
Chapter 818: Classic masterpiece

Some people refer to "Pulp Fiction" as the most important film in the 1990s in the United States; others believe that "Pulp Fiction" opened up a new form of film script writing; others believe that "Pulp Fiction" followed Independent films have truly entered the mainstream media's attention.

History has also proved that "Pulp Fiction" does have such a high level, so it, together with "Forrest Gump" and "Shawshank's Redemption", became one of the best troikas in 1994. In terms of the new artistic value of the movie sword, "Pulp Fiction" far exceeds the other two competitors.

The storm of public opinion caused by "Pulp Fiction" began at the Cannes Film Festival. After the "Cinema Manual" and "Empire" wrote reviews successively, the famous Roger Ebert still stood still, even many American media began to follow suit. After writing a film review, Roger still didn't do it.

It was not until the 21st, that is, four days after "Pulp Fiction" was released, that Roger's film reviews were late!

"For four days we all sat in the dark, trying to figure out the work of'Pulp Fiction' one scene after another. We put the DVD player upside down, paused for a while, slowed in for a while, we had three hundred people, and It’s still very democratic: no matter who finds something, we will stop and discuss it. The goal is to study this labyrinthine movie."

It was just the beginning, and it explained everything. The reason why Roger did not write the film review until four days later is because he has been watching this work!

"Of course, there are some people who don't like'Pulp Fiction" and may even be the least popular of all American movies. I can hear many viewers saying that this movie is too violent, too superficial, and too inferior. Flow, like a pile of shit. They watched for twenty minutes, thirty minutes, or an hour, and then walked away.

However, for those who like this movie, Quentin Tarantino's film is the most fascinating of the works in recent years. They discussed every detail of the movie, and that kind of enthusiasm probably only appeared when they discussed ‘A Space Odyssey 2001’.

From "Citizen Kane" to "The Silent Lambs" I have done this kind of lens-by-lens analysis of many movies. I found that if you find a large group of people who are serious about movies, sit in the dark and ask If they are free to express their opinions, they can get answers to any question. For example, this time, there is no doubt that the voice of an eleven-year-old child once expressed his opinions in the dark.

After four days, I admired the movie more and more. It is more subtle and more complicated than it looks. The questions that bothered people who watched this movie for the first time are actually answered in the scripts written by Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avery. Of course, people who saw it for the first time couldn't think of it.

The story of the film is intertwined, rather than unfolding in chronological order, so the beginning and the end of the film can be echoed, and the middle part of the film actually happens after the end of the story. Why are movies told in this way? There are probably three reasons.

One is because Quentin, like his movie fans, is tired of the dragging linear story clues; the other is that his script will be similar to the text on the computer. For example, if you click on the gold watch, you will see Butch’s story, click on the foot massage and you will see Vincent’s unlucky date.

The last reason is that several clues in the film all ended with some kind of redemption. The most important one is that Jules survived a catastrophe and decided not to wash his hands. Because, even though this is not the last time in time, it is reasonable to put it at the end of the film.

The first time I watched this movie, I thought it was very violent, but when I watched it the second and third time, I found that it was not as violent as I thought. But why does it seem to be violent? Because movies always use humorous language to adjust the atmosphere and delay the occurrence of violent incidents.

In fact, the movie can only count the deaths of seven people. The three gangsters in the apartment, one on a chair, one on the sofa, and one in the toilet, were killed by Vincent and Jules; Marvin, Jules's insider, was accidentally by Vincent in the back seat of the car Killed; Vincent was killed by Butch; Maynard and Thad were killed in the second-hand store; the deaths of two other people were not directly manifested: Butch's opponent killed in the boxing ring, and the second-hand store basement In the sex. slave.

In contrast, several people were rescued in the film.

Mia sucked. After being overdose, he was rescued. Butch rescued Masha in the basement. Jules persuaded Bunny and Pumpkin during the visit to save the guests in the restaurant. And Jules and Vincent were shot with guns and survived. Jules thought it was a miracle and God's will, so he decided to wash his hands and quit; Vincent didn't care, and finally paid the price.

During our careful viewing of the movie, we found that many violent elements in the movie were placed outside the screen. When the gangsters in the apartment were killed, the camera was aimed at Vincent and Jules; when saving Mia, the camera switched to the scene of Mia sitting up at the last minute; the shooting in the back seat of the car was not shown. The violent footage in the basement is visible, but it is not more than half of the fighting scenes in the movie.

The more you watch this movie, the more strongly you will feel that something religious is hidden underneath the storyline. To a large extent this has to do with the suitcase of Marsha, the one that Vincent and Jules snatched back from the apartment. We don't know what is in the box, we only see what is shining in it. There are many speculations about the suitcase, but we will never know.

We noticed that the password for opening the box is "666"-Satan's mark. So some people speculated that the sword on the back of Masha’s neck might be "666". Is he a devil? You know, Vincent, who believes that he was saved by God, survived, and despise God. Finally died.

Vincent was shot to death by Butch when he came out of the bathroom. One detail I didn't notice when I saw it for the first time was that Butch used the gun from Masha-he went out to buy food and left the gun. On the kitchen countertop, Vincent went to the toilet unpreparedly, so Butch did not meet Masha until he left home.

Some people say: The guys who write scripts are not lazy at all. They spend a lot of time on details, and most people don’t notice them; they spend a lot of time on conversations, and these chattering conversations tend to be It is considered meaningless nonsense by the audience.

There is also a clue to the movie that many weapons are not used in the right place: the guns that did not hit Vincent and Jules, the guns that killed Vincent, the guns that escaped in the car, the guns that were intended to rob restaurants, Guns in a second-hand store. After Jules changed his mind, his own gun was even used to stop violence in restaurants.

We also found some little secrets in the less important places in the movie. The bar where Masha gave Butch the task was called "..., s", and Butch stole through a window in his apartment, revealing You can see the "..., s" mark through the open window.

There is also a very interesting detail. You can see a neon sign in the second-hand store, ",", but some letters are broken, and the rest is ".ed". Later, Butch rode THAAD. When his motorcycle ran away, he glanced at the motorcycle's key chain, which was the initial letter "2" of THAAD. Putting this letter together with the subtitles left by the neon lights, he got ".zed" and "kill." Thad", and in fact, Butch had just killed Thad at that time. There is a "gift ( on the motorcycle's fuel tank, but isn't Butch's escape a gift from God?

We discussed a lot about two lenses. One is when Vincent and Jules are killing in the apartment, the screen is glittering. Is that related to the suitcase? The other is when Masha instructed Butch to fight fake punches, he was facing Bruce Willie. In Si's lens, Bruce's face is half-bright and half-dark, and it is divided vertically. The boundaries are very clear. We even doubt whether makeup is used to enhance this effect.

What is the meaning of these two shots, or interesting, we have not been able to reach a consensus so far.

The dialogue in the film is very humorous, and in some places it is obviously a tribute to some classic works, but the form is more modern and insignificant.

At the beginning of the movie, Vincent and Jules discussed the differences in Dutch and American naming of burgers, which reminds people of the plot in the adventures of Huckleberry-Fern (adventures.of...); Jules always I like to quote a passage from the Bible Ezekiel, but in fact only a small part is the same as the original text, and more of it is his own random fabrication.

One of the basic strategies of this film is to use character dialogue to push back the violent scenes.

For example, when Mia was lying on the ground and about to die, two men were studying how to use the syringe; for example, at the beginning of the movie, Vincent and Jules were walking in the corridor of the apartment while discussing their feet. Massage, the camera at this time has been following them all the time. When the two people walked to the door of the room they were going to, they realized that time was not yet there, so they continued to walk deep into the corridor and continued their discussion, but the camera stopped at this Staying at that door, it seems to be telling us in the language of the lens: this is where the story will happen. But the two people were still talking unhurriedly, as if even the camera was impatient, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Some people like "Pulp Fiction" and others hate it. But the reason is the same: because this work always seems to be playing with the expectations of the audience, and it never follows the rules. It organizes the material as it pleases. In contrast, the United States The current gangster movies and action movies have fallen into a formulaic quagmire. Quentin Tarantino has thrown away the rules and regulations taught in Hollywood screenwriting factories, and created a new way of screenwriting from scratch.

"Pulp fiction may be the most influential movie in the next five years, because it saves us from countless predictable formulaic plots."

Therefore, thank you Quentin Tarantino. "

Although Roger's film review was late, it was brilliant, and in one fell swoop pushed "Pulp Fiction" from the position of a masterpiece to the height of a classic! The later historical development also proved Roger's vicious vision. (To be renewed. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Kazakhstan to read and vote for the work to vote for a monthly pass. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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