In fact, it is very difficult to adapt the biography of any real person.

Because it is difficult for a person's life to be briefly contained within ninety minutes or one hundred and twenty minutes. In the lives of these characters, there are too many things happening, so it is difficult for scripts to focus on one thing like original scripts. The story is told in a detailed and detailed manner. Just telling a complete story is considered a success. Up.

The reason why a biography is called a biography is not only because the whole story contains many important events in the life of the character, but also because even if it focuses on one event, it is bound to show the important characteristics of the character-why he deserves to be changed To become a biography, is it inspiring people, creating legends, writing greatness, or changing society?

To show this characteristic, characterization is extremely important. This is also the biggest shortcoming of many biographies-life records are linked together, reduced to a running account or documentary, and the weight of history or the characteristics of the characters can not be felt in the light and glimpse; otherwise, it is difficult to find between the narrative of the event and the characterization. A balance tells about the important historical position of the event, but ignores the character carving, and vice versa, often neglecting the other.

How to entangle the characters themselves with major events to form a three-dimensional three-dimensional story is the biggest challenge for biography!

The biography of John Nash is very difficult to adapt, because it does not have a focus. The emergence of game theory is only a short process and cannot become the core story of the whole movie. And John’s illness has been very long and long. Up to ten years, and can be extended to the stage of about 25 years, you can feel the process of John's continuous struggle. This makes the adaptation of the script extremely difficult.

It cannot focus on a major event in their lives like the biography of Martin Luther King or Abraham Lincoln, and then extend the cause and effect to construct a story; but it cannot be like a running account of boiled water, simple Telling the whole life of John, countless trivial and small events are connected to form a story.

Mental illness is an entry point that can be used as a point in time, and the interview in Vanity Fair gave Hugo a little inspiration. The love between John and Alicia can become another core idea and build the whole story. But the actual operation is far from as simple as imagined.

In the 2001 version of "Beautiful Mind," Aziva Gosman was responsible for adapting the script.

In Aziva’s resume, there are good and bad works. He and Joe Schumacher are close friends. Together, they collaborated on "Ultimate Witness", "Batman Forever", "Moment of Killing", and "Batman". Many works, such as "With Robin", vary in quality. But Aziva has injected a powerful force into the "beautiful mind", mainly due to his growth environment-his parents are both psychotherapists, specializing in the treatment of children with psychological problems, which makes him There is deep research, which helped him complete the super high-quality "beautiful mind".

Hugo was born in classical literature, and his understanding of psychological issues is certainly not as deep as Aziva, but Hugo has experienced the pain himself, so the angles and details may be different. Of course, the most important thing is that, as can be seen from the two works "Before Sunrise" and "Perfectly Perfect", Hugo has his own unique interpretation of the depiction of details and the grasp of rhythm, which gives Hugo his own advantages. It also has its own disadvantages.

What the final adaptation of the screenplay will look like, even Hugo himself cannot make a conclusion.

Since this is Hugo's first attempt to adapt a script, it is completely different from an original script, because it is impossible for Hugo to create a character out of thin air, not for the screenwriter, even more not for the actors. Therefore, before writing, Hugo began to search for a lot of information to investigate the life of John Nash.

But this is a very difficult thing. Hugo was given a head start at the beginning.

Although John is a world-renowned mathematician, he cannot be regarded as a public figure at all, so it is almost impossible to find images that record his youth. The only information Hugo can find is the video tapes of John attending public and scientific seminars in the 1980s-and they are very rare. In addition, Hugo keeps studying the same name of John Nash written by Sylvia Nassar. Biography, and read all of John’s works.

This is really bitter Hugo. Mathematics and economics are almost heavenly books to Hugo, not to mention understanding, even reading is problematic. He clearly understands the meaning of every word, but the whole article is like alien characters when coherent, not at all. Know what's going on.

Under such circumstances, Hugo got the help of Charlize, Joseph, Samora and others. Everyone concentrated on helping Hugo read the materials, and then tried to make Hugo understand John’s theories in a more vivid way. Let Hugo have such a one-percent chance of finding the line of thought of John.

Just as Hugo was preparing for the adaptation of the screenplay, his actions set off stormy waves in Hollywood.

Originally, Hugo's every move is the focus of people's attention, and the degree of attention has surpassed that of anyone in Hollywood. His every move may trigger unknown results, which makes people eager. Think about the box office of "L.A. Confidential", "Perfect" and "Trumen's World", and you can see it at a glance-even more shocking than the box office of "Independence Day" and "Titanic". Rain Guo seems to have the ability to turn stones into gold!

Originally, people thought that Hugo would take a short break and adjust for a period of time recently. This is also Hugo's habit in the past three years. After truly standing at the top, he will be more cautious in selecting works. After careful selection, repeated reviews will only be truly exciting. The script will be shot. Compared with quantity, quality is what Hugo values ​​most.

In the past three years, Hugo has basically only one work a year, "Independence Day" in 1996, "L.A. Confidential" in 1997, and "Trumen's World" this year. Just a few days ago, Hugo completed the shooting of "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural". This work is currently still in post-production. Not surprisingly, it should not be released until next year.

In this way, Hugo will definitely not be anxious to continue to accept new works, even if he does, it will not be in this period of time just after the "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" was completed. Therefore, people have relaxed their vigilance a little bit, as if Hugo’s holiday is also their rare holiday, even the paparazzi have relaxed their vigilance——

This made the incident at the United Methodist Church that day have not been revealed. Everyone is still kept in the dark. Only those who attended the rehearsal site that day know about it. However, those people are reluctant to mention: Charlize's friend chose to shut up in order to protect her, and Mr. Perfect's friend did not want to mention his sadness and refused to speak. This incident actually settled down silently, allowing Hugo and Charlize to win precious breathing opportunities.

It can be seen that Hollywood is in a "relaxed" state.

But just a few days after the "supernatural sixth sense" was completed, Hugo's figure suddenly became busy, and he still entered various libraries in Los Angeles. Hugo even went to New York in person, at Princeton University. After staying for more than a week, I got busier again after coming back, which is really confusing.

Many people began to inquire quietly, wanting to see what medicine Hugo actually sold in the gourd during the vacation. But unexpectedly, no one inquired about the news—the employees of Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company were all at a loss. The expression "Isn't Hugo on vacation?" made those who came to inquire about the news. I feel like a fool; and those who follow Hugo's journey to find out the truth are even more confused-Hugo is actually inquiring about economics and mathematics related theories, and is particularly interested in game theory.

What's going on...?

Does Hugo want to invest in the stock market in general, and then inject more energy into DreamWorks, does this mean DreamWorks has a big move next? However, even if Hugo wants to break into the stock market, there is no need to explore theoretical knowledge. This is unusual, so unusual.

The imagination of the uncrowned kings is really dumbfounding. If Hugo knew their true thoughts, he would probably laugh so hard; but it is precisely because of the rich imagination of the uncrowned kings that people touched the corner of the truth: Is Hugo preparing to make a new movie?

But At present, Hollywood's major film companies have not moved at all, and even those independent film companies have no special actions. So... So Hugo is writing a brand new script?

This possibility immediately caused a commotion in Hollywood. Even though this possibility was all about catching the wind, there was no evidence to prove it from the side, but it still made people agitate. Hugo's two previous scripts won two Oscar nominations and an Oscar statuette before and after, and Hugo almost won all the praise. Then in this case, the third script written independently by Hugo is definitely enough to make people. The blood boiled over.

Although no one knows how likely this guess is, even a one percent probability is enough for some opportunists to take a step forward.

Therefore, when Hugo saw Barry Meyer at the entrance of the library of the University of California, Los Angeles, he was not surprised at all. Instead, he smiled and said hello, "Hey, Barry, good afternoon, you come to the library too. Do you study?"

Barry smiled and shook his head, "No, I made a special trip to find you. I bought your whereabouts from a paparazzi for fifty dollars. But don't worry, I am not a stalker." Calmly, this is not very similar to the usual Barry.

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