
Chapter 815: Disconnect

On the 18th, the crew of "Pulp Fiction" accepted two interviews in the morning and afternoon respectively. Although the intensity was not as strong as yesterday, most of them were interviews this time. The questions were more in-depth and the scope of communication was broader. After nearly seven hours of interviews, Hugo only felt that his head had been hollowed out.

The wheel interview last night was more like a bombardment, and the fatigue came more from rigid muscles and brains; while today’s wheel interview was more like a battle of wits, measured, but the quality improved. The operation of the brain was pushed to the extreme. After the interview was over, Hugo almost thought that all the words he knew all his life would be exhausted.

Once again, Hugo realized that interviews are physical and mental work, and dealing with reporters has never been an easy task. What's more, this time Hugo has to face news media from all over the world, making it even more tired.

But one thing went beyond Hugo's expectations.

Because this time Yang. Germany. Chang and Zhang. art. Looking for representatives. Since China came to Cannes to participate in the exhibition, there were a lot of Chinese journalists in Cannes, including Chinese media in the United States and Chinese media in Europe. So Hugo originally thought that he would encounter it during the interview with Wheels. Chinese reporter, this made Hugo a little excited.

After traveling for more than two years, he finally has contact with his soul's hometown again!

The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. In the interviews yesterday and today, there were only two Chinese-language media interviews with Hugo. One was the domestic "Watch Movie" magazine, and the other was the American Chinese newspaper "Qiao Bao", and the questioning process was not long. , It's just a few simple exchanges.

Hugo did show off his Chinese. The well-rounded Chinese shocked the reporter, but apart from that, there was no more communication, which made Hugo very disappointed.

In fact, when you think about it carefully, this is normal. In the mid-1990s, when the domestic film market just opened its doors to Hollywood, the domestic media had very limited coverage of Hollywood movies, and the Internet had not yet developed, so at this time Hollywood is a very mysterious existence in China. This situation has not been fundamentally changed until the "Titanic" turned out in 1997, which detonated domestic audiences' infinite yearning for Hollywood movies.

But at this point in 1994, domestic audiences had limited understanding of American films and limited interest.

Therefore, in the eyes of domestic audiences, in fact, the most classic work of 1994 has always been "Forrest Gump", not only because this film is an Oscar winner, but also because this film has received the most powerful publicity in the domestic media; followed by Later, "Shawshank's Salvation" was rehabilitated on imdb, but "Pulp Fiction" was ignored by people.

The important historical status of "Pulp Fiction" was not recognized by the domestic audience until the 21st century. At that time, people realized that "Pulp Fiction" was not only able to compete with "Forrest Gump" in 1994. "The Shawshank's Redemption" is a work on par, and at the same time is an important milestone in the development of American cinema in the 1990s.

It is a pity that due to the deep-rooted media guidance, the domestic audience’s understanding of "Forrest Gump" and "Shawshank’s Salvation" is much higher than that of "Pulp Fiction." By comparison, this is also a huge regret.

Therefore, at the Cannes Film Festival, the Chinese media is not interested in "Pulp Fiction", and all the focus is on "Living." This is also excusable.

But for Hugo, apart from disappointment, he still felt a little lonely. Until this moment, he realized deeply and clearly that he was already a complete Hugo Lancaster at this moment. , And the bloodline before the crossing has been completely cut off.

Hugo originally thought whether he should go back and take a look at him, who was fashionable in 1994, and his father and mother who were still young in 1994; but now, Hugo realized that he was blond. Even if the blue-eyed skin appears, not only will it not awaken the deep sense of familiarity in the soul, it may also scare the young selves, fathers and mothers, and flap the wings of the butterfly, changing all time and space, just like a "butterfly" "Effect" is average.

This realization caused Hugo's whole emotions to fall to the bottom.

Hugo’s situation was quickly noticed by everyone, mainly because it was too obvious. Even if Hugo does not smile, but sits quietly, he has a soft feeling on him. He is the kind of person who makes people. People who are willing to take the initiative to get close; but in the last two days, even if Hugo is smiling, there is a faint melancholy in his brows, which makes people involuntarily want to raise their hands to smooth the slightly frowned brows.

Both Joseph and Samora were worried, especially Joseph. Since the Golden Raspberry Award, he had not seen Hugo so low, which made him very uneasy. Originally, Joseph thought that giving Hugo some space to settle down and get a good night's sleep would soon improve the situation, but this time it was not the case.

After thinking about it, Joseph decided to have a good talk with Hugo. Only after he understands the situation can he solve the problem. "Hugo, are you worried about the reputation of ‘Pulp Fiction’?"

"What?" Hugo rubbed his temples, still feeling very tired. He didn't rest at all last night. As a result, a new round of interviews began early this morning. This time it is no longer an interview with the print media, but with some official publicity interviews in Cannes.

"Two days have passed since the premiere of'Pulp Fiction', but there are still not many film reviews in the media, and even not many reports. Are you worried about this?" Joseph asked tentatively, in fact, according to Joseph Hugo understands that although Hugo is concerned about these things, they are definitely not that serious, so he bluntly mentioned them.

Today is the 19th, but there are still not many film reviews of "Pulp Fiction". The total number of film reviews is less than ten. This is two completely different trends from the prosperity of the interview media. People are worried. And the problem is not that the media accuses "pulp fiction" or that the quality of the film is not good, but that there are not many film reviews that criticize or praise it. It seems one pays attention to it. This situation is really weird. Especially at the film festival, it is even more strange. Although Quentin didn't care, the Weinstein brothers couldn't sit still anymore, asking about the situation.

Hugo was stunned, then shook his head casually, "No, I'm not worried about this."

"Then... is it annoying because of the frequent appearance of Uma?" Although Joseph felt that the possibility was very low, he hesitated to speak.

This question made Hugo twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, but the smile still looked a little tired, "No, of course not."

Joseph's brows frowned, "What the **** is that? You seem to be in a bad condition since noon yesterday. Is it because there are too many interviews?"

Hugo looked at Joseph in front of him, did not speak, but he heard Joseph still worryingly saying, "Everyone is worried about you. Quentin had a tantrum at Uma just now, and was almost caught by the reporter. ; Samuel keeps coming over to ask me about your situation; even the kid Samora didn’t eat anything last night."

Hearing this, Hugo couldn't help but chuckle, "Didn't he eat a whole pizza last night?"

"You know, that's not enough for him. Now he dare not let go of his hands and feet to find food for fear of affecting your mood." Joseph said with a weird expression.

But Hugo directly said, "Are you sure it's not because you want to lose weight, and Samora has been eating and drinking, so you asked him not to eat in front of you?"

A word immediately made Joseph's head full of black lines.

Seeing Joseph's expression, Hugo laughed happily. At this time, the haze that enveloped Hugo's heart gradually lifted away the clouds and mist to see the bright moon.

Didn’t he know that he couldn’t go back as early as he was crossing? The past has been completely cut off by time and space, and now he has friends, a career, and a life here, so why bother to seize the past? Willing to let go, why bother here because of some trivial things? At least, as Hugo Lancaster now, he has also opened up a piece of his own world. This is truly a lucky thing.

Hugo let out a long sigh of relief, and the whole person became relaxed. Joseph finally felt relieved when he saw Hugo's re-sunshine expression, although he didn't know why Hugo was down. He didn't intend to get to the bottom, but as long as Hugo can regroup, that's enough.

Hugo smiled and changed the subject, "Just now you said that there were not many film reviews in the past two days. What is going on?"

Joseph knew Hugo’s purpose, but he didn’t say much. Instead, he explained directly, “There have been so many interviews in the past two days, but none of the major magazines seems to have written any film reviews. We watched all the movies on the official show. I’m not in the figure anymore, but the problem is that since so many reporters interviewed and the publicity went smoothly, why such a completely opposite situation occurred, we still don’t understand."

Hugo pursed his lips and thought for a while, "On the day of the premiere, I chatted with Roger Ebert. He said he was not sure about this movie. He wanted to watch it a few more times. After thinking slowly, write a film review. Do you think it is for this reason?" Joseph was stunned. The film "Pulp Fiction" has opened up a brand-new form in terms of structure, style, theme, etc. It is indeed an impact on the current art form of film. It is justified that film critics need to settle down slowly, but, Is this really the reason? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to read and vote for the work. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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