
Chapter 2073: The so-called fairy tale

"Hugo, what are you expecting?"

Hugo was stunned by Charlize's words. He raised his eyes and looked at Charlize in confusion, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of the words. A faint smile appeared at the corner of Charlize's mouth, and he repeated the sentence just now, "Hugo, what are you expecting?"

Hugo opened his mouth slightly, wanting to question and defend, but his brain suddenly fell into a blank space, just staring at Charlize in a daze, unable to say a word.

"Listening to your words just now contains too many emotions, disappointment, anger, rejection, depression... I can feel it. This trip to Princeton has touched you a lot, and even you yourself can’t completely sort out your mind. The latest chapters of the Mobile Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. But what I am curious about is, what are you looking forward to?"

Charlize knows that Hugo will always put too much pressure on himself, lest he get lost in the glamorous confusion of Vanity Fair.

This time the adaptation of "Beautiful Mind" is like a big mountain, and Hugo can't breathe because Hugo wants to do well and wants to do better. But this pressure made Hugo a little bit paranoid, a little greedy, and a little confused. He hoped to write the script better, hoped to write John Nash more real and vivid, and hoped to write the story more angularly. I hope to dig deeper into the subject... These greed began to erode Hugo's own control uncontrollably, so quietly that he didn't even notice his loss.

As a bystander, Charlize can feel Hugo's subtle changes. She was worried about Hugo, but more distressed Hugo. Because Charlize knew that Hugo had been under too much pressure along the way, and his glamorous and unique superstar status in the eyes of outsiders made Hugo gradually unable to retreat.

Just like when Hollywood was shooting a sequel movie, the success of the first song prompted the film company to innovate in the second and third works, hoping to achieve greater success. Therefore, sequel movies tend to have bigger and bigger scenes, bigger and bigger momentum, more and more characters, and more and more clues... Finally, the finished product is vigorous and mighty, but it is empty and chaotic. On the contrary, it makes The people were disappointed.

Everyone understands this truth. However, if everyone can control their own thoughts as they want, then humans are no longer humans, but machines.

In the past seven years, Hugo has been under pressure time and time again, and has succeeded time and time again. Even if he breaks into a cocoon and becomes a butterfly, this time and time of hard work has consumed all of Hugo's strength. Hugo has been exhausted all the way for being able to achieve the unique top superstar achievement ever since. To be honest, until now, I have not felt the irritability, greed, and exhaustion in Hugo's heart, and Charlize felt it incredible.

Charlize put his hands on Hugo’s shoulders gently, and continued speaking in her usual sassy and crisp voice, “You should also know clearly that John and Alicia are just ordinary people, they are not the so-called Protoss, they They also have their own lives and their own personalities. You can't ask them to be perfect, because they can't be perfect."

Hugo could hear a faint smile in Charlize's voice, like the scent of black tea in the sun at three o'clock in the afternoon, which calmed him down.

"What are you looking forward to? John and Alicia still know each other? John is still handsome now, Alicia is still very beautiful? John is grateful to Alicia, Alicia treats John in all respects? Regained his sanity. John became a successful professor, and Alicia, who had been waiting for so many years, regained her brilliance? If so, Hugo, then what is the difference between you and the cruel'mainstream society'?"

Hugo was amused by Charlize's words. He imagined the picture Charlize said in his mind. The sense of sight that resembled the happy and happy life created by "Trumen's World" came to his face, full of mockery. dark humor.

Hugo was thinking, maybe he did have expectations. Because the 2001 version of "Beautiful Mind", in that movie, almost tells about the beautiful love that everyone yearns for, helping each other in the same boat, never leaving behind, holding hands, and growing old together. Alicia helped John get out of the predicament step by step, and finally ended successfully.

In fact, everyone is like this. Even if they are passionate about tragedy, they still yearn for comedy in real life. Every time there is a happy ending, people are always cursing; but when the real tragedy ends, it is still difficult to suppress the grief. The fairy tales in "Beautiful Mind" are so beautiful, so beautiful that they are almost not real enough, so that Hugo also has expectations of John in real life, super high expectations.

"We all know that reality is always crueler than movies, and fairy tales are always better than reality." Charlize's meaningful words made Hugo raise his eyes and stare into Charlize's eyes, just calling out her name," Charlize..." Then the voice disappeared from his throat.

Charlize understood the worry and panic in Hugo's eyes, and a smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth, "Hugo, I don't want to lie to you. I still don't want to believe in fairy tales. I think fairy tales are deceptive. But if it is you, I am willing to go with you, at least I am willing to try to go with you, to see where our end point will be, the ultimate genius of League of Legends."

Looking at Charlize in front of me, it was like a fox walking on the ice, raising her ears to carefully probe the surrounding movement, even a little bit of wind and grass would make her run away. Hugo couldn’t help but feel distressed. He raised his right hand and patted Charlize’s back lightly. He straightened up his waist after a sit-up, pressed a kiss on Charlize’s ear, and whispered in that ear. "It’s too late for you to regret now. Even if you want to escape, you can’t escape."

The warm breath made Charlize’s ears become red in an instant, which made Charlize a little embarrassed-because she remembered that Hugo could not speak sweet words at all, but now Hugo can make a simple sentence She threw away her helmet and armor.

Charlize watched Hugo lie down again, with a smug smile on his lips, as if showing off to her. This made Charlize angrily punch Hugo directly in the chest, and Hugo grinned in pain, which made Charlize smile with satisfaction.

"In my opinion, the relationship between John and Alicia is actually a fairy tale." Charlize watched Hugo regain his peace, and then returned to the subject. "You told me before, Alicia and John I’ve known each other for thirty years. I don’t know the reason Alicia stayed. Maybe she didn’t have enough money to move out and was restricted to Princeton; maybe she didn’t want to make changes and just stayed there lazily. ...But you can't deny that Alicia still stayed with John, caring for and accompanying him for thirty years."

"Do you know how long thirty years are? Your life is only thirty-one years." Charlize let Hugo go silent with a soft sigh, "Remember what you said to me Maybe it’s not love, but it’s better than love. People always see the negative impact of things, just like you, knowing about John’s wind. Flow. Rhyme. Things, and he and Alicia seem to have not imagined it. So beautiful and beautiful, so I feel that this kind of story seems to be less powerful, and everything seems to be imperfect. But in fact, even if it is just a neighbor, it is a great fate to be able to spend 30 years together, because 30 Years, maybe half of our lives... or even longer. What's more, haven't you noticed? John has a few more marriages, but Alicia does not."

Hugo fell silent, and he finally understood Charlize's words: What are you expecting?

John and Alicia's love is not perfect, no one can deny this, but Alicia's company is very important to John, she accompanied him through the whole life. They have never separated since John met Alicia when he was twenty-seven years old. Hugo knew that in the original historical trajectory, John and Alicia remarried after the release of "Beautiful Mind", and the two people still held each other's hands and walked on, until Hugo knew that there was nothing in the world. Changed.

In other words, in John's more than eighty years of life, Alicia was the one who stood by his side for more than two-thirds of the time. Is this friendship, family affection or love really important?

If this is not a fairy tale, what else does Hugo expect to see?

Charlize could see from Hugo's amber pupils that the irritability gradually calmed It seemed that the overheated brain was finally cooled. The smile on the corner of Charlize’s mouth relaxed slightly. She just hoped that Hugo would not push herself too tight, because this was counterproductive. What Hugo needs is space, freedom, and inspiration. At this point, Hugo How similar is it to John Nash.

"But... John Nash's life is too complicated and too complicated, how should I write?" Hugo mumbled, seeming to be discussing with Charlize, and seeming to be reminiscing himself. Although the eyebrows are no longer irritable, they still have a trace of dazedness.

Charlize did not answer immediately, because she was not sure whether Hugo was thinking about it herself, and she didn't want to interrupt Hugo's thoughts. But at the same time, Charlize is actually thinking about this question herself. Her knowledge of script writing is even more limited, so she can't answer the same question.

"Huh?" Hugo's voice brought Charlize back to his senses. Charlize looked down and found that Hugo's amber eyes were looking at herself intently, which brought Charlize back to his senses. She had no choice. Give Hugo professional advice, but as a bystander, she can make Hugo more ideas.

Charlize thought for a while, "Hugo, do you remember? You told me before that the biggest drawback of many biographical films is that they are too greedy."

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