
Chapter 638: College makes things difficult


Grammy (gra-y), this name comes from the variant homophony of the English phonograph (). This music award, named after an English homophony, has been awarded since 1958 and has reached the 36th year this year, and the shape of the trophy is also an old-fashioned phonograph.

Although the Grammy Award is an award in the US recording industry, it has now become one of the most influential music awards in the world.

Generally speaking, the world's entertainment centers are based on the United States, Europe, and Japan. However, among these, the United States' entertainment status is in a transcendental position. Whether it is movies or music, the United States always easily leads the pace of global popularity. The Grammy in the music industry is like the Oscar in the film industry. Although it is undoubtedly stamped with the mark of American culture, it is an award with a wide range of influence all over the world, and it is also one of the world's entertainment centers in the United States. , Its significance is naturally extraordinary, and most musicians around the world are still proud of being able to hold this old gramophone.

For any award to be recognized, there must be multiple indispensable factors. The Grammys are able to talk about it for the world's musicians because of these factors. In addition to the United States has always been the center of global popular music and represents the high level of popular music, Grammys are also authoritative, fair and widely influential, and thus have been affirmed by the world.

The Grammy award is judged by the Recording Society of America. People who don't have real talents and lack of persistent pursuit of music career generally can't enter the recording society. The jury composed of many senior professionals will of course be trusted by music lovers. In addition, the Grammy Music Awards selection has a set of very strict systems and procedures, which effectively ensure the fairness of the selection.

The influence of the Grammy Awards in the world is not inferior to the influence of the Oscars in the world film industry. The Grammy Awards can easily attract more than 170 countries around the world and more than 1.7 billion viewers. Watch. This allowed the Grammy Awards ceremony to go to the world and made great contributions to making the Grammy Music Awards an award widely accepted by musicians all over the world.

Grammy award-winning works are of course not the result of relying on a few people to hype or the record company's boasting. In fact, every phonograph is awarded through experts and strict procedures. The high quality of these works and the rendering of the TV made the winners popular and the record sales, but also played a role in leading the music trend. On the other hand, the judges are also consumers, and they will naturally be affected by the market. Of course, best-selling records, popular singers, and popular movie songs are also the easiest to enter their field of vision.

Therefore, unlike the American Billboard Music Awards and the National Music Awards, the Grammy Music Awards not only focus on authority and quality, but also give enough respect to the public. This is an important reason why the Grammy Awards are so detached in the field of music.

But it is precisely because of the global attention that Grammys have received. Their attention to mainstream music in the market is naturally indispensable. This is true for any awards ceremony. The balance between artistry and commerciality is not easy to grasp. Just as the Oscars of the two years that "Titanic" and "Lord of the Ring 3" swept the major awards were the two highest-rated ceremonies in history, the Cannes Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival showed good results for Hollywood. The Berlin film, which is high and low in music, has more audiences' attention.

The same is true for Grammys. They will ensure that the music is aloof, but with the gradual expansion of the market, Grammys must also consider the feedback from the audience such as sales and popularity to select the most suitable award-winning works. This has been fully reflected in the development of Grammys. With the emergence of digital music in 2002 as a watershed, the artistic and commercial balance of the Grammy Awards ceremony has obviously changed.

Before the advent of digital music, that is to say, before the Internet was fully popularized, the authority of Grammys also came from their recommendations for music. Trapped by the narrow information channels, many music lovers will watch Grammys every year to understand the trend of the music market, and then choose their favorite music, which makes Grammys' authority has been high; but with the Internet Popularity and the emergence of digital music, people are more accustomed to finding music on their own. The awards selected by Grammys are either too market-oriented or too niche, and it is always difficult to meet the needs of the audience. This also makes Grammys Beauty’s authority continues to decline, and the loss of audiences has caused it to compromise with the market—increasing commerciality and reducing artistry, thus forming a vicious circle.

This is also a new crisis facing the Grammys in the 21st century, but the same situation was actually seen in the 1990s when the Grammys could already be seen.

The nineties can be said to be an era of great music explosion. Rhythm and blues, pop, hip-hop, rock and other types of music exploded, and each type of music can be found as a classic masterpiece, which also makes the market. The mainstream has always been in a state of change. Under such circumstances, Grammys established an alternative music award in 1991. The original starting point was to further commend music genres that are not recognized by the market, but the problem is that Grammys are pedantic. The stubborn judges didn't know how to define the term "alternative" at all, so that this department became a joke, and it was still confusing after n-ten years.

In fact, the word alternative itself is very warm. Ambiguous, the most important thing is the alternative standard. Is it musicality or sales? If it is musicality, does it mean to innovate a musical form or style, or is it incompatible with the current mainstream market; if it is sales, it will be all Or does commerciality determine everything, and albums that sell poorly are alternatives? Obviously, this is not convincing.

Fast-track bands, David Bowie, Paul McCartney, singers who have been on the music scene for decades and have sold more than tens of millions of dollars, actually won the "Alternative Music Award" at the Grammy Awards after 2000. "The nomination, and interestingly, they also got nominations in popular categories such as pop and rock. This is a paradox of Grammys.

In fact, the term "alternative" comes from campus music radio stations in the early 1980s. It refers to groups of artists who live under independent labels and are influenced by rock music. Evolving into the mainstream, the term "alternative" no longer has a true alternative meaning.

Ironically, Nirvana's epoch-making album "Don't Mind" was nominated for Grammy's Best Alternative Music Album, but it lost to the fast-track band that has already occupied a place in the mainstream market. The album "out.of." is really surprising: who is the alternative?

Grammys have a vague definition of alternative, which is essentially an ambiguity between artistry and commerciality. On the one hand, they want to reward Nirvana for such excellent music that has roamed outside the mainstream market; on the other hand, they have commercial sales. Stay obsessed.

If Grammys muster up their courage, for example, define an alternative definition as excellent albums with sales of one million or less than 500,000. These are outstanding works that have not been recognized by the market, and then Grammys will give them enough Affirmative; another example is the definition of alternative as an album released by an independent label, which distinguishes it from large-scale music labels, and promotes American independent music; another example, the definition of alternative as an emerging music trend style, the Nirvana band in 1991 This kind of music encourages the diversity of music...

No matter what kind of definition it is, it only needs to be determined by Grammys and then clearly divided, and satisfactory results may be achieved. However, the ambiguous attitude of Grammys between business and art makes "alternative" this Vocabulary has become a neutral term that is neither commendatory nor derogatory, making people dumbfounded.

However, outstanding music emerged in the 1990s in an endless stream, and people’s information was blocked and slow, which to some extent dilutes the blurry boundaries of Grammys, allowing them to obtain a transcendent authority status; and after entering the 21st century, this kind of The shortcomings were gradually brought out by the complicated information of the Internet, which led to a significant drop in the attention of Grammys.

The glorious "nearly fame" is the victim of this attitude of Grammy.

"Nearly Fame" is generally regarded by the public as the most representative alternative rock after Niji's "Don't Mind". Now that grunge rock is already mainstream music, such impactful music as Glory to Death can be considered. It's alternative rock.

Looking back on the entire musical journey of 1993, although the performances of Pearl Sauce and Smith Spaceship were excellent, there is no doubt that alternative rock is the protagonist of this year, and the entire old world order of rock has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The emergence of Broken Pumpkins, Carberry Band, Bjork, Radio Commander, Goatskin Band, Blot Band, Shen Yun Band, Tool Band, Glory To Death and other bands undoubtedly brought a violent impact on the entire rock industry~www. British rock power represented by goatskin bands and the new metal rock power represented by Glory To Death and others have lit up the music market throughout the year. There is absolutely no dispute about these bands being classified as alternative rock of.

But the question is, "Almost Fame" has achieved more than one million platinum sales. Is it alternative music or mainstream music? If it is mainstream music, then which music genre should it be summarized? Grammy conservative academic school None of them can sort out a clear line of thought, and they even have disputes with musicians like Niji Band, U2 Band, and Fast Eyeball Band, who are socially determined.

At present, the society generally believes that Niji Band, u2 and Quick Turn Band are all mainstream music, because they are already an important part of mainstream market music, and their music style has also been unanimously recognized by music critics and listeners; In other words, bands like Glory To Death are considered alternative.

Against this background, the Grammys questioned the music style of glory to death. They were unable to define "almost fame." It is very likely that glory to death would be disqualified because of the inability to determine the music style. This suddenly It caused an uproar in the entire public opinion circle.

(To be continued)

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