
Chapter 2071: No way to start

John’s nonsense about the world pattern, predictions of the Cold War, and predictions of war persecution were later proved to be true, and John’s fear was not only his personal experience, but also the collective subconsciousness of the entire era. Fear and worry. And John is considered a lunatic, and he was forcibly injected into a coma with insulin. Perhaps it was the persecution of personal conscience by totalitarianism under the background of that era.

When John Nash was sent back to the United States from Europe, he thought he was tied to the ship like a slave. When this slave ship wandered freely on the vast ocean, Michel Foucault (.) gave it a deeper philosophical meaning in his graduation thesis "Madness and Civilization".

If lunatics are not just lunatics, but wise men who have exposed the fundamental ills of this society, then they can only be sent on the boat of fools and float along the water to the unknown distance. The ancient river gave the ship mystery, and the lunatic was sacred and isolated, and then used as the sacrifice of the social system to kill the chickens and the monkeys.

After reading John's biography, relevant literature on game theory, interview documentaries and many other materials, Hugo realized that John's life was actually McMurphy in "Flying Over the Cuckoo's Asylum." The society brutally and cold-blooded the right to resist and speak out of these social aliens, and used cold and cruel methods to suppress them, even at the expense of their humanity-just like the ending of "flying over the lunatic asylum", McMurphy was cut off After the brainstem, it became a real walking dead.

Hugo originally thought that John was not McMurphy, and they were looking for different things: John wanted mathematical inspiration, while McMurphy wanted to embrace freedom and resist power. But after really getting to know it, Hugo realized that, in essence, the two people have something in common.

But, fortunately, John waited until the light belonged to him, but McMurphy did not.

This made Hugo start thinking again, did John really rely on his own reason to overcome the disease? In the process from illness to recovery of John, what role did he play, what role did his wife play, and what role did his relatives, friends and university colleagues become?

Anyone who has watched the movie "Beautiful Mind" will be moved by Alicia and John’s love story. John’s recovery can almost be called a "love miracle." It is far from the truth.

Alicia chose to divorce a few years after John became ill. Of course, Alicia's efforts cannot be denied just because of this incident. From then on, Alicia relied on her meager salary to stay by John's side and take good care of it. For thirty years, Alicia has stayed by John's side for more than thirty years. This emotion-whether it is love, friendship or family affection, is worthy of admiration.

Hugo has already read about this in an interview with Vanity Fair. Hugo believes that this is not love, but it is better than love.

But in fact, "Vanity Fair" still has many stories that have not been unearthed. John can be called a **** when he was in college. At the time, he was "as handsome as a god", tall and slender, well-proportioned, and a handsome face of an English nobleman.

He fell in love with Eleanor, a nurse, at the age of twenty-five, and had an illegitimate child; later he met Alicia, who was his student at the time, and she had always admired John. After some scheming, she won his love, and the two of them kept secret; about a year later, Eleanor discovered the affair between John and Alicia, which made Eleanor angry and told John the matter. His father, the old Nash, was considering an illegitimate child and urged John and Eleanor to marry, but John’s friends strongly opposed it, believing that Eleanor and John were too far apart.

Soon after, the old Nash died, and then John left Eleanor, and Alicia came together, and the two married smoothly.

After several years of peaceful life, John and Alicia divorced. After that, Alicia never got married again, but stayed by John's side, but John was not like that. During his long illness, John met many different people and developed love affair— -Including same-sex and opposite-sex-several of them have reached the stage of marriage.

In short, before and after his marriage to Alicia, John was always restless. His marriage to Alicia was not his only period, and behind Alicia’s thirty years of company— His love life is very exciting. This is only the information that Hugo has learned, and he has no way to determine whether Alicia has had other relationships in those thirty years. Even if there are, no one can blame Alicia, because it was her. freedom of.

The beautiful love depicted in the 2001 edition of "Beautiful Mind" is fragmented in real life. Maybe Alicia played an important role in John's recovery; maybe, 30 years of company is not love, but more friendship; maybe, the movie is a fairy tale after all, and reality is reality after all.

Hugo did not intend to judge John Nash, but he must find an angle to tell his story. But now, the more he understands, the more confused Hugo becomes, and the more he can't start. It seems that there is a vast ocean in front of me-this is a long and glorious life of a person. Even if it is only counted from the admission of John to Princeton University in 1948, it has been fifty years of life so far. I want to cut out a section of it. Or partly, focus on description, which is definitely a difficult task.

Hugo knew this was a tough job, but now that he has investigated all the information, he has no clue.

After serious thinking, Hugo returned to Princeton for the second time. He had arrived at Princeton University and stayed for nearly a week when he decided to take over the adaptation of this work. Princeton University is not only where John developed game theory, but also where he stayed for many years after finishing his work as a professor at MIT. Until now, John lives in Princeton University.

Hugo came to Princeton University again, hoping to find inspiration in the environment that John was most familiar with. In addition, Hugo also inquired about relevant news through Rick, and wanted to see if he could have a face-to-face conversation with John to really communicate. Not only to adapt the script, but also to play the role.

This time Hugo stayed for three weeks and didn't return to Los Angeles until Christmas. After returning home, Hugo saw Charlize who was pressing her legs in the courtyard. She greeted her and wanted to take the suitcase in Hugo's hand. Hugo refused, but Charlize still insisted. The ground took it over, "I arrived an hour earlier than expected. I thought the paparazzi would trap you in the city and would not release you until sunset."

Hugo printed a kiss on Charlize's forehead and shook his head, "There are not many people at the airport, so many movies have been released recently, everyone is busy going." In fact, Hugo's departure and return journeys are relatively low-key. , Did not attract too much multimedia attention. When I was in New Jersey, there was no interruption from reporters, leaving a good environment for Hugo's work.

Charlize and Hugo walked into the hall, put their suitcases aside, and poured a cup of coffee in the kitchen, "So, how is the harvest?"

"Uh, I met Professor Nash three times and talked for... a few hours?" Hugo found a comfortable position and sat down. "But I didn't understand what he said. I thought it was right. I have enough understanding of game theory, but when I really talk to him, it is still Chinese to me." When people describe the Scriptures that they don’t understand, they are used to expressing it in this way.

Hugo's words made Charlize chuckle slightly, "I remember you can read and speak Chinese very well." This little humor made Hugo also tear off his mouth.

He took the coffee and put it on the coffee table. Hugo patted the position beside him. After watching Charlize sit down, he adjusted his position and lay his head on Charlize's lap. He closed his eyes. He exhaled a long breath, “Although I still don’t know much about professional things-these things can be handed over to professionals, but for Professor Nash, I have a more intuitive experience. It is different from the documentary. With that feeling, Professor Nash in life is even more...silent, lonely, desolate, and even a little embarrassed. I almost forget that he is now seventy years old."

Although Hugo has appeared in two real biographies, he hasn't really met the person he plays, and this time, he will play John Nash, a living character who is still alive. Therefore, the opportunity to have direct contact with John is very precious to Hugo.

"That's a good thing, I'm already expecting you to use your own perspective to outline a John Nash." Charlize gently swept the hair on Hugo's forehead, looking at Hugo's slightly greasy face. , There are still some tired shadows under the eyes. Such Hugo is not perfect, but Charlize feels unprecedented perfection. Her palm can feel Hugo’s body temperature, her nose can feel Hugo’s breath, and her body can feel Hugo’s presence...

Hugo still closed his eyes, which made him feel safe. He chuckled and laughed, "No, I don't think so. I think the more I understand Professor Nash, including his wife and son, the more I feel unable to I start, as if there are countless thoughts in my mind, but there is no way to sort it out. I now finally know why biographies are so difficult to make, because the language of the film is still too pale compared to a person's real life."

Charlize was amused by Hugo’s words, and gently massaged Hugo’s shoulders, “Then you don’t think about adapting the script for the time being, why don’t you tell me anecdotes about your time in Princeton for the past few weeks? Woolen cloth?"

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